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    ...I heard through the grapevine that there are some new updates. Can anyone post them up? I heard updates to the tire durometer rule, something about seats, and something about firewalls...

  • #2
    New Formula D rule revisions

    These are the details as I have obtained from Formula D staff. Kudos to them for evolving as the sport grows.

    There are also point system details included but I have omitted it as I couldn't get the table to present appropriately.

    Technical Bulletin

    To: All Formula Drift Participants, Officials, and Staff.

    From: Randy Hembrey, Chief Steward – Formula Drift
    Date: June 19, 2009

    No: TB 09-001 – Technical Bulletin

    Attention Formula Drift Participants,

    Effective immediately, the following are revisions and updates to the Formula Drift Professional
    Drifting Series 2009 Rules and Regulations.


    7.3 SEATS: All cars must have at least two seats, one for the driver, and one for a passenger.
    Each of the two required seats must be homologated to FIA standard 8855-1999 or SFI 39.2

    8.3.8 Provisions for vehicles with Vehicle Identification numbers 0-129
    Competition vehicles with VID numbers 0-129 can opt for exemption from sections,
    8.3.1, 8.3.2, 8.3.3, and 8.3.4.

    In such case the following is true:
    • Previously approved modifications of the firewall, subframe and transmission tunnel,
    as indicted in the vehicles technical record are allowed.
    • Suspension pick-up points may be moved to within 1” of the OEM location
    • Stock hubs must be used.

    “Pre 130” vehicles wishing not to use the 8.3.8 exemption must request a new VID.

    8.11.1 Two (2) hood pins, equally spaced across the front of hood, are required within 24” of the
    leading edge of the hood. Additional hood pins, i.e. at the back plane of the hood, are also
    recommended. The original stock latch must be removed.

    8.11.6 Two external, rear facing mirrors are required, must be mounted in stock location and must
    be positioned so that the driver can see objects along both sides of the vehicle.

    9.3.4 Tires must meet a minimum durometer reading of 49, measured cold (not immediately
    following a run), using an ISO868 or ASTM D2240 compliant Type A durometer.


    • #3
      FYI, just to be clear, most of those are not new rules. The tech bulletin sent out has certain areas BOLDED that show updates and addendums to existing rules. Should look like this:

      7.3 SEATS: All cars must have at least two seats, one for the driver, and one for a passenger.
      Each of the two required seats must be homologated to FIA standard 8855-1999 or SFI 39.2
      8.3.8 Provisions for vehicles with Vehicle Identification numbers 0-129
      Competition vehicles with VID numbers 0-129 can opt for exemption from sections,
      8.3.1, 8.3.2, 8.3.3, and 8.3.4.
      In such case the following is true:
      • Previously approved modifications of the firewall, subframe and transmission tunnel,
      as indicted in the vehicles technical record are allowed.
      • Suspension pick-up points may be moved to within 1” of the OEM location
      • Stock hubs must be used.
      “Pre 130” vehicles wishing not to use the 8.3.8 exemption must request a new VID.
      8.11.1 Two (2) hood pins, equally spaced across the front of hood, are required within 24” of the
      leading edge of the hood. Additional hood pins, i.e. at the back plane of the hood, are also
      recommended. The original stock latch must be removed.
      8.11.6 Two external, rear facing mirrors are required, must be mounted in stock location and must
      be positioned so that the driver can see objects along both sides of the vehicle.
      9.3.4 Tires must meet a minimum durometer reading of 49, measured cold (not immediately
      following a run),
      using an ISO868 or ASTM D2240 compliant Type A durometer.


      • #4
        Originally posted by 110octane View Post
        These are the details as I have obtained from Formula D staff. Kudos to them for evolving as the sport grows.
        They would HAVE to "evolve" as the sport grows or people will just stop participating in them! They would HAVE to change their rulebook to also allow the sport to grow. People will always want something "different". If the rules didn't allow creativity, then things will just be boring.

        Originally posted by 110octane View Post
        There are also point system details included but I have omitted it as I couldn't get the table to present appropriately.

        Technical Bulletin

        To: All Formula Drift Participants, Officials, and Staff.

        From: Randy Hembrey, Chief Steward – Formula Drift
        Date: June 19, 2009

        No: TB 09-001 – Technical Bulletin

        Attention Formula Drift Participants,

        Effective immediately, the following are revisions and updates to the Formula Drift Professional
        Drifting Series 2009 Rules and Regulations.


        7.3 SEATS: All cars must have at least two seats, one for the driver, and one for a passenger.
        Each of the two required seats must be homologated to FIA standard 8855-1999 or SFI 39.2

        What's 39.2? Is that the rule in SFI that is for aluminum Nascar type seats?

        Originally posted by 110octane View Post
        8.3.8 Provisions for vehicles with Vehicle Identification numbers 0-129
        Competition vehicles with VID numbers 0-129 can opt for exemption from sections,
        8.3.1, 8.3.2, 8.3.3, and 8.3.4.

        In such case the following is true:
        • Previously approved modifications of the firewall, subframe and transmission tunnel,
        as indicted in the vehicles technical record are allowed.
        • Suspension pick-up points may be moved to within 1” of the OEM location
        • Stock hubs must be used.

        “Pre 130” vehicles wishing not to use the 8.3.8 exemption must request a new VID.
        This is interesting...what cars do these "new rules" apply to? I can't even get to the rulebook now to check for myself. When I click on the link that led to it before, it asks for a ln/pw. That's new.

        Originally posted by 110octane View Post
        8.11.1 Two (2) hood pins, equally spaced across the front of hood, are required within 24” of the
        leading edge of the hood. Additional hood pins, i.e. at the back plane of the hood, are also
        recommended. The original stock latch must be removed.
        This is good. Uniformity (if possible) is good for every competing car so that anyone anywhere can provide assistance in an emergency. It's like the standardized placement of the battery cut-off switch. Every car has it in the same place. Every person will know how to shut it off if they need to.

        Originally posted by 110octane View Post
        8.11.6 Two external, rear facing mirrors are required, must be mounted in stock location and must
        be positioned so that the driver can see objects along both sides of the vehicle.
        So does this mean that the mirrors need to be functional? with mirror glass, and adjustability so that they can actually reflect images to the driver's eyes? ...or is this rule in place so that the cars will just look more like complete cars?

        Originally posted by 110octane View Post
        9.3.4 Tires must meet a minimum durometer reading of 49, measured cold (not immediately
        following a run), using an ISO868 or ASTM D2240 compliant Type A durometer.
        What's "cold"? The next round is in Vegas. Ambient temperature can easily be 100 degrees at all times. The round after Vegas is going to be in Seattle. Ambient temperature there can easily be 70 degrees during the day...colder at night. Does this mean that teams have to use a different tire for Vegas only? I think the rule should specify an actual temperature "Tires must meet a minimum durometer reading of 49, measured at tire temperatures below 75 degrees." I just said "75" just to put out a number...maybe that's not cold enough.


        • #5
          Originally posted by courantcom View Post
          What's "cold"? The next round is in Vegas. Ambient temperature can easily be 100 degrees at all times. The round after Vegas is going to be in Seattle. Ambient temperature there can easily be 70 degrees during the day...colder at night. Does this mean that teams have to use a different tire for Vegas only? I think the rule should specify an actual temperature "Tires must meet a minimum durometer reading of 49, measured at tire temperatures below 75 degrees." I just said "75" just to put out a number...maybe that's not cold enough.
          yeah I would think you would want to have a control temp so that the testing would be accurate. Otherwise there is another variable that could pass/fail a tire that is near 49 at 75* and just under it at 105*


          • #6
            I guess the new tire rule means that Hankook will need to bring its "REAL" RS3 to Vegas instead of the "SPECIAL" RS3 it has been using.
            I predict poor results from them if they have to use a legal tire...


            • #7
              It's a serious question! should the teams be prepared and bring different tires JUST for Vegas because of this rule? "Cold" in vegas is like 90 degrees. That's not exactly considered "room temperature" in every other part of the country.

              Are the tires even going to be tested for this upcoming event?


              • #8
                There's a tire committee?


                • #9
                  Originally posted by driftforfun View Post
                  I guess the new tire rule means that Hankook will need to bring its "REAL" RS3 to Vegas instead of the "SPECIAL" RS3 it has been using.
                  I predict poor results from them if they have to use a legal tire...
                  For serious?

                  Tanner is going to have some trouble, just by looking at his setup

                  but robbie and miki will be just fine


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Formula D View Post
                    7.3 SEATS: All cars must have at least two seats, one for the driver, and one for a passenger.
                    Each of the two required seats....
                    Wouldn't the word "both" have sufficed?


                    • #11
                      my personal favorite from the new tech bulletin is this

                      "Head to Head
                      Winner - 100
                      2nd - 88
                      3rd - 78
                      4th - 69
                      Top 8 - 61
                      Top 16 - 54
                      Top 32 - 48

                      Automatic Pro License renewal = 200pts"

                      to KEEP the formula d license so many people have worked their *Censored**Censored**Censored* off to earn, they have to score 200 points in a season. thats 4 top 16's. or 2 WINS. i still firmly believe formula d could give a *Censored**Censored**Censored**Censored* about farming new prospective drivers.
                      Last edited by Rule Breaker; 06-29-2009, 09:37 PM.


                      • #12
                        my personal favorite from the new tech bulletin is this

                        "Head to Head
                        Winner - 100
                        2nd - 88
                        3rd - 78
                        4th - 69
                        Top 8 - 61
                        Top 16 - 54
                        Top 32 - 48

                        Automatic Pro License renewal = 200pts"

                        to KEEP the formula d license so many people have worked their *Censored**Censored**Censored* off to earn, they have to score 200 points in a season. thats 4 top 16's. or 2 WINS. i still firmly believe formula d could give a *Censored**Censored**Censored**Censored* about farming new prospective drivers.
                        Thought a bit of clarity would help...

                        1. This exact ruling had been in place since pretty much the inception of the series. The only difference is the new points scale with the addition of 32 tandem. 200 points this year is the basically the equivalent of 1 point last year. Make sense? Another difference is that you could retain your license with one Top 16 showing last year. This year you need to show some consistency. Also remember, this is for AUTOMATIC renewal, not general renewal. You can still petition or go through any of the other methods available to drivers. Guys that are clearly qualified but were felt the effects of the economy or other reasons will not be denied licenses.

                        2. To get 200 points is rather easy. Certain cases, you need only show-up to get into 32. If our average field is say 38-40 drivers, you need only beat out a small number of drivers to get points. Oh and lets not forget you get qualifying points too. You can even miss a few rounds a still make it even if you never got higher than 32. If you do a majority of the series and do not achieve 200 points there is arguably a real valid reason that you should not be at the pro level. Either you have not retained enough support to do the majority of the tour or your skill needs a bit of polishing. Just like in any other sport, if you struggle you may need more to develop. This is the professional level, you have to show you deserve to be here. The only reason we could switch to top 32 (which is a huge benefit for lower ranked drivers and more exposure for everyone and great for the fans) is because the median level of skill could support it and that is due to the fact that we make getting and FD license a respectable thing, not a gimme. The top 32 head to head this year has probably been one of the most significant changes for better competition in the history of our series. Fans, teams and drivers will not argue against that.

                        3. To say we don't care about farming prospective drivers is a quite a bit off reality I think. First, are you aware that we have four pro-am events within the confines of our own actual pro events this year? Are you aware of the more than 20 additional pro-am events we have planned and already executed with other partners this year to push pro-am and driver development? You should take the time to read the press release on our website to get more up to speed.

                        The bottom line is that if you are a qualified driver you will not have a hard time getting or maintaining a license. FD just does not give out licenses to fill fields. We want the most experience, qualified ambassadors of the sport in our series and if you have the will and desire, there is a clear path to get here.


                        • #13
                          What about the drivers who cant afford to show up to every round yet get into the top 16 at the rounds they show up too.

                          IE John Rusakoff

                          FD is going to loose out on alot of up and coming talent with this rule.

                          Better hope the other sanctioning body does not get there head screwed on right.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Rule Breaker View Post
                            my personal favorite from the new tech bulletin is this

                            "Head to Head
                            Winner - 100
                            2nd - 88
                            3rd - 78
                            4th - 69
                            Top 8 - 61
                            Top 16 - 54
                            Top 32 - 48

                            Automatic Pro License renewal = 200pts"

                            to KEEP the formula d license so many people have worked their *Censored**Censored**Censored* off to earn, they have to score 200 points in a season. thats 4 top 16's. or 2 WINS. i still firmly believe formula d could give a *Censored**Censored**Censored**Censored* about farming new prospective drivers.
                            Originally posted by blaze1 View Post
                            What about the drivers who cant afford to show up to every round yet get into the top 16 at the rounds they show up too.

                            IE John Rusakoff

                            FD is going to loose out on alot of up and coming talent with this rule.

                            Better hope the other sanctioning body does not get there head screwed on right.
                            It looks like FD's point system actually caters to "new prospective" and "up and coming" drivers.

                            Like FD stated, "you need only show-up to get into 32. If our average field is say 38-40 drivers, you need only beat out a small number of drivers to get points. Oh and lets not forget you get qualifying points too. You can even miss a few rounds a still make it even if you never got higher than 32. If you do a majority of the series and do not achieve 200 points there is arguably a real valid reason that you should not be at the pro level."

                            I think this rule is more than just about measuring a driver's drifting skills. This also measures the depth of a drift teams' pockets. Why compete in a series if you know you can only attend a few of the events?

                            That's where the biggest disparity is in drifting. The top 10 teams have the finances due to the support of sponsors, while the rest of the field is spending personal finances to compete. That's all part of the game though, isn't it? You gotta pay to play.

                            FD is making it possible for anyone to win the series with this point format. There's only a 6 point difference between the Top 32 and Top 16. We also need to understand that FD is protecting their series by not having a "watered down" field at the events.


                            • #15
                              What about the drivers who cant afford to show up to every round yet get into the top 16 at the rounds they show up too.

                              IE John Rusakoff

                              FD is going to loose out on alot of up and coming talent with this rule.

                              Better hope the other sanctioning body does not get there head screwed on right.
                              Blaze, you make a good point, but read my post more thoroughly.... a guy like John would never be denied a license. His petition would be granted immediately. We are not in the business to deny talented drivers.

