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Just a few questions.

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  • Just a few questions.

    well im at the point in my life where im suppose to decide what i need to do with my life... most kids my age go on to college etc. I know there are a good bit of members on this board from japan and i was wondering how hard it would be to start a career in japan (non millitary). Id love to be able to get some money together and move but not sure if it would just be a waste of time trying to start a life in japan. any help would be greatly appreciated thanks.


  • #2
    If you don't speak japanese it would be hard to do anything. although there are some kind of work exchange programs. I'd talk to the local japanese consulate if there is one to find out more info on that. That and it had better be a bad-aZZ job cause EVERYTHING is expensive out there. living space is next to nothing too. Just do your research VERY WELL.


    • #3
      learn jap. marry a girl that is visiting from japan and youl have no problem. your best bet is to join the military ask to go there and only stay in 4 years then get a full time job on base and you can stay there as long as you want.


      • #4
        thanks guys, not planning on leaving anytime soon just wanted a lil info, hope to go to live in the near future but you never know.


        • #5
          Check out toyota's T-Ten program if you want to work in the automotive field.

