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Drifting's EASY According To Christian Rado (Quotes from SPORT COMPACT CAR)

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  • Drifting's EASY According To Christian Rado (Quotes from SPORT COMPACT CAR)

    Let me take some quotes from the latest SCC where this drag racer rambles on about it being easy,and D1 cars looking ghetto.

    "I've been training to go drifting my entire life"

    His way of saying he's qualified for drifting.Oh and what was that training again?

    "There's no mystery to drifting,just solid techiniques;basiclly what I've been doing since high-school to showoff"

    His training,doing donuts in high-school,that doesn't make you a good drifter,if a drifter at all

    "A lot of cars looked pretty ghetto in D1,they were beat up and looked it"

    wtf...That could even be considered a jab at one of this boards members.You crash in D1,you crash drifting.

    Did I also mention that Christian is going to be entering the Drift Showoff with a Toyota Tacoma X truck?

    Listen to this "Our truck will bespeak professionalism,from contract patch to the black paint on the roof.Our team will have a great looking transporter,uniforms that match and aggressively friendly attitude in the pits.".

    Yeah,sure Christian.Wait til you crash that truck,which I'm sure will be even before your first competition

    He even takes a shot at all of the D1 drivers.

    "Way too many of the guys at D1 seemed surly to the fans;like they'd rather slump over in a lawn chair and inhale Marlboro Reds than shake hands,sign autographs,or even listen to questions"

    The only surly guy here is you Christian,keep telling yourself that you,Mr.Christian Rado is going to magicly change drifting,like your some kind of hero.I hope you drown in your own arrogance.

    "Wow.I understand that a lot of guys there didn't speak english,but that's no excuse for not representing yourself, your team,and your sponsors well"

    When did the D1 drivers poorly represent themselves,their team,and their sponsors? Once again,the "I'm better" attitude.What language are they going to talk to everyone with,sign langauge? Or maybe they could use morse code by implementing exhaust notes right? C'mon,let's send you to Japan and watch you do better.Actually,maybe your better off not going,you'd just make Japan hate all Americans.
    Last edited by Feint; 05-23-2004, 12:59 PM.

  • #2
    thanks feint this is the guy we should have booed instead of that whole rhys millen incident

    this guy doesnt even respect the drivers who founded the sport and its more than what u learn in some driving school when u were a lil snot nose like him.

    He must think hes the *Censored**Censored**Censored**Censored* with all that factory backing
    makes me sick to hear somthin like that


    • #3
      ...............that guy needs to go home with hisself...


      • #4
        It's guys like him that make the Americans look stupid. They represent their sponsers by partcipating in D1.


        • #5
          Imo,he's too cocky for someone who hasn't even taken the time to learn about drifting,respect the people behind it,or even enter a competition.The factory backing is ridiculous,obviously he is fully backed by Toyota(also mentioned in the article).I really hope the American and Japanese drivers pull this guy back down to earth and show him that you can't just wake up and drift pro.I look foward to seeing this reality check in the near future,it's evident that it will hit like a brick wall.

          The D1 drivers,the ones that I've met,were more than happy to sign autographs and answer questions,I also believe that they all represented their sponsors quite well.They all seem very humble to me,and are pretty close to the fans.Just look at the drivers on this board,we even had Alex Pfeiffer tell us what he done to get to where he is today.To me,that really doesn't seem surly at all,I don't know where he gets off on this.

          The worst part is,he has a magazine to talk the trash,a factory sponsorship to do what he wants,but there is one thing that money and sponsorships can't help,that's skill.We'll see how well he does,and if he wins that Drift Showoff,and "shows" the Japanese and American drivers how a D1 "should be done".


          • #6
            i say...

            if i see him im pimp slap his *Censored**Censored**Censored* and tell him to stick to drag racing!


            • #7
              he wont make it far in the competions dont worry


              • #8
                ive never heard of a toyota tacoma X; what is it?


                • #9
                  Christian Rado and Ken Nomura should fight...


                  • #10
                    Drag Racing is what takes no skill....all you do is shift gears and go in a straight line...big deal


                    • #11

                      A Toyota Tacoma X is Toyota's smaller truck currently released and is being outfitted with X-Runner trim. But, basically, a pickup.
                      Attached Files


                      • #12
                        rado is an *Censored**Censored**Censored*. he's like that in person, all full of himself and arrogant. He wont get far in drifting.

                        [LINKED PHOTO REMOVED]


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by KisstheApex

                          A Toyota Tacoma X is Toyota's smaller truck currently released and is being outfitted with X-Runner trim. But, basically, a pickup.
                          thats sum weird lookin crap. im used to seeing these tacomas.
                          big tacoma

                          little tacoma

                          so which one is it? and is that sum new ugly body kit they have for one of those styles? or is that a new 2005 super huge bug-eyed tacoma?


                          • #14
                            OMG i am siding with Import Tuner over SCC...

                            Every one go and read this month's import tuner, in the editor colum's similar to Christan Rado's colume in SCC. The guy is complaining exactly about this.. That guy is relatively new to drifting and is very humble about it but complains about his Drag racing buddies, who got famous drag racing and now think they will drift, and all there sponsores are following them.

                            Some semi quotes. (semi because i dont remember them real well) from his drag buddies.. "Im going to run ethanhol and make all kinds of power" "no ones built a tube frame drift car yet"

                            Perhaps the domestic manufacturers werent the real threat to drifting, but rather our fellow import enthusiest.. the Pro Import drag racers.

                            All we can hope is he fails... he crashes and fails. His sponsors leave him and he goes back to drag racing with more humility.. BY THE WAY MISTER RADO I've never met a pro drifter who didnt want to talk to his fans! even if they dont speak english those guys all seem very friendly. Ueo was nearly in tears reading letters we sent him about his luck this season.. Yeah real distant... Pro American drifters are taking the time to post on forums like this to hear from there fans and exchange opinions and ideas. There may be drivers who are rough around the edges, but they are all good guys.

                            I have no problem booing a guy with that attitude.


                            • #15
                              would that be the june import tuner or the july? cuz i just bought the july one.
                              Last edited by ; 05-23-2004, 06:15 PM.

