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is s15 harder to drift with or chasser's

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  • is s15 harder to drift with or chasser's

    i don't know which car would be harder to drift with because they both good cars but chasers are like heavey wieght and s15 isn't and s15 is a most common known drift car.

  • #2
    I dont know where to start with this....let me lay it out for you.

    You're 14. You cant legally drive, I'm not sure if you've ever even pushed a car or driven it hard, let alone sat in the driver's seat. Judging from your signature and avatar text, you'd been turned on to drifting from Initial D right? If that's the case you need to do some research before you start threads like this. People around here get mighty annoyed when people ask these kinds of questions. For one, you cant even get an S15 or Chaser out here unless your parents have some scrilla. Do your drifting research; search buttons and google are your friends.

    You only have 4 posts, all of which are questions. Spend a little time listening and learning before you start posting threads like this.

    Oh and btw, I'd like to think the Chaser would be harder to drift considering it's a boat. People can pull it off, it all depends on how well you know your car.


    • #4
      i do know alot about drifting i watch alot of jdm insider option and otha japanese drifting movies i have been in a driver seat before and i driven a car before but i don't know how to drift. i like drifting because of all the jaaapanese drifting movies that i have mostly option


      • #5
        i have one last thing to say to you: do lots more driving, less watching tv. and the S15 is one of the most commonly drifted cars because it is RWD, has 260 hp, a 6 pseed tranny, and is pretty light. and weapon x is right...unless your rents got tons of cash, you aint getting neither a silvia nor a chaser. sorry


        • #6
          Originally posted by SilverGhost
          i have one last thing to say to you: do lots more driving,
          dont make him drive yet hes not old enough if he does try and gets caught by police say bye bye to ever driving


          • #7
            this is true...i think our board should have a minimum age of 16..confirmed by 2 sources of


            • #8
              i dont mean to be a *Censored**Censored**Censored**Censored*, but im probably gonna sound like claim to know a lot about drifting, then why is it that you started another thread asking if the integra was a good drift car? FF....alright kid whatever. Weapon X was merely trying to help you so you dont get chewed out on all your threads, dont get all snobby and claim to know what you obviously dont because your elders are helping you.


              • #9
                ok what we need to do instead tell him what and what not to do is gather all the thread aobut drifitng and cars and post it so he can read so it all ends all make this oen thread to sticky it and have all the info a new comer to drifting needs

