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comfortable drifting positions

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  • comfortable drifting positions

    ok, i wasn't sure whether to put this in the tech forum or general, so obviously i chose general chat.
    anywho, since i got permitted 4 months ago, i was hoping to start drive in a comfortable position in order to drift. i got an auto so i just keep my left foot next to the brake and i have my hands on the 1020 position in order to use signal lights and my right hand to shift into neutral at red lights (dad thinks it saves gas or something). sometimes i rest my right hand on the e-brake but i kindaf guessed that i wont be using it anytime soon with my dad riding shotgun. How high would you guys position your wheels in order to reach the e brake/shifter when you drift? also, anyone with size 13 feet who heel toe (yes, i have big feet )?

  • #2
    i have similar sized feet, and am 6 foot tall, the S13 in its furthest postion back is about half an inch too close for me to be perfectly comfortable, but i think my body has sence molded into the right shape...

    i kepe my hands around 10 and 2 as well, of course during a drift my hand is either on the shifter (dispite being a auto) or the handbrake. I've been getting away form the handbrake, but my hand can still be everywere. The most important thing is you are comfortable. You have an auto so hold your self in place with that free foot! lol i cant stress that enough, if you go to a manual get your self a good racing seat.

    Anyways get comfortable, make sure you can see everything and have fun, be safe.


    • #3


      • #4


        • #5
          my most confortable position is in my lazyboy next to the first turn apex


          • #6
            Haha, I wish!

            You'll eventually get comfortable driving. I remember when I first started driving. My arms would get tired just having them up on the steering wheel, lol. I'd have to switch hands and rest my shoulder a little. Oddly, when you get comfortable, you'll be driving with only a finger or two, left hand resting on knee with your left thumb and index finger lightly holding the steering wheel, flicking back and forth maintaining a straight line. Heck with my Lesabre, I used just one finger pressed agains the steering wheel. I could turn lock to lock with that one finger, nice power steering

            Starting off, just try to find a good distance with the seat so you can work the pedals comfortably. You gotta have it far enough to give you enough leg room, but you also have to consider your arms as well. Too far away, and your arms might be stretched out trying to reach the wheel. You can use the seat back to adjust arm length as well. Tilt it back if your arms are too close, or up if they are too far away. IF the steering wheel has tilt/telescoping, you can fine tune steering wheel position and arm distance with that as well. You'll probably play with positions for a couple weeks to get it just right.

            With you this new to driving, I'm kind of weary about you even thinking about drifting already. Learn the car first and how to drive it normally. Before drifting, you should be very comfortable with the car and know it well. In time, you'll start to push the car and yourself. This is when you start to really learn the car. After you've gotten used to driving it hard, then you can start thinking about drifting. Look at techniques. Learn them, understand them. Try them out in a save place where you can't crash the car if something goes wrong. If you don't understand what the car's doing, learn. In order to properly use techniques, you really should understand them. This is just my belief and my 2 cents.

