Originally posted by _PG_
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building a drift track in socal...
dont replicate a track, have at least some creativity in designing a course otherwise, its a waste. one question, exactly how much are you planning on spending to make this track??? a lot of ppl have give it some thought and all but knowing us drifters, we're too goddamn poor. kumakubo was rich from the start. and hes owned ebisu for a long time at least 10 years before he started making some money. just property tax alone is gonna be a bich and maintenance. i would assume you would at least need 10 to 15 million. so cali land aint cheap and every year the value goes up.
I'd buy a year Pass of some sort for Drifting.By having a Membership for Drifters it would give a sense of community and responsibility for the tracks upkeep,ESPECIALLY with ones money invested for a Year.Of course you'd get discounts at all track Vendors like for tires and repair. I'd pay up to 300 or more a year. also every 2 weeks OR First and last of the Month would be cool to be open so people can replenish their funds, Fix cars and give staff a chance to do what they do. Hey why can't this be DRIVER Ran? I mean getting a TIRE TECHNICIAN is gonna be Easy considering the Killing he'll make on TIRE Sales and service. He won't even have to charge outrageos prices to make a deal! have an On-site mechanic who can do patch ups to get you home,again Mo Money! But track Maintenance and stuff should be a Driver responsibility or you cannot Drift at the track.
this is a great idea. i like the idea of a year pass i would definetly get one. the more days you could be open the more people could make it out i know im not the only one who works on the weekends but i guess thats what sick days are for. im thinking youll eventually make lots of $$$ from this. good luck and keep us posted.
I'd pay up to 300 or more a year
I'm guessing I just read it wrong.
ya a yearly memebership would be a lot more. just think of season passses for snow boarding. a day is usuxally 40 bucks at snow summit or whaever then the full time one is ike 400 bucks, so thats 10 time, so a yearly one for this would be more than 1000 dollars i would bet, just becuase of the cost to build the track initally.
^thats all just estiamtion and it would p[robably be way more tthan that. ok
When I gave that price it was a Ballpark figure since I don't know the cost of running a Track. What I was trying to get at was I would pay for a Membership at whatever price really. But I was also trying to give as a condition to membership card holders would also have to work at some capacity at the track either helping other racers or doing track duty at a set number of events each quarter. Basically I don't want a Track turning into a Hang-out for bad acting teens with High HP Cars and attitudes to match. It shouldn't be ONLY the track owners responsibility to check these newbs. You saw some of the mentality at the Last D1 when people were throwing stuff around like Morons.
Maybe its just me, I just think by the Drivers having say a Quarterly membership it allows the Drivers to have the choice to renew at a reasonable rate. Also having membership would Only let you in to say 5 track days free per quarter Or whatever, Discount on Tire service,Discount at say a Track store which would sell parts and Accesories etc....Really I'm throwing Ideas around in which you can make money on the Track and even when the track isn't in use, Drifters still come to use some OTHER service. You see? I mean when IRWINDALE SPEEDWAY isn't in use how are they making money?
I think a membership with incentives at different levels is the best way to go
One thats high priced for the hardcore drivers
Another for the intermediates that come for most of the year
And then the one for the people that go a few times a year
Then again it all depends on the demand and the profit margin and what not......I could rant on about all the things that everyone keeps questioning about but I'm sure the owners and all are already aware of these things.
It needs a rediculously big grandstand area if you want it to be successful.
And to save costs find a partner in someone looking to build a go-kart track.
It will be easy to get people to come just dont dedicate it to drifting. In other words leave it open for autocrossers, and go-karts. And also make a skid pad for newbies.
I would only come for BIG competitions or an FD/D1 event, but that requires rediculous amount of seating.
There has been talks of a track around me that wants to build a drift track on thier area, not sure what the status of that is, but it takes time, so don't expect it next year.
In the end you need MONEY and connections.Last edited by kidynomite; 05-02-2005, 07:47 PM.
I think it would be a great idea, would be nice to get on something other than the balcony, but then again with the wsir oval opening up that will mix things up. I would go at least once a month maybe twice a month so you can count on me. This year is a big year for drifting in the states and its a big year for me to get a lot of seat time so I am putting all my extra money into events.