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Drift bible

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  • #16
    i got my for 20. and the store still had like 5 left. oh yeah I got my copy of the drifting mag signed by the man "dori" himself.


    • #17
      Anyone tried the links from the side menubar?
      Last edited by pita bread; 03-07-2004, 12:47 PM.


      • #18
        oohoh inital d battle stage


        • #19
          I thought all of you guys have seen Initial D. Initial D was released back in 97? Well, in the first couple of episodes of Initial D, the SpeedStars group is watching a video in the Gas Station office, and its a clip of the "Drift Bible". The even make a comment about Suchiya. The DVD is a remake. Notice it says, "First time on DVD". The Japanese one has been around for a long time. Everyone go watch Initial D now.


          • #20
            I remeber seeing part of the drift bible back in 2000. On kazaa in a drift mix video. Ive acutally never seen Inital D.


            • #21
              well, then you should go and watch it. As much as people bag on it, its a very entertaining series.

              My buddies and I have Initial D marathons every once in a while, its cool. Everyone brings their cars, then we watch all the episodes, even the movie, it takes all day and a chunk of the night, but its fun. Don't forget the beers.

              hint: if you stop the movie, right before they hit the snow, and put in the extra stage, then recontinue the movie, it makes complete sense.

              OK, I'm a big kid at heart! ...a little ricey too...


              • #22
                Ill buy them, gotta get the real thing, no tokyopop.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Nightwalker
                  I thought all of you guys have seen Initial D. Initial D was released back in 97? Well, in the first couple of episodes of Initial D, the SpeedStars group is watching a video in the Gas Station office, and its a clip of the "Drift Bible". The even make a comment about Suchiya. The DVD is a remake. Notice it says, "First time on DVD". The Japanese one has been around for a long time. Everyone go watch Initial D now.
                  I have to agree. Its in the first stage i believe. I recommend Intial D but everyone prolly seen it already. BTW don't watch the Tokyo Pop ones... they straight out SUCK!


                  • #24
                    The tokyopop dub sucks since they made the target audience for 13 year old kid ricers. (They edited the subtitles too). But video wise, the image quality is better then most bootlegs. Plus 5.1 for the Japanese track is good.


                    • #25
                      Yeah, whenever my friends and I get bored we pop in Initial D.
                      Attached Files


                      • #26
                        The "Drift Bible" was made in the mid 90's.

                        Best Motoring decided to dub/sub-title it for US release. That's what is being sold now.
                        Last edited by pita bread; 03-07-2004, 12:48 PM.


                        • #27
                          I got my drift bible at Best for 28.00 bucks and it got to my house in 2 days!


                          • #28
                            40 bucks that a F#cking ripp off

                            i got my for 19.95 plus shipping from best motoring international


                            • #29
                     - 630 MB


                              • #30
                                Good stuff.

                                I think I have some clips of the drift bible in some of my video archive CD's. I litterally have gigabytes of videos.

