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Be Nice To The Police When They Pull You Over!!!

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  • Be Nice To The Police When They Pull You Over!!!

    Well the quallcomm meeting went ok. I'm glad I eventually ran into people that were on the same page as me.

    Well, after we left to go to Kinney's shop (thanks for waiting up for me man you're a bro for that fer sure!!).
    The local law enforcement took a particular interest in my car. All I can say is: either they felt sorry for me because I was sick, or they appreciated my honesty,and my attitude. THEY let me go, that's all I can say. Besides that, all I can say is thank you to them if they're monitoring this board, because I'm sure they are! Unless they always roll the Tea Station, I don't know I've never been there before. Within 5-10 mins of arriving we had black and whites circling.
    Be nice to the po-po's if they stop you, IT GOES ALONG WAY!! After being honest about where I was going, and what I was doing, and letting them search myself and my car, and after they found nothing. They let me go promtly on my way.

    I wish you guys that bolted would've follwed Kinney, he had a nice warm shop just like he promised, a half a block away

  • #2
    Glad they let let you go man. I thought he was pulling me over when I saw the lights behind me! Then he past me up and I got a little confused.


    • #3
      Re: Be Nice To The Police When They Pull You Over!!!

      Originally posted by Sideways_In_SD
      Well the quallcomm meeting went ok. I'm glad I eventually ran into people that were on the same page as me.

      Well, after we left to go to Kinney's shop (thanks for waiting up for me man you're a bro for that fer sure!!).
      The local law enforcement took a particular interest in my car. All I can say is: either they felt sorry for me because I was sick, or they appreciated my honesty,and my attitude. THEY let me go, that's all I can say. Besides that, all I can say is thank you to them if they're monitoring this board, because I'm sure they are! Unless they always roll the Tea Station, I don't know I've never been there before. Within 5-10 mins of arriving we had black and whites circling.
      Be nice to the po-po's if they stop you, IT GOES ALONG WAY!! After being honest about where I was going, and what I was doing, and letting them search myself and my car, and after they found nothing. They let me go promtly on my way.

      I wish you guys that bolted would've follwed Kinney, he had a nice warm shop just like he promised, a half a block away
      Dude. I saw that!... i though Kinney is F*ed for pulling that Choki-Dori in the parking lot anyways.. im glad you guys are cool.

      Sorry if i didn't follow with you guys. Had to bail




      • #4
        and if you cant be nice take a look at this

        click click
        man you cant even have a s s in a link you will have to type it in
        Last edited by driftxtreem; 12-13-2003, 04:20 AM.


        • #5
          link no worky for me it where the guy flicks off the cop and he beats the crap out of him?


          • #6
            That's cool. Maybe cops have their good days too? Too bad I always seem to catch them when they're PMSing. well... There was one time where I was drifting in a FR car (yeah, doomed from the start) and lost control into a fence. It's a long story, but it involved me being excited, a car coming the opposite direction, and a long chain link fence. But the other car wasn't damaged and the cop just let me get off w/ reckless driving (even though I was going 75 on the turn). Oh yeah, and I had to pay for the fence repairs. Would you believe that it costs $350 for 20 feet of messed up fence?


            • #7

              damn bro i should move out there...not enough shiot goin on here in Fl... oh well........


              • #8
                I hate cops. I had a cop follow me for miles until I screwed something up and the wench admitted to it also. They are darn sneaky poos. *Censored**Censored**Censored**Censored* the popos.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by markeese180sx
                  link no worky for me it where the guy flicks off the cop and he beats the crap out of him?
                  its Criss Rock and its f u k k i n funnie but this site put the censored in the link so you have to delete the sensored and ad a s s with out spaces to see it. on another pig note my brother is a cop, evil bastard, fat headed, and all. havent seen him but twice in 15 years and liked to kick his ars then to.


                  • #10
                    still not workin, replaced the cendored, but same message.


                    • #11
                      try this

                      try this

                      and got to 1 Chris Rock then right click save as. also look at the drift. wmv thats drift xtremes big x day youll see what we can do.
                      Last edited by driftxtreem; 12-14-2003, 12:14 AM.


                      • #12

                        GOD DAMN!!!!!! ok bro...Tila is FUKIN HOT!! yes we know...and i am glad that you are flaunting her around!!lmao


                        • #13
                          yeah i was scared he was after me when he hit the lights. i mashed in first and spit rubber, didnt go for any sidewaysness like kinney, but definitely stupid considering thats exhibition of speed and i've already been warned for it once. i would've stuck around but you know my situation... i did park 2 blocks off and walk over to see if you were ok in the cold though, so i think i did enough. i was afraid your *Censored**Censored**Censored* was in jail all the way home


                          • #14
                            Man, I hate jackass cops. Especially because they make all the honest, good, ones look bad. 85% of cops are good. But, thanks to that other 15%, everyone hates cops.


                            • #15
                              Not where I am from. I say the other way around. Counting all of my experiences.

