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D1GP Rigged?

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  • Originally posted by mechaniac
    you guys have to seriously think about it. Millen spun out. He freakin SPUN OUT! I thought that the rules stated that if you spin out, you lose. Then the commentator said that Keichi said they got another run because the other driver understeered. quote the commentator "It's not that Millen spun out, it's also that the other driver didn't do so well". It's funny, because Keichi went through the rules right before the tandem runs, and he said that spinning out automatically makes you lose.
    I was there, I saw Millen come out of his car and congratulate (can't remember driver's name at the moment).
    Then when Millen won after the second run, he came out of his car and shrugged.
    Then what about when Bai ran agains Fixmer? Fixmer understeered and caused Bai to spin. Everyone was chanting "One more time" yet, Fixmer advanced. hmmmm.....
    ...and the whole "one more time rule?" Why do you guys think that rule was made?
    To please the spectators. It's a pretty broad rule. Freakin spectators don't know crap. The people who sat behind me didn't even have a clue to what kind of cars were being driven on the field. They weren't the only ones either. The Judges should be the one's doing the judging, then be able to explain their decisions per the rules to everyone, not try to rile up and please the crowd like the Rock.
    I seriously hope that they realize the stupidity of that rule and make stricter guidelines if they want people to see D1 as more of a competitive sport, not some big donut show.
    I'm not mad though, because I KNOW it's a big SIDE SHOW.

    Now you guys tell me why it's not.
    ok so Ernie just turned everything that you just said pretty much around.... and what we thought you meant by WWE is that it's predetermined. Which it is not. As far as your arguement of it being a spectacle, yes it is. It's the way the sport was made, just as skateboarding, snowboarding, bmx, etc.

    Ernie man it's been seeming like you've been getting tough breaks lately. Hopefully this coming year will make things good for you. Good luck


    • Originally posted by motdyn_s14
      It's now a 150hp truck!!!! :P
      Laff all you want, next time you need a truck to haul stuff I'm going to ignore you!



      • Breaking axles....we finally discovered the problem with breaking axles, unfortunately a little late for the Formula D series. We discovered that clutch type LSD are not meant to run synthetic oil, because it causes the plates to expand making the diff a solid two way. This shock to the drive train was too much for the stock axles and even for the aftermarket ones I had custom made. I even twisted the output shaft on one transmission. We have since downgraded to an 8 plate KAAZ LSD with regular gear oil and have had no significant drivetrain problems since. I even turned the power back up. My car has never been dynoed, but is estimated to have over 450hp. The single plate clutch recently installed has been slipping and is rated for 450hp.

        Next year and the coming D1 in February?....
        Well I can tell you that an amazing event like this last D1 has taught us American drivers tons of new information. Not to mention the rise in our confidence level. We constantly study the Japanese cars and pull as much information as we can from Keichi, Orido (currently driving and not judging for RSR), and other drivers. They are more than willing to help us accelerate our learning. There are definitely more practices coming up and I will be attacking them with a new outlook. I doubt that we will have more practice than usual, but I will definitely make more out of the practice I do get.

        My last little comment is not mine, but that of Keichi in one of the driver's meetings. He told us (D1 drivers U.S. and Japan) that we are all on the same team now. Do not hesitate to tell us, the judges and Option crew, how to make this event better. The drivers are not just out to beat each other, but to put on a better show for the fans.

        Now you guys here on this board can take it for what its worth. Call it a side show, call it biased, or call it rigged....think what you will, but the drivers know its not a predetermined show and the drivers know when they make a mistake. I don't get much time to post on here so this is the most you will hear from me in a long time. Hope to see you guys at the next event.
        Ernie Fixmer
        Formula Drift/VR Motoring/Robinson Helicopter
        Lakewood, CA 90712


        • Ernie- You need to learn to be more humble. This is one of the reasons why American motorsports level is always below japanese. Everyone gets so big headed and they think they are the best.
          Your entry speed is no where near the japanese. Bai said what he said because thats what japanese do. They are always humble and have respect. Your entry speed was TOO SLOW for Bai. Bai probably had one of the fastest entry speed that night, Don't Kid yourself. Your entry line was bad all day and you spun out more than anyone there. Considering you had one of the better setup cars there, it should be pretty embarrassing.
          Yes, blame it on the car, clutch, suspension. Its never the driver.


          • I love asking this question. 326power, where you there? Where you driving? How where your entry speeds? If the answers to those questions are no,no and dunno cause I wasn't there, then turn off your noisemaker. .


            • first of all where do you get off saying American motorsports are always lower than Japanese? I agree that the Japanese drivers have alot of respect, but if you were actually watching, all of the American drivers showed nothing but respect as well. Ernie had some very nice lines when I was watching the competition. I didn' t see him spin much in competition. As far as the practice rounds go, if you aren't spinning, you aren't practicing hard enough, who are you anyway to criticize people like you are???


              • ...There's no doubt that bai had the fastest entry all night; but controlling the result was another story =)

                ...But saying that Ernie was slow overall is in no way accurate. He is a great driver and has more seat time than most drivers.

                BTW ERNIE: if you're reading this; I have a sponsorship proposal for you reguarding our oil.

                - John
                Top Secret III


                • Yes, I was there, sat and sunday. I watched all the practices and D1. I was referring to overall maturity of motorsports.

                  Have you been to Japan? Do you know japanese culture? Do you know the car life style in Japan? If you answer no to these questions then please refrain from making pointless comments.
                  I've lived in Japan, so I have learned and seen the lifestyle.

                  I have nothing against the american drivers. I think Rhys is awesome, and his car is awesome. I was rooting for him the whole night. I just don't like how Ernie was so quick to say he could beat certain people. Bai couldve easily beat Ernie if he didn't hit him, but Ernie gave no respect to Bai in his comments. Just talking about himself, defending himself. How bai said this and that. If he is humble and has some respect, he wouldve acknowledged the fact the he wouldve lost if bai didn't hit him. The first run was in Bai's favor 10to 1.


                  • I suppose my 3 years in Japan means nothing....I guess learning to be humble got me none of the respect I currently have from Japanese drivers. I have been told I don't say enough. I guess I should just give up drifting all together to make people like 326power happy, since I will never amount to nothing as a professional drifter. As usual we got schooled by the japanese and will never be good enough....maybe I should just quit now!
                    Ernie Fixmer
                    Formula Drift/VR Motoring/Robinson Helicopter
                    Lakewood, CA 90712


                    • "he wouldve lost if bai didn't hit him. The first run was in Bai's favor 10to 1."

                      ...key word is wouldve. bai could've spun out, just like Imamura did. nobody expected it to happen. There's too many variables to factor in to just easily say that ernie would've been beaten easily. We just have to take them as they come.

                      I'd rather Ernie have a more confident attitude than anything else. I wouldnt defend the Japanese drivers; some of them still hold a small amount of contempt towards the american drivers; talking about hitting walls and such, so they're no angels as well. It's competition, it's bound to happen and it can only stimulate the sport creating some interesting battles behind the wheel fueled by emotion and not just 110 octane.


                      • You are a tard. I love this one.

                        Bai couldve easily beat Ernie if he didn't hit him, but Ernie gave no respect to Bai in his comments. Just talking about himself, defending himself. How bai said this and that. If he is humble and has some respect, he wouldve acknowledged the fact the he wouldve lost if bai didn't hit him.
                        Well dude, I could be a major player in the porn industry if I just had a couple more inches. I could win the lottery if I didn't pick the wrong numbers. Could've, would've, should've doesn't mean crapola now does it because he DIDN'T beat Ernie. So your arguement could've been good if you only thought before you wrote. As for me not lving in Japan, don't see how thats relevent but ok, yo ugot me there, now back to topic. Since you were there, how were your entry speeds? It takes a real hypocrite to come down on one mans skills when he himself isn't able to do the same thing.

                        They are always humble and have respect.
                        Too bad all that time in Japan didn't rub off on you. Now how bout going away banch warmer.
                        Last edited by Ghost of Duluth; 12-23-2004, 03:02 PM.


                        • Why are you always so defensive?

                          Can't you say something more constructive?

                          If you re-read your earlier posts, you will see that in all of them you just refer to yourself. Your competing in exhibition sport, where everything is judged by peoples opinions, you WILL get criticized. If you can't take a little criticism, maybe you're in the wrong sport. If you're a professional you will take any critisms into account and try to be better, not whine.


                          • Originally posted by Ghost of Duluth

                            Too bad all that time in Japan didn't rub off on you.



                            • BTW...I was only quoting Bai. D1 rules state that if the lead car's line is altered by the trailing car then the rear car is disqualified.

                              Coilover Kid- what do you mean? Did you receive a proposal? Or you want me to use your oil? I am interested to know what you are talking about.
                              Ernie Fixmer
                              Formula Drift/VR Motoring/Robinson Helicopter
                              Lakewood, CA 90712


                              • 326power, you're coming across as an Anti-American.

                                You're welcome to leave America. You want an one way pass to Japan? Hell, I and a few others will pay for it.

