Although I have my problems with FD I sure wouldn't say it's boring. The coverage of it is definitely boring but the event itself is far from.
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Originally posted by SSmith View PostFD events are a little boring because there are only a handful of really good drivers. That's probably why you see the same 4-5 people on the podium year after year because only a handful of FD drivers can really live up to the hype.
With the current economic crisis, I'll skip FD events this year and attend D1. Though it is not their fault, I'm tired of watching the same drivers in FD winning because the rest of the drivers haven't really improved or challenged them.
Podium drivers last year: Forsberg, Sam, Tanner, Rhys, Takatori, Tuerck, Tyler Mcquarrie, Robbie Nishida, Justin Pawlak, JR, Bill Sherman, Yoshioka, Dai... 13 different drivers hit the podium of the possible 21 different podium spots (3 spots per event, 7 events per year). how is there no parity?
Don't get me wrong guys, the fact i think that D1 can stage JR too win a event is a true testament too his skill as a driver. The first US vs JP alot of the jp guys were caught off guard. But at the next one, it was pretty clean and clear that JR and Kumo was going to be the main event. How many buy runs did JR get in that 2??? That 05 event was one of the most if not the most selling DVD they ever had.
But anyways... this year had alot of different guys on the podium, Bill, Yoshi, JTP, and even JR...guys you usually don't see on in the top 3. I wont sit up and say I wont go to D1 or FD events because that is straight up garbage.... FD is still entertaining and I think at this moment is more entertaining then D1. Quite frankly I think the D1 guys should pay closer attention to the american fan boys.
There are tons of other D1 guys people want to see other then kumo, nomura, and imamura.... that crap is boring.... D1 underground huh. Lets see some underground D1 dudes. We already have Yoshi, Haru, Orido and Takatori.
D1 has never let me down overseas and in the states when it has come to the events they have actually put on... but all of a sudden they want a series... and are now trying to grab up the grassroots while not working along side of Formula D.... this is just a straight up slap in the face too me and others who just wanted to have 1 or 2 events in the US the past 2 years they have been gone.
True, there were different people on the podium last season but the actual event itself is a little boring because only several runs get you out of your seat. Only certain match ups were actually exciting (for example, Rhys vs Sam, Dai vs Tanner, Robbie vs Takatori, Chris vs JR, or any of the J drivers such as Orido or Yoshioka vs the names mentioned above). The problem is not consistently we get those match ups. I'd like to see the rest of the drivers step up and provide door to door action like the guys mentioned above. If a driver wins because the opponent doesn't really challenge him, it's hard to say that it's exciting.
D1 events in the past had been really exciting from start to finish. Even watching the solo run was exciting because for example each driver was trying to get as close to the wall as possible or come up with some crazy angle that we've never seen before like Ueo during RBWC.