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(FEEDBACK) Formula Drift UAE 2011

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  • #16
    Originally posted by ontrack View Post
    Without a designated line to follow it becomes more of an exhibition than a competition and, therefore, nearly impossible to judge.

    You gotta remember there is still a track and inside clipping points

    But that brings up another idea I had floating up in my head. What about in qualifying if there was no clipping points or even driver instruction from the judges. Just let the drivers get on the track and do what they feel from point A to point B. The judges, spotters and educated fans would know what looks good and what doesn't. Obviously on parking lots and ovals some sort of designated map needs to be coned out. But aside from that I would love to see the drivers express more individuality and that would be a good way to do it I think lol.


    • #17
      I'm one that doesn't like the passing rule in D1. "Oh wow u beat him to the finish line yay!" It's not a race.. Mayb I'm ignorant but I just don't see the sence in passing someone in a drift comp... I agree on everything else with you except that part.
      Last edited by Jonny Fonseca; 03-01-2011, 01:35 AM.


      • #18
        I'm not so hell-bent on the passing it self but more so on consistent close tandem battles from the bottom end of the bracket on up. At this point the only time you see good battles is when the drivers are evenly matched in talent and car configuration (that's why I vote for classes).

        But at the same time I understand that this is America and if the drivers know all they need to do is pass to win we will have some questionable antics. But when I watch D1 and see someone get passed, its pretty obvious the driver in the lead did something wrong.
        Last edited by Bebop; 03-01-2011, 02:11 AM.


        • #19
          Yeah, my whole point being that without a designated line a pass could be made anywhere with a claim that the lead driver was off-line.
          Think about it, you could pick an inside or outside clipping point or zone anywhere in a turn and call it "good". So how do you call it? Late apex? Early apex? Mid apex? With no defined line it's a free-for-all.
          At least with a line it removes SOME of the speculation as to who drove better, competitively speaking.

