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Integra totals 240sx

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  • Integra totals 240sx

    I was driving my 240sx on the 52 West merging onto the I5 South when an Integra trys to be fast and furuios and squeeze in on a one lane road( keeps in mind im going about 55 mph and not racing). He hits the left front of my car sending it 90 degrees to the right. I countersteered and pumped the brakes but it didnt stop the car from going across 3 lanes, over 2 curbs, and sliding about fifty feet in the dirt on the side of the freeway. Then the SOB keeps going, he doesnt even check to see if he killed me or not. I dont have collision insurance so the repairs will be coming out of my pocket unless I can find the guy. It has a black lowered Integra with black stock steel wheels maybe a 91-94? Anyone with info please help, being a poor college student I dont have 2K to fix my car for someone elses mistake. My car will most likely need all new front left suspension, a wheel or two, a couple tires, maybe a subframe, but most likely more than that. Damn ricers!

  • #2
    aww man that sucks hope everything works out..and hope you find that focker


    • #3
      even if we find a matching car, it will be hard to prove it was him, I saw a guy do a hit and run once, it was some 16 year old punk doing a similar move but in a parking lot. I ran him down and got his info for the lady. good luck, file several police reports including state and local, but check with the state trooper, becuase when comeone dials 911 on their cell, it goes to them, someone may have called something in


      • #4
        on my way home from work I saw a car that model but white. That thing he called an exhaust sounded like a tin can. He cut of a truck driver. Nothing happened though thank god. Whats up with those guys though. It seems that every punk kid that gets a Honda or an Acura swears that they're racers. Little do they know that anyone can go in a straight line but it takes guts and skill to master a perfect drift. That also applies to Rally Racing.


        • #5
          Man, that does suck. I got rear ended like..last week, hardcore. But the girl took responsibility like a nice young lady. My whole quarter panel got screwed up, my frame got hit, and it'll take a while for us to fix it. But my dad owns a body shop and since my car is old and they don't put much of a value on it. But we have the means to fix it for less than that, but we are getting money for the accident..Probably like 2K. Then it's new engine for me!


          • #6
            That really sucks. Im sorry to hear about that. Is it at all driveable?


            • #7
              go call up grave digger and send him on a killing spree for hondas and acuras


              • #8
                more info?

                I actually live up in clairemont, and will keep a look out. Is any other description you could maybe give? (i know it would be hard)

                so, lowered black 91-94 integra with stock steel wheels

                any obvious exhaust? window tinting? ricey stickers?


                • #9
                  Id look for passenger side 3/4 panel damage.


                  • #10
                    It actually might have been a eclipse. definately black, lowered, black steel wheels. Didnt get a good look though, hard to get a look while traveling 60 mph completly sideways. it would have right front quater panel damage(white paint from my car). Also the tow truck driver said the picked up an abonded eclipse later that night with massive front end damage. Hope it is that bastard. Sue em everything he/shes worth.


                    • #11
                      If the car is totalled, I found a 90 Lexus LS400 in excellent condition for $2500.


                      • #12
                        Well sorry to hear of your loss. But if you don't know if it's an integra or an eclipse, gonna be hard to locate him. Also if the car was picked up with front end damage odds are it was stolen. But check with the tow driver and see where the car went, go there and check it out. If it's the same car then do what you have to do. I know I would.


                        • #13

                          Yep !! Whats up with these savages??
                          The first thing to racing others is patience!!
                          Don't do a stupid move just to pass someone.
                          Also Sorry about your car.
                          Also remember when you do ever get knocked again you must not let off of your gas while in a turn..
                          Keep steady throttle and steer in the direction you have to..
                          It might have saved you since you werent going too fast..
                          I been hit from a weaving nissian nx before but good thing i saw the idiot comming..This was on the bay bridge in Bay area Cali..
                          Guy hit my passenger front in my 85 oldsmobile..!! lol good thing it was a freebie car.Made me loose traction in front but good thing i always knew..Never let off the gas while out of controll unless there is no choice.Keep the wheels pointed in the direction you wanna go and pray for traction!!!
                          Yes and do report it to the Highway patrol in youlocation immediatley if something like this happens..


                          • #14
                            oh man sorry for your loss! that SUCKS!!! juz last night i was almost hit because this stupid integra (but it was red) cut somebody off too fast and swerved into my lane. im glad i wasnt hit coz if he did my baby wouldve been totaled!
                            maybe we should all go down there and look for that stupid mofo and beat the crap out of him! juz a suggestion


                            • #15
                              Sorry to hear about your car. If that happen to me, I'm gonna chase him all the way to his home.

