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can anyone give me some tip on how to drift a wrx-- well 4 wD

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  • can anyone give me some tip on how to drift a wrx-- well 4 wD

    i'm a noobi on driftin so please give me some tip on how to drift a 4 WD. thanks

  • #2
    not to sound like a guy whos only response is "search" but someone did an excellent write up on this subject already, absolutely incredably, so check it out.


    • #3
      thanks for the tip

      hey thank you for the tip nissanguy, yeah, just got my wrx and try to practice with it, it's brand new so i don't wanna do anything stupid, is better to ask for help and research before i take it out and drift in it.. anyway thanks bro.


      • #4
        attend our next SD meet


        • #5
          where do u guy meet in SD?

          hey i wanna know the spot where SD drifter meet at.. please let me know.. and i'll be there.. thanks


          • #6
            Can't find the site nissaguy.

            Nissanguy, i did find the site but only couple pix are posting on that site and that's about it... is there any other site that u know? thanks.


            • #7
              I saw an older wrx on the track in japan and it looked like he was using his e-break alot. but he also had an ej20 sti so that could have got his tiers spinning along with the c-diff controler. it lets you choose how much power you want in the front or back. the new sti comes with it. maybe look in to how you can get that if you even not to sure though.but it can be done with awd. good luck and keep trying. practice makes perfect but every one wrecks.


              • #8

                check out that thread... i never said anything about a site..


                • #9
                  the info really helps nissanguy. thanks again. i'll try it and let u guy know if it work.


                  • #10
                    yeah keep everyone posted on your progress, some say you cant drift an AWD, but i really find it hard to believe. considering they drift AWD cars in rally races, of course that usualy in a low traction environment


                    • #11
                      try to find the right techinique for u and ur car. I get alot of crap about drifting my car, that i'm gonna break this and that, and it can't be done, bla bla bla. It's all crap talking cuz other peps can't do it or are afraid to try it. I use faint and power over techique. I go to a big parking lot, with AWD u need to carry more speed then u would with a RWD car since u have more traction to break. Also find a wide turn liek in an industrail area, I'm talking bout 4 lanes wide and aim for the middle, u'll get some understeer and u ahve room to correct the error. But start in a parking lot before u play with curbs. Also go out in the rain, get use to sliding, and spinning out that way u don't freak out when it happens on the dry pavement. Thats what I did. I'm still learning as well.


                      • #12
                        im not shure, but i think there are 2 evos and a sti d1 cars. dont know eney thing about iv just seen them in pictures, but at least u know it con be done


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by zdss14
                          im not shure, but i think there are 2 evos and a sti d1 cars. dont know eney thing about iv just seen them in pictures, but at least u know it con be done
                          In Japan people drift evo III's, Evo IV's, imprezas, even a impreza wagon, but there are none in the d1. There are amature drivers that use these platforms but i havnt seen any pros. And by amature i mean these guys are very good, but they keep it on the streets or in the BM cup, not in the highest level of competion which is of course, the D1
                          Last edited by MrodDrft; 02-05-2004, 01:46 PM.


                          • #14
                            You can contact my friend AWDrifter, he is new to drifting also, but he has caught the attention of a big Japanese company.


                   is some videos

                            you can see his videos by clicking here:

                            small short video as begginner (small file)
                            Tryout video

                            Compilation video at event (Large file)
                            Dowlloween DGTRIALS Video


                            • #15
                              This is the novel that I wrote a few months ago - hope it is helpful (sorry for taking up bandwidth, but at least it's not a .5mb picture):

                              Welcome to the world of AWD drifting my friend. You have now completed step 1 - finding that every single AWD system in the world is completely different from any other system...

                              I drifted my AWD 91 Legacy Turbo for years, and it's no easy thing (IMO, much harder than the RWD kind). My AWD was rear biased, so there were things that I could do to hold the drift since the rear wheels were always getting power. However, in a front-biased system like the 4G63T's, your rears will only get power when the fronts are slipping, as I'd imagine you know by now.

                              Part of All-wheel-drifting is exactly what the name says: all of the wheels drift. If you watch AWD rally cars you don't usually see the front wheels following the "best line" on the course like RWD cars do (for the most part). A lot of the time the midpoint of an AWD car will be following the best line but the fronts and rears will all be spinning and the steering is toggled back and fourth between almost aimed straight and almost fully counter-steered. This coupled with the insanely high rates of entrance speed helps the car to stay sliding through the turn rather than grinding to a hald on gravel. J-blood is right about not turning the steering as much as you feel like you should - sometimes only half of a full counter-steer will be plenty to keep you sliding and a full steer will be too much and will whip you back around to the other side.

                              Although AWD's purpose is to prevent cars from losing traction, you can really use it to your advantage to keep the wheels spinning. If you recall the "traction circle" that you learned in performance-driving kindergarden, you'll remember that the East and West directions represent steering right and left and the North and South directions represent acceleration and braking (respectively). Now, to make a car lose traction, the load on the tires must exceed their ability in any one of those directions or as a combination of two (or more, but that's a bit more advanced).

                              Let's consider 2 cars with the same specifications, car A having RWD and car B having AWD. When accelerating from a stand-still, car A will be sending 100% of the power to the rear wheels only. Granted that car A has the ability to load the tires beyond their capacity, it will break the traction circle and spin the rear wheels. If car B were to send 100% of its power to the driveline, it would momentarily go 100% to the front wheels (in the TSi's case) and break the traction circle causing wheel slipage. The slip sensor will detect this and tell the transmission to take up to 50% from the front and send it to the rear. When it does this, the load on the front tires will move to inside the traction circle and the rear wheels' traction circle will look exactly like the front's (ignoring weight and transfer). Simple, right?

                              Now imagine when a car is going around a turn and power is being applied while there is a constant latteral load on the traction circles of all tires on both cars, during a left turn for example (meaning that the work done on the tires is along the East-West line on the left side). While cornering at half of the capacity of the tires, car A can apply enough power to exceed the traction circle of the rear wheels (the work done by the tires is outside of the traction circle on the upper left side). Meanwhile, the front tires will stay at their half-capacity of lateral load without ever knowing what is happening to the rears. From my unserstanding, once a driver counter steers, the direction of lateral load on the front tires is reversed (to the right in a left-turn drift) and they are now working to prevent the car from going off of the track to the left - there's a split second in a feint where the rear is sliding and the fronts are pointed straight just after the body roll has passed neutral. In our left turn, if the driver does a power-over and applies just enough power for the rears to break traction, he can keep the work asked of the tires just beyond the traction circle and maintain control of it, but if he applies too much power the tires will be overwhelmed and the driver will lose control -- this is why higher-powered drift cars need to have the power modulated in order to keep control and keep from spinning while lower power cars can be floored and stay in control.

                              Ok, same left turn example with car B and AWD. If the driver applies power in a turn, it may cause the front wheels to exceed the traction circle and transfer power to the rears, which in turn brings both front and rear back within the load limits of the tires, since half of the power is going to the front wheels and half to the back wheels. This would essentially be like driving car A in the same manner but with half the power at the driver's disposal (65hp for a Nissan 240SX, probably not enough to exceed even the stock tires). Even if your TSi has 200hp to the wheels, each set of wheels will see only half of that during a drift, and to get it to slide you either have to be turning harder or going faster to have the work exceed the capabilities of the tires (or use less-sticky tires). Rhys Millen can do some power-overing because his rally car has a whole lot of hp.

                              Unless you have tons of power, All-Wheel Drifting techniques require knowledge of vehicle dynamics, your drivetrain, your AWD system, your traction circle (the best drivers are subliminally imagining all 4 traction circles of all 4 wheels all at the same time all the time). I find that the majority of the time all wheel drifting is spent trying to find ways to "trick" the computer into giving more power to the rear wheels than they can handle. Rocking the steering wheel between neutral and counter-steered one direction is a pretty good way to keep constant load on the outside tires and to find the best steering angle.

                              You may also want to try doing a moment of very hard braking during the moment of the feint that has the front wheels pointed straight just before turn-in, and then applying maximum power through the apex. Try also varying this so that you don't feint but do sharp braking before the turn-in at a high enough rate of speed that the rear and will swing out, and then try a small steering angle while applying maximum power.

                              Try getting up some speed (more than you think nescessary) and cutting the wheel to one side and then counter steering with favor towards a small steering angle.

                              You may be able to trick the AWD by pulsing the E-brake but not yanking it. If you can, try to replicate the effect that rear-only ABS would have but make sure that you fully release before each pull - if your AWD computer is slow enough, it will see the released portions as an opportunity to send power rear-wards and off of the front wheel. Try this technique with the foot brake as well at various times through the turn, both with and without pressing the gas.

                              I found that most of the operations in drifting an AWD car were pretty full-on: full on the gas, full on the brake, etc. In racing they say that you should use smooth motions as to not upset the car's tenuous grip at the limit of traction, but in AWD drifting sometimes you will need to wrestle the car out of traction.

                              Hope this helps and let us know how you make out!


