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So what's up with all of the ..

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  • So what's up with all of the ..

    I always hear all of these people in Atlanta talking about how they can drift soooooooooooo good. As far as I know there are only like 20 people signed up for Turner on Sat. I heard a lot of people saying that it's too expensive. Well if you think about it, it's expensive right now because this is the first practice event ever in Atlanta. We have to gain the trust of the local venues and then maybe we can attain cheaper prices. Right now they think that we are a bunch of kids doing stupid stuff in parking lots....they don't understand yet. We all need to do our part to help legitimize the sport. If we refuse to show our faces at these local events, the sactioning bodies will be forced to hold these type of events for amatuers in states where people show an interest (and taveling to another state to drift legally as a lot more expensive than $95). Believe me when I say, the peple at DGtrials are not trying to rip you off with the price of driving in this event. I know them very well and they are going to lose money on this event....even if all 40 slots were taken, they wokuld still lose a tremendous amount of money. They are willing to do this for the growth of the sport!! I heard some people say "It's too expensive, I'll just keep it on the street". I understand the reasoning behind this because I have *cough cough* drifted in places that I was not supposed to, but I am still going to do my damnest to make it to any local amatuer event held. I will take a hit in the wallet for my passion of the sport. Do you think it was always easy for SCCA. I'm sure they had to go through their own feats to gain respect. I mean, I would like for Dan, and maybe even myself, to someday be able to compete in Formula D. I just don't know how we will gain the experience if there is no legal place to practice.

    So, in conclusion,get your asses out to Turner on Sat. or I will come and hunt each and every one of you down and then I will slowly kill you!!! and it will not be fun for you.

  • #2
    Its a four hour trip down to Atlanta for me. I drove there just for the 2nd SEDA meet to get to know them. And yes there are a lot of people who can slide in Atlanta but keep in mind that this event is close to the holidays too. Many of us dont have the funds to spare at the moment (or any tread on our tires ) Still we can help in other ways too by just coming out to support. If there is a huge crowd there watching and eating hot dogs (mmm hot dogs) they can also tell the popularity is growing. Not to mention there is an autocross the same day in another side of the lot! Many Solo2 drivers might want to just pop in for a heads up. This event is a good way like you said to get the word out on the streets about drifting becoming a real motorsport. And this is not the first drifting event in Atlanta, think Formula D. Ill be there to watch and film regardless...later...


    • #3
      It's not the first event in Atlanta, although it is the first amatuer practice event in Atlanta. I'm not sure how many of us could afford to actually compete in the Formula D event (due to all of the rules and restrictions) that comes once a year to Atlanta.


      • #4
        I wasnt talking about money I was making a point. Are you entered in the event tommorow? Ill be seeing ya there


        • #5
          Yes I am. Pleas come and say hello if you get a chance...I will be in the blue/grey 240 with Batlground all over it. I would love to meet you. And I absolutely agree with what you said earlier about just showing up!!! I do understand that it is close to the holidays and maybe some people can't afford the $$$. I just want the area people to support the event (if they can) so that we may have more in the future. I guess I must explain why I used the words I did in the title of the thread. It is because I wanted people to look at it.


          • #6
            Lol I was right beside ya and didnt introduce myself. I was the kid hanging around Chad's S13 and taking photos (like everyone else there heh) Yeah the batlground S14 sorry i missed ya didnt see this post until now. That was an awesome event though wish I couldve entered it. Start saving now for the next one! Next weekend same time same place right lol...later...


            • #7
              Yea it was a super great event until that chowder head slid out of the parking lot at the end of the event (he wasn't even registered) and hit someone. Yea he kept it on the street, all the pieces of his busted up car were all over the street.

              What a tard.


              • #8
                whaa...??? great that nutstard probably screwed up the whole atlanta event run. So much for return events...his car ok though? I he ok?

                heh, hey jay that supposed to be you chad and mike? The tokyo pimps anime dudes?

