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I need some advice.

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  • I need some advice.

    I have a 1997 nissian hardbody that my father bought me for my birthday. So for I have tightinged the back suspension so the back end will slide when i punch it. It has a stock ka24 engine with a lowered suspension. I was just wondering if it is possible to drift with it.
    OH.. and remember I don't have to much money so please don't throw nothing way up there.
    thanks for your help

  • #2
    your trying to drift a truck? dont spend any money on it drive it and be thankfull someone got you a car.


    • #3
      Re: I need some advice.

      Take it one step a time,don't set your expectations too high,but set goals and schedule time to practice.Sure it sounds silly,but that type of planning is what success is built on,ask any guy who is successful in anything.To get anything done,you have to have plans,good luck.

      I'm so oblivous,I need to pay more attention.

      There was a green F-150 by where I used to live that slide in the mall parking lot fresh after it snpwed,worked pretty well.I'm pretty sure after it rains,conditions will be right.
      Last edited by Feint; 03-23-2004, 08:21 PM.


      • #4
        Originally posted by driftxtreem
        your trying to drift a truck? dont spend any money on it drive it and be thankfull someone got you a car.
        Yeah dude don't try to drift a car you just got. Fix up the truck nice and make it a handler. If you you drift you WILL crash, so buy a rwd beater and practice drifting with that. When you feel you're ready then you can buy something nice to drift with. But for now practice your gripping and get the fundamentals down. Good luck and welcome to the club!!


        • #5
          It's a truck, so it's not the perfect drift vehicle. Still, you should be able to get sideways with it. Lowering and stiffening up the rear will help its cause. I'm not sure about the weight distribution front/rear. If its back heavy, you'll need to be careful not to over do it. If you chuck ithe rear end out, she'll swing around on you if you're not fast to counter steer.

          I drift with my old Ranger and it's a bit rear heavy. I don't worry so much cause it has no power. Loose gravel is about all the little engine can handle. Yours has about twice as much hp as mine does, but you'll probably still have a problem drifting on pavement depending on how grippy your tires are. You probably won't be able to keep the tires spinning and you won't be able to just gun it and get the rear sliding more. might have just enough to be useful.

          i'd suggest getting used ot the vehicle first. Learn it, understand it. Don't throw a lot of money into it. You'll probably wreck it. It depends on how much driving experience you already have and if you've pushed your previous vehicles as well. It's so helpful to know the limits of the vehicle you're driving as well as its characteristics and quirks.

          If you've pushed your old cars and have done a little drifting in the past, you should have no problem drifting your truck. The techniques are the same.

          If you just got your license and this is your first car, I'd highly suggest not even thinking about drifting for a good year. Seriously, learn the car first. Get used to it and be comfortable with normal driving. Over time, slowly start to push the car and learn the limits. Always use your head. God put it there for a reason, lol. Learn the car and how it feels. Driving experience is very important since drving is a learned behavior. You have to teach yourself to drive. Getting good at it requires practice and lots of it.

          Also, learn the concepts of drifting. Learn the techniques and how they work. How do they each work and how can you use them? Actual understanding is a very powerful thing. It's really helpful to know how and why things happen the way they do. If you don't understand drifting, you're just guessing and playing trial and error. That's not a safe way to go about learning drifting.

          All in all, yes your truck will drift. It'll have no problem on anything less than pavement. You have more than enough power for that. You can take corners pretty easy with heavy throttle. Better methods would be light feinting and braking drifting. Keep the throttle light at first. Learn to control the angle with the throttle as well as the steering. More throttle will slide the rear out more, less will lessen or even regain traction to the rear.

          Pavement drifting will focus more on weight shifting than just being able to spin the tires. You'll brake harder into the corners and feint more to get the rear end sliding. Throttle won't help a lot other than just keeping the rear where it is. You'll probably have the thing pegged the whole time. Steering control is needed more since you'll be gunning it just to keep the rear end loose. Pavement is also faster, so you damn well better know your car like the back of your hand. This takes time.


          • #6
            sorry I should have gave y'all more info. I've been driving for two years now. I also being just playing around at a local track gripping though coners. But I get the drift idea from all the dirt and gravel roads around here. On weekends m friends and I do rally time attacks on a 4 mile strech of road. I'm the best on the dirt but when I hit pavement I get nervous and I just grip though coners instead of drifting though them. My friend told me I could drift it and I was just wondering if I could.
            If any one can give any expertice so I could hone my skills I'd be grateful.
            Thanx again


            • #7
              Think same but faster. I have yet to get into pavement drifting though. I'd give you a run for your money on gravel though.


              • #8
                yeah probly so,
                but I did do some road driftin on accident though.
                it was raining and i dog ran in the road so I put my clutch in, tapped my brakes, and turned. in the middle of the coner me back end slid out so i let the clutch out and had fun with it. Now very time it rains i go to the same coner and play around with it.
                oh yeah, I also missed the dog

