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Non-drifters try to define drifting.

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  • #16
    No I wasn't flaming you. I know how the business works man. I know that drifting is controlled sliding. I've been sliding cars since I could drive - like you, I'm just not as old as you. I know driftextreem lives in Japan. No doubt they'll at least try to bring drifting under the fwd umbrella here. My thoughts on fwd drifting are the same as yours althought I've tryed it, got bored with it. Yea its coming. Dorifuto Tengoku has a section for ff drifting. You can see the difference between FF and FR drifting but I guess if you want to call it drifting call it that. But yea I agree with you that FF drifting is pointless I also think its limited, boring to watch and not worth the trouble.

    The FF movement on the drift scene seems to have gained it's momentum around the same time drifting got big over here. I mean it was always there but never got as much credibility as it has lately.


    • #17
      Whatever floats your boat.


      • #18
        Yea but you know you prefer fr to ff haha! jfwy.

        God, how can you have 907 posts even after the forum crashed? How long have you been on


        • #19
          Chas is the master post whore. He sacrafices many animals every morning to the forum gods for extra post stats. I even heard he gets crazy and does the 'Roger Rabbit'

          I say who cares about the drivetrain already. Drifting is all about having fun, and if you can have fun in FF, FR, MR, all left wheels, one right rear and one left front wheel drive, whatever. Does not matter. Just keep burning rubber and you're set!


          • #20
            Chas is a whore! lol j/k

            I register'd before he did and im struggleing to keep up.

            who gives a shizts what you drive. In the end it's always the vehicle thats better then yours! if you want to keep up you'll have to change. until they realize that i'll be entertained for many more years.


            • #21
              Yep, you all got that right. Preference is what makes the world go round.


              • #22
       mean my science teachers lied to me all those years?!?! LOL

                Originally posted by Ghost of Duluth
                Yep, you all got that right. Preference is what makes the world go round.


                • #23


                  • #24
                    Bleh! I don't feel like talking about FF I'm just sick of fwd's. I drive one as a daily - torturous.

                    Duluth you live near the Dragon's tail right? Have you done a drift run on it? I think I heard you say something about the dragon and drifting in the apalachians. How many 13B-REW's have you gone through?


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by hachiroku-fc3s
                      gundamzeta, Ive seen Japanese ff drifters, where have you been. The drift scene started 10 years ago??? It has been in the US for 10 years. Not near as big as now but drifting has been around for quite a while. "If these experienced and dedicated drifters did not use the ff, why should we?" Are you kidding me. Do you pray to the japanese flag or something. We dont have to be them. And thats assuming all japanese people are the drifting gods you think they are. There are newbs in Japan. There are poor drivers in japan. Their ethnicity doesnt miraculously make them incredible drivers that overnight know every aspect of tuning, whether it be suspension, engine, or otherwise. They are pretty much the same as us. But the drifters there enjoy drifting the same as drifters here. Its all about the fun. Cheap cars + cheap tires = Cheap thrills. Thats what its all about. Its fun. Its easy. Its something you can work at. If people want to drift their daily drivers and they happen to have an ff. Dont diss em. Just let them enjoy themselves. Dude, even hawaii has ff drifters.
                      i do let them enjoy themselves all im sayin is fr is superior thats it no more no less


                      • #26
                        here guys, this guy nightracer never learns, check out what he was saying on another board until he locked the thread to try and save face, you have to sign up but its real easy and quick

                        CrazyHawaiian he actually mentioned you on this one


                        he is also still continueing the argument on this board, he is the ctrl alt delete guy


                        it is really funny to read actually, so just for you guys that want a laugh


                        some nice examples here of his posts

                        page 3 on the srd board
                        "Another thing
                        Its called sliding. Its just like any other word your car is called a Honda but you can call it a Puegot. That doesn't make it a Puegot. When you tell the Puegot enthusiasts you have a Pug and you roll up with an EF they'll look at you funny - "Thats not a Pug thats a Honda!" Same with drifters. Drifters call that *Censored**Censored**Censored* dragging or sliding and other ppl like cops call it sliding or wreckless opp! Just ask mojo! "

                        page 9 from the cinci board
                        "What do you know about drifting excluding what you've seen me post? And don't pull some *Censored**Censored**Censored**Censored* off of because half those guys are asking questions like "can a 240sx drift?""

                        p.s. i know its kind of sad to post these, but i think he deserves just a taste of his own medicine since he has done it to others
                        Last edited by Saint; 12-31-2003, 12:33 PM.


                        • #27
                          I've tried it a couple times but it's pretty dangerous without a spotter and an extra car. There are some nice turns up there that are driftable for sure. You can hang the asz out pretty easy. But it's safer to with a couple other peoople cause of the bikes. they will be on you before you know it and in mid-drift you can't hear em til it's too late. There have been some nasty wrecks up there with bikes and cars so people are pretty touchy.

                          The car's been through 3 engines so far.


