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tab2 is back after 9pm. tab is attention...

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  • tab2 is back after 9pm. tab is attention...

    tab2 is back after 9pm. tab is attention...
    starting in today tab will be in two spots. try to catch up if you come late.

    From 7:30 - 9:30 tab1 we will meet at the corner of grand and valley. We will stay here till 930 or when then cops kick us out. IF you wanna stay out and cruise.

    We gonna make a run to Tab2- I scream every week at 9:30. If youve already forgotten, where thats at they are on the corner of nogales and amar. So be ready for the move. We will be leaving at the lighted intersection on the north side of the lot. making a left onto grand and then a left at the third light, amar rd. Proceed about 3 miles and youll come to nogales, make a left and a quick right into the lot.

    Try not to draw to much attention to yourself. Revving and racing is not advised rolling down amar. Cops will pick you up quick. And if you got one tailing, dont bring them into the lot. lose em first.

    So number 1 rules at tab...NO many times we gotta say this..and peeps who do, please let them know...we have been here so long, we dont want to have to loose the spot cause of one freaking idiot.

    secondly, it really isnt neccesary to drive fast down the parking isle. youll probably kill some one...or just look hella stupid when you hit a car backing out. the neighbors who dont go to tab are complaining, so unless you enjoy getting harrassed by the cops, STOP DOING THAT....

    lastly, i know we all enjoy talking and meeting up in the middle of the isle, but if a car is coming down please dont just stand in the way. also double parking....tab1 is super need to sit in the isle...come on..u draw more uneccessary attention to us by sticking out and making non tabbers drive around you...sooo..will all that said..

    TAB-----take a brake...i or ne one else at tab shouldnt have to regulate on you...regulate yourselves and we can all take a brake...enjoy...and be safe...


  • #2
    tfc at tab tonight

    TFC/ABS-CBN is going to be at tab 2 tonight..they are coming to film I scream and be there...

