Rufio_28532 into someone with intelligence?? Are there more Rufio_28532 in this forum that needs to be converted to reality??
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can we convert...
Im usually a very nice person and very helpfull with alot of stuff... just ask around club4ag. People that seriously need help with their car with actual real questions I can be of some service. But I have a short fuse when it comes to individuals that post the same lame thread cept with a different car. We had a guy on club4ag come and would ask stupid questions and the flame was full on. This guy is walking the same path.
There are alot of young, unexperienced people on this forum. Its anoying, but I have done it and still do sometimes when I have a question. I know how you feel thoguh. Like the guys who keep on talking about importing a 180sx. Or talk about how there gonna do this "season" when they just got their car or dont even have one. It bugs
You guys got to lighten up. Everyone is new at some point. I understand that he should go and search the other threads but no need to insult him. That's def not cool. This site is trying to promote a sport that you yourself may be knee deep in and know a whole lot about. Some people on the other hand do not. So if you don't like his thread, don't answer it. Simple as that. Yes it's repetitive and yes it has been discussed more times than sex but hey, he's new and we need to treat him as such.
Do you slap your child (if you have one) everytime he repeats the same question? Did you get slapped everytime you asked the same question? I sure didn't. So no need to slap him.
I know you are a wealth of info. Alot of people in here are. So we need to share the wealth cause believe me if you are getting frustrated now you are in for a hard ride. This site is growing by leaps and bounds, more and more people are signing up everyday. 87% of them are going to ask the same question again and again. The odds are stacked in that favor. It's going to be a lot bigger community in the oncoming year. Let's try to bring them in and educate them right so that they don't kill anyone or themselves.