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  • #47
    But i will say this, the same challenge goes out to you. Bring it here if you think your good. You have been on club4ag for a while. sorry you dont recognise the name.

    This isnt initial d, you dont have to battle. Drifting is about doing good for yourself.
    BattleVersion Mishimoto DDay Kaaz G-Dimension P2M BrianCrower CPpistons K&Wautobody RaysWheels SpeedOMotive Rotora AIT Racing AODA HouseOfKolor CompetitionClutch BullseyePower


    • #48
      Aww, dont you want to know!!!
      ---Haha, spoken like a true professional. like I said Bring It. you seem to talk the talk. come over here and show us what you got Mr. Pfeiffer.



      • #49
        But i will say this, the same challenge goes out to you. Bring it here if you think your good. You have been on club4ag for a while. sorry you dont recognise the name.
        ---Sorry I am not the SPONSORED PROFESSIONAL "DRIFTER". can`t afford it. Come on big guy, i never mentioned battling it out like InitialD, I asked you to enter a contest over here, just like you do in the states. come on, Mr. Drift champ

        Last edited by okinawalevin; 05-21-2004, 06:15 PM.


        • #50
          Originally posted by Ghost of Duluth
          Ok. We all have a story or 2 about this, that and the other. But in the end it all boils down to the people. Everyone says that they hate ricers and blah blah blah. Adam, anyone besides yourself is not a poser. Who cares if someone in an FF comes to your spot and tries to act cooler than you. Let em. Then show them what you got. Plain as that. Don't whine about the food chain, be the top of it. Nobody treats me like a poser on my mountain, it's hard to treat a pair of dwindling tail lights like a poser. You are the only person that can change how you are viewed in your spot. Besides, it has been like that forever. I don't know what part of America you came from that they all get along, but it ain't where I live or have lived.

          People that are into sports like this, cars, Drifting, Street Racing, etc are a different breed of people. Yes some of us are nice and easy to talk too but underneath all of that, there is usually a fierce determination to be the best. Now some of those people use the "BS theory" which is, If you can't dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with BS. Alot of others in the scene hide lack of skill with the thug mentality. Then there are the bandwagoneers, people that are either not skilled enough or too scared to do what they are actually trying to emulate. These are not to be confused with noobs. But they can be both at the same time. Drifting is new, it's hot and there are going to be people that come into your spots and try to usurp your kingdom. It is up to you to defend it. Point blank. If you let someone come and take your spot, then you have failed.

          When people go to my spot, I want them to tell all their friends, "Man did you see that black FD, Holy jeez he was fast". There is a red FD on my mountain that holds the record and EVERYBODY around my neck of the woods knows this guy. Matter of fact, he holds the record for car AND motorcycle. The Dragon is 318 curves in 11 miles, many of these are 180 hairpins, blindcurves and just plain craziness. This guy did it in 9 min 48 seconds on a bike and 10 mins 18 secs in his FD. Everyone that runs that road knows either the car or the man. That is how you should be. Above the rest if you want to keep your spot.

          As for the pro's being here, it's a great idea. Everyone of you who has whined and complained about how Drifting is being taken over by corperations, noobs, space aliens or whatever, now have the top of the pile to speak up and voice your opinions too. These guys are here to help you and listen to your ideas and maybe pass them on. I don't think they are here to give you a hard time. Such as, I don't think anyone was serious about the stroking it comment. If you got upset about that, well then, maybe you were and you have to admit that to yourself. So listen to what they have to say, if you don't agree, then voice it out to them. They are nice guys and will take it in stride just like anyone else will.
          But here is your chance to finally get what you want to say out to someone that can actually do something about it. Utilize that instead of talking about it.

          Throw me a fricking bone here.

          Your great ghost.. and not to get too off topic but i ran some numbers, your red fd buddy averaged the dragon in 67.3 miles an hour on his bike, and 64.07 miles an hour in his car.. Eh what are those turns rated at?

          And as for okinawalevin what he said is pretty disrespectful but has good points in it. The amount of talent on the streets of japan is termendous.. In america we are worried about street this and street that, but in japan the street is the scene. The pros go out they run in the streets. they learn and practice there.

          However i think EVERYONE Amature, Pro, Newbie, Oldbie, Poser and Drifter alike in this thread needs to have more humility and respect. Touching on the "what american drifters lack" thread, i believe those are things we are matching. Its different in bigger cities and areas im sure. But where i am from there are only a handful of drifters. Really two groups of us. We are all friendly share a practice area, share a love for these cars. I am the most experienced in my group i use that experience to help the other guys out there with me. even to the point of sitting in the car and helping trying to inform them of any mistakes they make. They are learning on there own but with my guidence. There are guys more advanced then me, i hope to learn from as well when my car is running again.

          Theres only a few of us but were all humble and friendly. if someone new showed up, i would help them and be friendly. I think you guys in the bigger more popular areas should give that a try. Even if its not that easy.

          EDIT: okinawalevin take it easy. i dont really want personal insults going on over this thread, let us all be more respectful.


          • #51
            Keep talking levin. Your looking pritty smart yourself. 91? hmm, i must have been in diapers. Dont be mad because you havent "MADE IT" yet. Keep trying, one day you will!! I'm sure with your skills coming out of your mouth.

            Last edited by AlexPfeiffer; 05-21-2004, 06:28 PM.
            BattleVersion Mishimoto DDay Kaaz G-Dimension P2M BrianCrower CPpistons K&Wautobody RaysWheels SpeedOMotive Rotora AIT Racing AODA HouseOfKolor CompetitionClutch BullseyePower


            • #52
              Um Mr Levin, what exactly in this sentence

              It makes us all look bad when people are talking about crashing, touge running, street drifting, ff drifting mom's car. (ff drifting in general, it allways starts an agument)
              made you go all up in arms against him like that? Is that really necessary? I mean comon, if he called someone's mother a nasty name like "a no name exhaust system" or something like that, I could see the hostility. I understand if you have a difference of opinion but comon. No need to insult the man. Maybe you need to read what you typed and learn a little humility yourself. Sure you guys got it great over there and your talent probably surpasses most here, but by typing what you did, you completely contradicted the point you were trying to make and you kinda made a rear end out of yourself. If you want to make a point, personally attacking someone sure ain't the way to do it.

              SMC, those turns sure as mess ain't rated for 67.5 MPH. The road limit is 35 and some of the turns are too sharp for the occasional driver at that speed.


              • #53
                Keep talking levin. Your looking pritty smart yourself. 91? hmm, i must have been in diapers. Dont be mad because you havent "MADE IT" yet. Keep trying, one day you will!! I'm sure with your skills coming out of your mouth.
                ---Haha, like i said Bring It, quit talking out your anus lil boy. lets see you walk the walk.



                • #54
                  My apologese Mr. Pfeiffer and Ghost, i need to lock this for a few minutes to let this cool down. This is a good thread and i dont want it to turn into internet racing threat land.

                  okinawalevin your challange to him was heard, but what do you expect him to drop what hes doing and fly him self and his car to japan tonight?

                  EDIT: Back open but keep the personal insults to a minimum remember forum rules RESPECT other members.
                  Last edited by nissanguy_24; 05-21-2004, 06:39 PM.


                  • #55
                    Ghost put things well. An I aplaud his way of putting things.

                    I do throw out things in my posts like granades, it will blow up but you dont know who it will hit. I do it to get a rise out of you guys/gals. If it takes offence, it was a joke! Or you are guilty and it bothered you enough to have to post about how it made you feel.
                    Last edited by AlexPfeiffer; 05-21-2004, 06:52 PM.
                    BattleVersion Mishimoto DDay Kaaz G-Dimension P2M BrianCrower CPpistons K&Wautobody RaysWheels SpeedOMotive Rotora AIT Racing AODA HouseOfKolor CompetitionClutch BullseyePower


                    • #56
                      This reminds me of a movie, Bring it on. Where a bunch of high school cheerleaders got all uppity about bringing it on. Well if you do bring it on, don't do it in short skirts.

                      Lighten up Francis. I got a great idea. If you are so good Captain Levin, qualify for the D1, then come on over here and show us all how it's done. I bet if you got in the D1, you could get some big sponsers that would pay for you and your "boys" to come over here and show us little folk how to "walk the walk".


                      • #57
                        [TEXT DELETED BY A MODERATOR]


                        • #58
                          Originally posted by okinawalevin
                          TEXT DELETED BY A MODERATOR
                          What Alex said was tame compared to you.. If he said the things you did i wouldnt of allowed it to continue either..

                          And as for Ghost of duluth, He doesnt need to brown noise to anyone. Perhaps if you werent so quick to judge you would understand how respected he his. You insulted Pfeiffer.. pissed off his fans... not to mention the moderation for starting a flame war. But now your insulting Ghost? you will turn this whole forum against you buddy.

                          Lets end this flame war now.. enough has been said.


                          • #59
                            That was an insult? Asking you to qualify for the D1? Hmmm. Did you lead a sheltered life that would make you think I insulted you? I am not making myself look bad at all, all the spotlights are on you. Oops, that might be construed as an insult. Maybe I should rephrase that, for affirmative action and all, the spotlights are aimed around you.

                            Grow up man. If you disagree, then disagree. The only one insulting people and starting trouble here is you. Brown nosing, laugh.


                            • #60
                              Levin I know you know who I am as well as the rest of the board and as hard as i try not to post this has to be said. You and your comments are exactly what this sport does not need. I am glad you are in Okinawa and are not available for a little schoolin up here on the mainland. Why is it that only the majority of buttheads in this sport are americans. Just because you live in Okinawa doesnt make you any better that me or anybody else. You should apoligize to the members you have insulted and grow up. Your attitude will never get you any sponsores and will definatly keep you out of the D1.

