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    i was just thinking about it and wouldn't it be tite 2 throw a hawaii vs so cal battle some time in the near future.. if drift day club 4ag or drift showoff could put it on it would be insane!!!!!! and run it similar 2 D1 and have elimination rounds until the 2 best are left?... anyone agree?
    i guess
    whats the point?
    Last edited by D1 DRIFTER; 03-25-2004, 12:18 PM.

  • #2
    damn... who's gonna sponser that? they'd need transport for the drivers and their cars... $$$$


    • #3
      i already sugested such a thing.. it would be cool.

      They should find like the best 5 hawaiian guys and fly them out here or something


      • #4
        what the east coast isnt good enough? j/j


        • #5
          How many guys are on the east coast? okay i smell 4 way super battle

          Hawaiian VS SO cal, VS Norcalvs East Coast+others (inland and stuff)


          • #6
            whats the point
            drifting aint hot import boogie drag showoff and *Censored**Censored**Censored**Censored*...
            its all about fun..not "battles" and crap


            • #7
              Should split the east coast up, northeast and southeast, so the FLA people and the Ohio people (cough all 5 of us) can start a nice little north south rivalry here


              • #8
                as it was stated before....

                Drift Session had an open invite to all Cali drivers and Cali shops, thus far, no one has wanted to come. Why do they need to worry about comming out here to prove them selfs? They had D1 right, that makes them "bad azz". It would suck to come out to a little island in the pacific and find out some drifter in a hula skirt can drive circles around you in your 20k "sponsored" car ..

                It would never happen, people in Cali have "bigger fish to fry" ... and people in Hawaii are more or less to poor to ship their cars up.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Matto
                  as it was stated before....

                  Drift Session had an open invite to all Cali drivers and Cali shops, thus far, no one has wanted to come. Why do they need to worry about comming out here to prove them selfs? They had D1 right, that makes them "bad azz". It would suck to come out to a little island in the pacific and find out some drifter in a hula skirt can drive circles around you in your 20k "sponsored" car ..

                  It would never happen, people in Cali have "bigger fish to fry" ... and people in Hawaii are more or less to poor to ship their cars up.
                  I belive Matto is correct here, it's in the better interests of US mainland sponsored drivers to ignore the Hawaii scene and go along their merry way as if they are truly the best. Any attention given to people who may be better jeopardizes their sponsorship dollars.

                  The way the media exposure is set up, people will belive them to be the best, if they keep telling you they're the best. So long as no one comes out of the blue to knock them off of their platform, because in motorsports, you're only as good as your last finish.

                  I can tell you this though, that the Hawaii drivers cringe when they hear US drivers talking about being "D1 drivers." We still feel that even if one of our current boys from Hawaii was to make it into the US D1, he would have the courtesy and respect to be humble and not make a spectacle of his good fortune. Call us crazy, but that's the mentality of the drivers in Hawaii. Because no one is really put on a pedastal over here, the skill level of drivers overall has increased dramatically. People here don't ride on the skill of others, they do it for themselves.

                  Because of our drivers' attitudes and skill, many visitors from Japan feel that the Hawaii drift scene is still untainted by commercialism and want to help our drivers grow and retain dominance over the many "pros" in California.

                  The Hawaii drift scene is not overly concerned with competition, but before you go calling yourself one of the best in the US, we have a standing invitation for you to run with us in Hawaii.


                  • #10
                    Its because hawaiian is too expensive.. it would be cheaper to have an event oraganizer fly you guys out here and ship your cars then for us to all go out there..

                    *Censored**Censored**Censored**Censored* you make it sound like we all pussied out because no one is rich enough to personally go to hawaii to try there hand out there. You do remember its a island right? so lets not be so hateful

                    edit: typo lol
                    Last edited by nissanguy_24; 03-25-2004, 07:10 PM.


                    • #11
                      ok ok

                      first off i never said anything about pros.... so stop acting liek hawaii is the great underground drift scenei just thought that we should all have a get 2gether and drift comp or not.... if its about having fun then y u bag on the people out here in so cal that are sponsored? u would love to get sponsored if sumone thought u were good rite? u can't pass up free parts and just because your sponsored doesn't mean u think ur the best! so stop hating on people that are because u are hating! i want to see a good battle the entire US for all i care(drifters that is) it would be great to go out 2 hawaii and compete or just hang out or vice versa anyone agree?


                      • #12

                        where is hawaiian?


                        • #13
                          Probelm is there in hawaii and were in cali. It would be different if it was socal vs arz, or texas. But shipping cars is so much.


                          • #14
                            I dont think Dave or Matto are hating on anybody. Its a fact that the Sponsored guys on the mainland US consider themselves the best in the USA. Its understandable since nobody has shown them otherwise, but how can you make such a claim if you're not including the entire USA? Thats the only thing these guys are saying. They aren't hating on Sponsorship, and they aren't hating on mainland drifters. The reason the Hawaii guys have an open invitation for the mainland US guys to come down is because nobody down here is Sponsored. The Sponsorship spotlight didn't even shine in our direction, instead all the Sponsors focused on the mainland events and we got left out. Because of this, nobody down here has the funds to compete at the mainland events. This leaves it up to the Sponsored guys on the mainland to come down here if they really wanna know who the best in the USA are. Nobody can do these things on personal income, it will have to be Sponsorship related. If they dont want to come to Hawaii, thats fine, we will eventually make our way up there. But they shouldn't be claiming best in the USA ... maybe best in the Continental US would be a more thruthfull claim.


                            • #15
                              Hey, I'll be in Hawaii for my honeymoon in October.........

                              Rental car drift????

