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Where can i drive

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  • Where can i drive

    Hey, i live in S.F. and the closest track i know of is infineon raceway, i don't know how these tracks opperate, and whether or not i can even use them, maybe just a little spot to drive with out having to worry about the cops, thats my main reason. u guys have any idea on what i should do, i can't take any chances at driving on any touge here, if there is any, i heard they impound ur car now when they catch u.

  • #2
    I think Drift Day 6 took place in S.F last week. Did you know about that event?


    • #3
      yeah, i was there, witnessed every bad accident,
      i'm hoping for something that i can go every day or when ever i like, not the once a month event thing, thanks for a response


      • #4
        ok, first off let me start out by saying...drifting on the streets is like street racing on the's dangerous and you can seriously injure innocent people.

        with that being said however, the fact of the matter is that there are no real locals to do what we do, so we have to improvise and sometimes that means we are practicing in public areas. if this is the case, PLEASE be careful and WATCH for others. we don't want drifting to get a bad wrap like street racing just b/c a couple of idiots are drifting at rush hour on and off exit ramps getting people killed.

        here are some suggestions, but again take responsibilty of your own actions:

        1: abandonded/closed industrial park areas. ususally have large parking lots. good for learning new tech. b/c lots of run out room.
        2: some loading areas behind shopping centers and business are large also.
        3: unfinished suburbs/housing developments. usually the road system for the development is paved months before the first house is built and there can be miles of road far away from a single sole late at night. workers usually leave at dark or so. this is one of my fav. locals.
        4: abandonded airports. i don't know of any, but you might.
        5: mountain roads/togues(sp?). yeah, do this late at night or when there is not a lot or no traffic. use common sense, and it's best to go in groups and let someone ride ahead w/ a 2-way radio to tell the 1st drifter in the pack if something is coming.

        that's my suggestions. also, don't stay in one place to long...and don't use and area more than once a month so as not to draw attention from the popo's (unless you're so far away from civilization no one knows your around). basically if you want to drift 2/3 times a week you need 8 to 20 different spots you can hit w/o arrising to much interest. be safe.



        • #5
          hey thanks for the info, i'll be safe, u guys too


          • #6
            nice advice! .... "4aG" didnt like it though, hope yah dont mind JohnnySlick i qouted yah!

            If your gonna do it..... do it right!... or dont do it at all...



            • #7
              Originally posted by SlideRoadster
              nice advice! .... "4aG" didnt like it though, hope yah dont mind JohnnySlick i qouted yah!

              If your gonna do it..... do it right!... or dont do it at all...

              hey that's cool...what 4AG have to slam about it?


              • #8
                not the readers themselves....

                the moderators locked the thread almost instantly but i got it on there so at least people can read it they just cant reply....

                basically its not good to talk about it or do it.. but most people do.. even in japan where they have mini-circuits scatterd all over and the nearest track is within a 20 mile radius they still do it...
                hear most people dont have a track near them some dont even have one in there state... so its almost a must for drifting fans, but as you put it.... and i agree "if your gonna do, do it right and do it safe.... or dont do it at all.


