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"Experienced" drivers like it too

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  • #16
    So its like Drifting, 'War Driving' (wireless hacking), and gang violence all rolled into one?

    Sounds fun.
    Last edited by nissanguy_24; 06-09-2004, 03:55 PM.


    • #17
      My favorite setup is having all 4 corner max height. Absolutely no traction.

      It's for learning how to drive on ice. lol...


      • #18
        that is the point that I was trying to make, and I have found the same thing, yes the misinformation is apparent. thanks for clearing that up. You hit it on the head, these are things that we found when trying to setup some of our cars, and has ultimately put us back at the tires that have already been designated as high or ultra high performance tires, as opposed to a tire that is easily broken loose. And yes that extra traction helps a whole lot when you get into more speed or more power vehicle applications
        Last edited by slide; 06-09-2004, 04:02 PM.


        • #19
          Actually SMC, it's called War Dialing. The girl that runs the whole war dialing society is 16 years old. But who's counting.

          All 4 maxxed out is insano. Got to be a hell driver to bring that under control. It'd be cool though.


          • #20
            Originally posted by slide
            drift tires dont really exist, I dont know how you would design a tire to be specifically drift, when you see how the tires are used while drifting most logic behind the tire is thrown out the window. Case in point; using Falken Azenis/Advan Neova (hi grip tire) to drift like some of the pros do.

            I've read about this, they are trying to make a tire with good high speed grip that will also last longer than 10 min when drifting. they have taken tire temperatures after they are used for drifting in the D1GP and exibition, and temps read over 500 degrees. the tires teps after they are used for drifting are higher then when the tires were vulcanized(made), so they are pretty much making a more durable, high-grip tire.



            • #21
              War dialing is calling phone numbers at random trying to find an open modem connection.... i dont know how often its done these days. War Driving is driving around in your car with a laptop looking for open wireless networks. Its very popular because very few wireless networks have even basic encryption. we are going off topic though.


              • #22
                how about this info?

                Nomuken's car is setup to understeer massively.

                So is many of the D1 cars.


                Ever see these cars accelerate and gain speed while sideways? To the normal eyes, that's weird, but to those that know about chassis setup, that's on par.

                If you are drifting right, your front tires will wear out at about 3:1 ratio of the rear tires. Yup, that's right, wear out your front tires.

                About the understeer. lets talk about oversteer. If a car is oversteering, and you try to give it more gas to accelerate, what happens? Massive oversteer, and end up not going anywhere.

                If the car has some understeer for a relatively neutral setup, you can stay on the gas for much, much longer, and gain speed while drifting. Nomuken likes to romp on the throttle to roast the tire, but when this is happening, you can clearly see the car gaining speed.

                The bottom line, that I've noticed, time and time again, setup the drift car up to be a relatively neutral grip/road race car but only use the max performance tire (not r-compound). It's all about control. Sometimes, you might need to run staggard configuration to have more understeer. Staggared setup is good for snap transitions.

                A quick study of how many drifters setup their cars will review this aspect.


                • #23
                  My Yokohama AVS Sport lasted for 4 20 minute sessions of this.

                  I only took half the threads off. Granted, I'm not at the D1 speeds of 4th gear drifting, but most of the corners were in the upper 3rd gear for entry speeds.
                  Last edited by '97 S14 SE Turb; 06-09-2004, 04:17 PM.


                  • #24
                    yea thats right man. I noticed in GT3, my cars' setup has evolved into my cars having massive understeer when I'm trying to "grip race" them. but have a lot of good control when drifting them. I realized later this is how the porfessionals and mountain racers and such set their cars up.



                    • #25
                      there are so many methods of drifting. i cant think of the name but i think it is called race drifting when you ease off the throttle and give your car some understeer but then once that starts you start to tap on the throttle to slowly adjust yourself.


                      • #26
                        lifting throttle in a middle of a corner will actually cause oversteer.

                        I believe you are trying to talk about throttle steer. That's done in road racing. Not just a drifting skill.

                        Soo many skills used in drifting comes from road racing.


                        • #27
                          Shoot....i'll open my own drift school. for $10 bucks a day we practice drifting styles. i be located at any empty parking lot...class starts a mid-night...bring a car money and a police scanner
                          any what to join no register fee just paid the $10 so sign up now today lol
                          Last edited by FD3S_pilot; 06-09-2004, 09:25 PM.


                          • #28
                            the old man from what i've heard was a very nice man. He took the signal car for a spin in Vegas, and actually got down the basics in 10mins. Bob Bondurant is a very talented driver, if you don't know, he is mostly known for having one of the most legendary finishes in racing history.


                            • #29
                              and that finish is???



                              • #30
                                ^ A ten-foot hoagie in 3 minutes

                                Originally posted by Ghost of Duluth
                                They learn you how to ram cars out of the way without doing major damage to your vehicle, vehicle surveillance technics, counter surveillance technics, driving while shooting, things like that. Pretty cool course if you have ever been in the military.
                                All this can be had at your local underground printing press...


