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getting it sideways without ebrake...

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  • getting it sideways without ebrake...

    Whats up everyone. I am having a little trouble getting my car sideways without the ebrake. I think for 1 i dont have any rear brakes because the ebrake barely works, that or the ebrake line needs to be tightened. I always forget, do you turn the wheel then hit the brakes..or hit the brakes then turn the wheel? Also when you feint, do you have to have a pretty big turn in or do you just kinda jerk it one way then the other?


  • #2


    • #3
      fix your rear brakes. You can't brake drift very well if your rear brakes don't work. You can proably still feint drift as long as you transfer enough weight.


      • #4
        Turn the wheel, when you start to feel under steer then step on the clutch, yank the e, and counter steer while you give it some throttle input. Get a feel for your car completely, you'll know when it's about to break traciton and when you're just going to plow instead of oversteer. Drifting is all about communication between you and your car. Excuse my analogy, but it's like being in a relationship. When there's good communication things work out, when there's're gonna curb your ride and want to kill the crazy b!tch. Just keep practicing different techniques, it's all about getting a feel for your car.


        • #5
          What works best for me, if I'm using the brakes to go sideways, I give the wheel a hard jerk into the corner (about a 180 degree turn), while modulating brake pressure at the same time. Usually around 40% pressure, don't wanna lock them. Once the rear end starts to come around, I counter and get on the gas.


          • #6
            Oh and also if it's downhill, I use less brakes since the weight is already where I want it for the most part.


            • #7
              so how do i i just turn out, then in real hard, then get on the gas...then out again? I can usually do the clutch kick...but thats on wet pavement. Power over is somewhat difficult cause in second if im not going fast enough i cant get the wheels to break loose just stepping on the gas.


              • #8
                To feint effectively you have to understand weight transfer. If the turn was a left turn this is how it would go. You would feint right to set it up. So you're comming up to the turn and you steer to the right hard. This puts the weight of the car on the inside rear of the car (left rear) in relation to the turn. This part of the feint maneuver is like loading a spring. The next part is to steer hard to the left and prepare to countersteer. This is like unloading the spring. All the weight that built up the first time on the inside rear tire is now transfered over to the outside rear tire (in relation to the turn). The car will begin to oversteer and you must be prepared to countersteer to the right. Then use throttle input to keep the drift going. Once you understand how the weight transfers you can keep a drift going through multiple turns without having to feint. Just remember the thing about the "spring" loading and then unloading. If the car is already sliding and the momentum is built up, the spring is loaded. If the car is gripping then you'll need to feint to build up that weight transfer. And always remember that you'll need to feint the opposite way of the turn. I dont know how many times people have forgotten this and feinted the same way of the turn and end up drifting the wrong way into the wall. The last thing you need to learn is how much room it takes to feint. Because you'll need to set the feint up at the proper distance from the turn. Depends on your style and how fast you do it. My car is heavy and super long wheelbase so my feint takes a lot of room. Other lighter smaller cars like the AE86 do not need a lot of room to set the feint up. Hope this helps.

