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E-brake to prolong the drift....

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  • #16
    Re: noob

    Originally posted by Mr.Dorifto
    E-Brake slide is for noobs
    The Pros use the handbrake whenever they need to. Watch any of the in car stuff from japan.if they mess up or hit understeer, they reach for it.


    • #17
      I would consider E-brakes for "noobs" when they use it to initiate the slide. But even then, I dont consider it a bad thing. When I first started, I used the E-Brake to initiate. Everyone gotta start somewhere man. Not many people can pick up on weight transfer right away. The E-Brake is a much easier way of generating oversteer, and I would think majority of the people that are getting interested in drifting (just learning) go with the E-Brake first (either that or clutch kicks). You'll find that when you get more advanced you'll use other techniques to initiate the slide, but then also use the E-Brake to prolong the slide or correct your angle like everyone in this thread is talking about. In this situation it is definately not for "noobs."


      • #18
        i luv crazy H... hes the only guy who can talk smack and prove it on an auto.... much props....


        • #19
          ahem lol


          • #20

            You left out poor SMC Steve... or did you



            • #21
              What about me? auto owns!


              • #22
                I'd disagree with the e-brake noob thing. Yes, I think too many people start out and maybe use it too much. I'm personally kind of glad I was forced not to use it when I first started experimenting with drifting. I can second the GM e-brake crappiness, no breaks just weak and the cables always rusted and stuck(old cars). That and the cars I learned on all had the foot e-brakes, no thank you. It was good to learn weight shifting and feint and braking first. It didn't give me a crutch to stand on. Even now that I have a hand e-brake, I don't use it. I've played with it a couple times, but I'm never temped to even touch it. I'll always brake or steer first. In time I'll use it some more. It would be helpful when you get in a jam and you don't have other options, that and it works so much better on tight corners than a heavy feint and braking. It's kind of funny I'm learning backwards, lol.

                CrazyHawaiian, Nice post! You nailed the e-brake, braking difference perfectly.


                • #23
                  E-Brake experience

                  Back when i started drifting (not all that long ago), I use to use my e-brake all the time just to make my back end slide out.
                  then as i got more confidend in my drifting skills and learned how my car reacts i used my e-brake less and less.
                  It was not till i actualy wiped-out going around a corner and the back end came out to much and then when i got control the car went way off course.
                  I studied the way i use to use the e-brake and I came to the conclusion that i would pull the e-brake for to long instead of the pull and release method.
                  Now i don't use the E-brake at all anymore and my car slides just as far as if\when i used my e-brake.

                  E-brake will only allow you to slide for so long till the back grabs again.
                  If the Corner is farther then a 90 degree angle (like a hairpin) then the e-brake would be more usefull if done currectly.

                  Please Note that I am Running an original stock 85 VW Golf. Front wheel drive so i know about FF drifting.
                  Last edited by DoriFuta-; 05-22-2004, 07:15 PM.


                  • #24
                    Ebrake grabs are a good start. And I wouldn't mind if people stopped declaring it only for noobs. Some noob squids gonna clutch kick at 6 grand coming off an on ramp and slam into me because he doesn't wanna be an amature :P

                    Besides you gotta start somewhere right?


                    • #25
                      "Ebrakes for noobs" who is this guy? LOL

                      I would like to see a nice long entry with out using the ebrake. You can easily initiate a slide with feint or clutch kick but to hold the angle for a decent distance you have to use the hand brake. I am drifting with pretty high level guys and they are starting long entries at about 160kph and using the hand brake to keep the car at the desired angle all the way to the apex.


                      • #26
                        hey guys just wanted to get back with you on this. in 2 weeks we had 2 drifting events and one of them i tried the Ebrake thing.... man do you have to pratice... their was this slight right 30' turn then about 50 feet of stright, then a right U-turn.... i gassed it in second... took the slight right turn and powered over, back end came right out ( i think i was doing around 50mph? high second gear) anyways first few times i would use the brakes to slow down, not used to keeping the end out like that wayy before the turn... once i hit the brakes either the back end would swing all the way around or i would slow down too much... so about the 3 or 4th time i used the e-brake to keep the back end out with out error..... few things... speed into the turn is important, if you dont have enough speed, you wont make the turn, if you have too much speed, you can TRY to slow down... or just cancel the drift... how long you use the e-brake is also important, and to be honest i really cant explain it (help hawaiian or DfF) about 8 times tring it i only got one good one... but man it was sweet, event the guys throwing the event (DGtrials) was clapping


                        • #27
                          You should be using only the Handbrake for those long slides. The stuff I was talking about with using the foot brake I've only seen done wheen people are doing those high speed long slides on a tight turn and turns out they are either going too fast for the turn or they are heading for the inside of the turn (wall). Then they lock all 4 to slow down and extend. But for those high speed long slides you should only be using the Handbrake. When I'm drifting and the rear kicks out I never use the footbrake unless I want to slow down. If you want to extend the slide then pop the handbrake. If you plan to hold the handbrake then you better be going really fast. Thats why most guys pop it up and down real quick like 2 or 3 times to extend. The longer its locked the more speed you lose. But I have seen guys enter at like 60-80mph and hold it and that works too. My crappy GM ebrake setup sucks, so I can't enjoy the long slides yet. Even at full adjustment it wont lock very good. All this stuff I'm writing about I've watched from inside the car (while other people do the long slides).


                          • #28
                            i gotta...

                            E-brakes for Noobs.....

                            I gotta reply to this!!

                            Whoever says this obviously doesnt know how to drift!! There are many "tools" in our drift utility belt!! E-brake is one of them!! I wont try to explain why because everyone else has already done that (or at least tired). What i will do is tell you about a ride with my good friend Tadao (Team Cross member and the mech. at URAS). Our Touge is a very advanced one with many up/down blind corners most are longer more complex turns (not the usual hairpin type turns). Here we go...

                            (i will try to explain as well as possible)

                            Ok we are lined up about 4-6 cars deep . We are in a mildly moded FD and the rest are Silvias or 180sx.

                            First gear drop the clutch and we are halling A$$ toward a blind uphill switch back. shifts to second gear and right before the turn He does the tightest feint i have ever seen with a clutch kit right in the middle. At this point the passenger (me) gets thrown against the passerge door due to the mad G forces...LOL

                   we are mid drift on the first turn with a slight flick of his steering wheel we have just switched back into the second turn (which levels off to a long table top like turn with a very gradual bend). He isnt happy with the angle so in very quickly kicks the clutch and re-feints for a deeper drift to set up for the next turn....

                            .......At this point we are FLYING!! And approaching a fairly sharp left hand turn. He (note to all the E-brake haters) Grabs a hand full of E-brake to to set the downhill angle and once set also Jams the brakes for a fraction of a second to set his line to the racing line, then back on the gas....

                            ......The rest of the touge is a large gradual down hill S-turn. Which he drifts with on/off throttle modulation (is that the correct spellling), and (yes you guessed it) occassional Yanks of the "E-brake" to set the line and/or angle of his car....

                            .....So, the touge run is finished, or so i thought. But he is still flying toward the turn around area at the top of 2nd gear. Now i am really confused and i am thinking "what the H3LL is he doing now????" Most people at this point have slowed down to a crawl for the 3 point turn aound (Japanese roads are NARROW). ....Oh yeah back to the story. He feints, grabs the E-brake, Mashes the brake pedal and we proceed to do the tightest high speed 180 degree turn you can imagine.... we stop turn our lights off and wait for the rest of the cars to finish.....(oh yeah l look at him and say in English "HOLY *Censored**Censored**Censored**Censored* YOU ARE CRAZY" He smiles and says in Japanese "I know" but that was only about 70% of his ability.

                            .....1 min. later we start the way back. Here i will skip the easy parts and only tell you about the NOOB E-brake part....

                            .....This section of the touge is as follows: Blind sweeping uphill left which levels of to the table top (flat level spot) then a MAD tight downhill right which switches back to the left (and there is a bump in the middle you have to avoid or you spin violently).

                            .....heres how he drifted it. Full speed top of second gear he feints on the uphill portion. We are MAD sideways and the tires are crying. The TIGHT turn is coming up fast so what does he do??? He hits the brakes once to slow his car down then proceeds to grab the E-brake two times to set the angle and his line then he finishes the switch back with a quick flick of his steering wheel. And we are finished.

                            After the run I thanked him for the ride as usual he goes into his teaching mode and explains the way i should do it. I tell him that some Americans think the E-brake is not natural and is cheating. He laughs and says "Drifting isnt natural!! E-brake is Necessary!!"

                            Sorry for the long post, but i felt that is was necessary for the NOOBs.


                            • #29
                              that ebrake for noob thing is retarded. sometimes i like to go really fast and start sliding way before a corner. and to do this and slide in a straight line(sorta straight anyway) you'll need the ebrake.

                              sometimes you have to correct your angle while drifting too. in which you'll need the ebrake. of course thats only if steering isnt enough.

                              keep in mind that i am nowhere near new to this. i started when i was 17. im not 22. the last 4 years i have been drifting a considerable amount. the year before that was like once a month.


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by ainanet_S13
                                E-brakes for Noobs.....

                                I gotta reply to this!!

                                Whoever says this obviously doesnt know how to drift!! There are many "tools" in our drift utility belt!! E-brake is one of them!! I wont try to explain why because everyone else has already done that (or at least tired). What i will do is tell you about a ride with my good friend Tadao (Team Cross member and the mech. at URAS). Our Touge is a very advanced one with many up/down blind corners most are longer more complex turns (not the usual hairpin type turns). Here we go...

                                (i will try to explain as well as possible)

                                Ok we are lined up about 4-6 cars deep . We are in a mildly moded FD and the rest are Silvias or 180sx.

                                First gear drop the clutch and we are halling A$$ toward a blind uphill switch back. shifts to second gear and right before the turn He does the tightest feint i have ever seen with a clutch kit right in the middle. At this point the passenger (me) gets thrown against the passerge door due to the mad G forces...LOL

                       we are mid drift on the first turn with a slight flick of his steering wheel we have just switched back into the second turn (which levels off to a long table top like turn with a very gradual bend). He isnt happy with the angle so in very quickly kicks the clutch and re-feints for a deeper drift to set up for the next turn....

                                .......At this point we are FLYING!! And approaching a fairly sharp left hand turn. He (note to all the E-brake haters) Grabs a hand full of E-brake to to set the downhill angle and once set also Jams the brakes for a fraction of a second to set his line to the racing line, then back on the gas....

                                ......The rest of the touge is a large gradual down hill S-turn. Which he drifts with on/off throttle modulation (is that the correct spellling), and (yes you guessed it) occassional Yanks of the "E-brake" to set the line and/or angle of his car....

                                .....So, the touge run is finished, or so i thought. But he is still flying toward the turn around area at the top of 2nd gear. Now i am really confused and i am thinking "what the H3LL is he doing now????" Most people at this point have slowed down to a crawl for the 3 point turn aound (Japanese roads are NARROW). ....Oh yeah back to the story. He feints, grabs the E-brake, Mashes the brake pedal and we proceed to do the tightest high speed 180 degree turn you can imagine.... we stop turn our lights off and wait for the rest of the cars to finish.....(oh yeah l look at him and say in English "HOLY *Censored**Censored**Censored**Censored* YOU ARE CRAZY" He smiles and says in Japanese "I know" but that was only about 70% of his ability.

                                .....1 min. later we start the way back. Here i will skip the easy parts and only tell you about the NOOB E-brake part....

                                .....This section of the touge is as follows: Blind sweeping uphill left which levels of to the table top (flat level spot) then a MAD tight downhill right which switches back to the left (and there is a bump in the middle you have to avoid or you spin violently).

                                .....heres how he drifted it. Full speed top of second gear he feints on the uphill portion. We are MAD sideways and the tires are crying. The TIGHT turn is coming up fast so what does he do??? He hits the brakes once to slow his car down then proceeds to grab the E-brake two times to set the angle and his line then he finishes the switch back with a quick flick of his steering wheel. And we are finished.

                                After the run I thanked him for the ride as usual he goes into his teaching mode and explains the way i should do it. I tell him that some Americans think the E-brake is not natural and is cheating. He laughs and says "Drifting isnt natural!! E-brake is Necessary!!"

                                Sorry for the long post, but i felt that is was necessary for the NOOBs.

                                very cool post my friend.. haha it was like watching inital D on my computer got any pic?

                                Originally posted by marshun
                                that ebrake for noob thing is retarded. sometimes i like to go really fast and start sliding way before a corner. and to do this and slide in a straight line(sorta straight anyway) you'll need the ebrake.

                                sometimes you have to correct your angle while drifting too. in which you'll need the ebrake. of course thats only if steering isnt enough.

                                keep in mind that i am nowhere near new to this. i started when i was 17. im not 22. the last 4 years i have been drifting a considerable amount. the year before that was like once a month.
                                where did you start drifting? how did you find your techniques?
                                Last edited by Spazum888; 06-08-2004, 03:39 AM.

