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Shiftin wile driftin

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  • Shiftin wile driftin

    I have 2 quick questions. If I get these answered and out of the way yall can go ahead and delete this. So first, how do you shift while punching the gas in mid-drift? If you let go of the gas to shift mid drift wouldnt your tires catch and f-up your drift? Next is HOW BAD does clutch kicking mess up your gear-ratios, and how can I get those repaired back to normal (once they get messed up of course). To anyone who is nice and decides to respond POLITELY. THANKS!!!!!!

  • #2
    shifting in mid drift isn't as you would think depending if your up shifting or down shifting. if your up shifting you gotta keep the rpm's high or what i've learned just don't let off the gas kinda like power shifting. but thats what i do. As far as down shifting i've let off the gas that hasn't been a problem, but I also match wheel speed with engine speed. Sorry i don't know too much about trannys. not sure if clutch kicking effects it or if its more stress on the clutch.


    • #3
      personally i have only down shifted while drifting it just like normal but i rev match like stanny boy said havent had any problems other than major roasting of tires!

      hey stanny you running at the land-ho event the 14th at balcony?


      • #4
        Originally posted by D1 DRIFTER
        personally i have only down shifted while drifting it just like normal but i rev match like stanny boy said havent had any problems other than major roasting of tires!

        hey stanny you running at the land-ho event the 14th at balcony?
        yeah i'll be there d1 drifter, I'll be pitting prob with z33 andy. see you there.


        • #5
          alright man ill be rocking a black S13 with w shogunstyle performance on my rear hatch and a crabon hood with red locks hit me up if ya see im IM WHITE YA CANT MISS ME! my buddy in his black S14 i come introduce myself to everyone its my first event being only 17 its a big step although i have been drifting for about year and a half now

          p.s. sry to go off topic

          stanny you can hit me up on AIM Rps13drifter05


          • #6
            I've never had a car with enough power to shift up with. For downshifting, it was usually done before, brake and pick the gear for the corner, or right at the beginning of the drift, no matching, to help break the rear tires loose.

            However, I can talk theory about mid-drift shifting. Essentially, up or down shift will work the same. Both should be done quickly and you should match the rpms somewhat well as to not upset the car. However, you can be rough with the shifting if you want to try to break the rear end out more or to help prevent the rear from regaining traction if it begins to catch partway through the shift. Steering control should be used to counter the off-throttle effect on the rear tires. When shifting, steer in a little to help pull the front end in and keep the rear tires sliding. I shouldn't be much, just enough to keep the car sliding. You basically just hold the drift with the front end as opposed to the rear when you're off the throttle.


            • #7
              it doesnt mess up gear ratios. maybe youre thinking of synchro's? in that case it wont mess it up either as long as everythings in working order and you shift the way youre supposed to. and shifting while youre drifting is a little different for different cars and its also based on yer skill level i guess. sometimes while youre upshifting or downshifting you'll need to turn the steering wheel a tad the other way so the car doesnt sway funny or "twitch". now that i think about it, you do different things in different situations so that the car still looks like its drifting smoothly.

              i'd get into the rest of these little things but im lazy


              • #8
                WOW guys thanks for all the help!!!!! About the synchro thing. How do you "improperly shift" to mess up the synchros? Does this have ANYTHING to do with clutch kicking???


                • #9
                  You wear the syncros by not matching rpms well when shifting. The farther you're off, the more work the syncros have to do to match the gears to the engine.

                  An example would be like running mid rpm in 4th gear and shifting way down to 2nd. At the speed you're going, 2nd wants the engine to rev, say, near redline. However, you're lazy and down blip the throttle to rev up the engine to match the lower gear. Instead you just let off, let the rpm drop down to somewhere near idle and slam it into 2nd. It won't like going into 2nd like this, probably very hard to put in. However, if you can force it into 2nd, you're really making the syncros work. It works like a clutch but on different components, matching a gear shaft to the engine shaft. I'm unfamilar with the details of this as I haven't looked too hard into the mechanics of transmissions. I don't know the finer points of what's going on, but I have a general idea

                  The clutch kick is different. This is purely the interaction between the tranny and engine while the car is already in gear. This has no affect on the syncros as you are already physically engaged into a gear. All you're doing is disengaging the tranny from the engine for a short period of time, as fast as you can pump the clutch pedal. During the time they disengage from each other, the engine is allowed to freely rev up while you are still on the throttle(you don't let off the gas when you push down the clutch). When you let the clutch pedal back up and re-engage the engine and tranny, the engine is now at a higher rpm than where it should be for the speed you're going. This puts excess force on the tranny and thus the tires and helps to break traction when starting a drift or to maintain broken traction during a drift by upsetting the rear tires. Hower, since you engage the clutch when the engine and tranny aren't matched, you will cause wear on the clutch. How much wear depends on the rpm difference, how much power you're putthing through(how violent the forces), and even how many times you do it in a given period of time. You're not being easy on the car when you do it.


                  • #10
                    Thank you all sooo much! Finally a post where the noob doesnt get uber-flamed! O and thanks Drift for Food, I get it now.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Drift For Food
                      I've never had a car with enough power to shift up with. For downshifting, it was usually done before, brake and pick the gear for the corner, or right at the beginning of the drift, no matching, to help break the rear tires loose.

                      Are you kidding. If you shift up in the drift and you have enough speed and angle then you can still keep inertia and continue sliding. I do the damn thing all the time going from a 1st gear drift to a 2nd. This is done while in the drift. Just dont let go of the gas and you'll be in a continous slide!

