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**MIAMI SLIDE DG Trials Event**

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  • **MIAMI SLIDE DG Trials Event**

    ill get more details for you guys shortly

  • #2

    man this made my whole week ur my new best friend driftaholic, its cool cause its exactly right by my house. REAL close, so how much are the tickets or is it free admission? yea please more details as this is and the homestead event are the only drift events im gonna see ever! maybe going to far but i just cant road trip

    whois coming? it would be cool to meet up if only for a day and u cant meet my beat up 240sx *bridget* if any1 is coming down from anywhere maybe i can offer to crash at my crib like one or 2 ppl

    so u think we will have to do another name tag thing like in what they were disscussing in one of the D1 events ?


    • #3

      DGTrials does it again. This time we're moving a little further south, to a little known place called Miami.

      The flier is currently being worked up, but here are the details:

      Hialeah Speedway in Hialeah is a 1/3 mile short flat oval with an X in the middle. See the pic below. We will be using both the paddock area and the track for drifting practice on the 14th. This is in preparation for a big event April 2nd (yes, Friday night!).

      There will be some testinggoing on, on the track, but the tentative track map is below. The front straight will have a chicane for the first pass.

      Tech from 8-930
      Driver's meeting @ 945
      First cars @ 10A

      There is a concession stand at the track so there won't be a real need to have a "lunch break." There is also a McDonalds about 1 minute away (you pass it coming to the track).

      $45 Preregister
      $50 at the gate
      $5 spectators

      Send paypal to to preregister.

      Rock on!


      • #4

        there will be another drift event on the 2nd of April as well i bewlive it will be in the same place. i will keep you posted on that one. and for the name tags... hahahah were not in cali man.
        i could use a place to crash before i go and demolish my car and maybe blow another engine


        • #5
          sounds good

          looks like i got all my me up and we can work somthing out, besides my dog get lonely at nights (j/k) i would be happy to let u crash one or 2 days *dont be a moocher* anywas i live in Lago Grande which a comunity not to far from the track approx. like 1 or 2 miles away, since everyone will be stayin at the executive hotel and stuff, so u r in DG trails? if so can u tell me how often u guys might come back to drift in hialeah speedway, im want to be contestant in the future but i havent even done my first


          • #6

            yeah there are a few more events scheduled already in miami.
            here they are:
            Miami Slide Hialeah, F.L.

            Miami Slide Hialeah, F.L.

            Miami Slide Hialeah, F.L.

            Miami Slide Hialeah, F.L.

            thats all for right now, but be reassured that there will be more coming up shortly
            as for the whole thing about DG Trials... what do you mean by are you in DG Trials?
            not sure what to answer there.. .i participated in the event that they just had here in Florida on Saturday, and am still recovering from a blown motor(that will be fixed this week)
            but i am not sure what exactly you are talkin about. hahahahaa


            • #7

              nvm i thought u were in the group or affiliated


              • #8
                omg omg omg omg! this is amazing! please keep us posted also on future events! is there a website for drift slide?


                • #9

                  JUST IN*****
                  I am currently looking for an lot in Orlando, for DG Trials to throwing an event in.. if you guys have any lots etc. please let me know.
                  we are looking for a lot that already has some autocross events that occur in it, so that it wont be as hard to get, however if you know of a REALLY large parking lot in the Orlando, or immediate area, please let me know.
                  oh yeah and stay tuned for more tampa drift events


                  • #10
                    So we can watch the practice on the 14th then for $5?

                    The reason why I'm asking is I'll be going down to Florida next week and staying for a couple of weeks. Too bad I can't stay any longer for the competition.


                    • #11
                      cool deal about the events. i think i saw you at the tampa event(driftahalic) i was going to talk to you but i got offerd to drive my friends car so i did. but i can talk to julius from from jade about a lot around are area for the DGtriles. what motor you putting in the 240? do you want that red top i was telling you about on the phone?


                      • #12

                        you would remember if you saw mw i was installing the springs on the charcoal 240 between runs at the event..lmao yeah i need to get with you about that red-top again... might need to pick it up but i got a ka to hold me while i am savin a lil bit for it...
                        wasted 1300 on mods for the car and then BOOM!!!! the engine blows..haha there is another 300
                        anyways ill call you up again when i get the engine in and well meet up and you can show me that lot.
                        thanks man


                        • #13
                          yeah now i know who you are. i saw you working on the suspention.make me an offer on that motor. by the time you get some money saved up it should be here.


                          • #14

                            Hey driftaholic, Thoraxe is saying that the trak sucks and theyre doin it on the parking lot and said that the first competition date is gonna be on april 2nd and not on the 12th. Damn, I really wanna go. Do you have any more information on the updated schedule changes?


                            • #15

                              the March 14th event is a pratice and will be held in the paddock area. the event is still scheduled for april 12th, and will be held on the actual track. on the 14th you will be "qualifying" to get yout "liscense" so that you can participate on the 12th. i will let you guys know if it changes any time.

