All day practice drifting event at:
Atlanta Dragway
500 E. Ridgeway Road - Commerce, Georgia 30529
Registration & Tech: 7:30am - 8:30am
Mandatory Driver's Meeting: 8:45am (DO NOT BE LATE IF YOU PLAN ON DRIVING)
Cars on Track: 9:00am - ??:00pm
Pre-registration $75.00 for Members and $110 for non-members
Day of Event $100.00 for Members and $135 for non-members
(The reason there is a difference in prices for Members versus non-Members: To drift at a SEDA Event you have to be a member and the extra $35 charged to you is only done once a year and is good for a full years Membership with SEDA and all of it's Events, Meets and Gatherings.)
Unfortunately this is ONLY for Drivers and one passenger per vehicle. No Exceptions!! Because of Insurance reasons our venue is playing it safe and keeping the spectatorship to a minimum.
Preregister through PayPal to rsims20@bellsouth.net . In the "Email Subject" window put Lucky Slides
In the notes section you can optionally put something about Lucky Slides at Atlanta Dragway if you want to ensure that there is no confusion on what the payment is for.
1. There will be a 40 DRIVER MAX. To make sure that everyone gets PLENTY of seat time. Once we reach the 40 DRIVER LIMIT THAT'S IT.
2. ALL DRIVERS NEED TO ARRIVE BETWEEN 7:30-8:30AM. If you are paid and do not arrive by 8:30AM, your registration will not be accepted. This will be 100% enforced.
3. General tech inspection guidelines --
a. Battery tie down -- you must have a strong battery tie down (preferably metal). Bungee cords are no good. Do not even bother getting in the tech line if your battery is not secured well. Battery boxes must be similarly secured.
b. Seat belts -- you must have a functional 3 (or more) point seat belt that is securely fastened. Factory 3 point belts are ok.
c. Seat bolts -- make sure all your seat bolts are tight and present. You will not be able to drive with less than 4 bolts holding your seat to the chassis.
d. Lug Nuts / Studs -- you must have all lug nuts and studs per wheel. 3/4 or 4/5 lugs/studs fails tech. No exceptions.
e. Wheel bearings -- must not exhibit excessive play.