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  • yay

    i met mark from slide squad tonight! yay! im glad i turned around while walking to the car. i noticed a very bright red sil80 with the words slide squad across the top of the windshield. *Censored**Censored**Censored**Censored* man too bad i didnt have my digi cam. so i went up to him and stupidly asked which one are you? to which he replied, what? i repeated my stupid question with the addition of on slide squad. to which he answered mark. i said oh cool. so you live around here? and he said yeah since i was like seven. i was like oh cool. are you on and he was like yeah ive posted a few times. i sed yeah i saw the video of you on there. he was like oh cool. do you drift? and i was like uh well not really. thats when my godsister chimed in with "yeah hes drifted before in my moms car" and i looked at her cuz my godmother was standing right there. and i was like you *Censored**Censored**Censored**Censored*ing idiot shut up. and my godmother heard her. i looked at him and said *Censored**Censored**Censored**Censored*ing kids cant keep their mouth shut. he was like you have a car? i said yeah an 86 honda accord but its no hachi. he told me he had just sold his 86 the day before. i said oh cool. we had to leave so i was like oh well it was cool meeting you. he was like yeah later. and i walked away and watched him start his car and drive away. thing sounded sweet as *Censored**Censored**Censored**Censored*. cant believe i didnt ask what he had done to his car. i think i was a lil dumbfounded at having met him. but yeah just thought id like to add it here.

  • #2
    nice. Mark I guess is pretty well known. i've seen some of their vids and they're probably one of the best Drift teams in CA if not the best. lol. ya he sold is 86 for 2950 with like all these nice mods. i wish i could have bought it. thing was insane.
    Last edited by TougeDorifuto; 04-03-2004, 09:49 AM.

