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North Carolina Touge?

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  • North Carolina Touge?

    So I heard about a Touge or downhill competition being held in North Carolina this summer anybody heard anything on it?

  • #2
    im not sure on the competition you are speaking of, but one of the best touge runs in the nation is on the tennessee/north carolina line. by all of the motorcyclists and motorsports fans its known as the dragon. our family owns a cabin just above the famous dragon's den gas station/motorcycle resort, we used to run the dragon every weekend. its an amazing drive, 318 switchback corners in 11 miles, and i would highly recommend grip runs only. that may be where they were talking about going, i know that the southeastern drift association ( i believe that's their organization's name ) recently held a meeting/grip runs at the dragon's pass.


    • #3
      Yea we held a meeting there 3 weeks ago. There are no competitions there ever that I know of and I go up there very frequently. They hold club days up there as in the BMW club or the Miata club go run it, but no actual events. It is a straight grip run unless its night time. Then you can try Drifting. The only problem is that it is remote, no cel phones work there, no houses on the road. So screw up and you get to spend the night if you run it solo. We just lost a car there at our meet.

      The record up there is 9 min 48 secs on a bike and 10 mins 26 secs in a car. Done by the same guy. Crazy stuff.


      • #4
        The Blue Ridge Hill Climb might be what your thinking of. Its not really touge but hey good enough! I volunteered to work at it this year. Heres a link:

