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Formula D, (FEEDBACK)

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  • Haha, I guess he meant a different one.

    And yeah, you did some awesome moves in that S2000, Alex! DON'T SWITCH CARS!


    • Originally posted by otakud00d
      Haha, I guess he meant a different one.

      And yeah, you did some awesome moves in that S2000, Alex! DON'T SWITCH CARS!
      im guessing he might have. We have printed 4 different flyers that some of you may not have seen.

      1st Flyer- Promoting at L.A's past X-Games w/ Bucky Lasek on the front cover

      2nd Flyer- 1/4 Page with just the general idea of the event with Ken Gushi drifting, and the other side a show car

      3rd Flyer - Traditional FD Flyer (Yellow) with the Motorex 350Z, and two models w/ dates

      4th Flyer- The one you see above (Full page flyer back to back) Which gave the total information about the event, from the drifting, to show cars, to girls, to the dj/mc battles. (This flyer was the most distributed)

      Different flyers for different crowds. We just wanted to appeal to certain crowds.


      • This would be an improvement...
        Attached Files


        • Originally posted by Formula D
          This a very typical thread that this site has. Someone throws up a complaint or is upset about something like, "Drifting going to NASCAR" or "Drifting too commercial?" etc etc, The threads usually lasts for quite a few pages, then then everybody calms down, maybe a few appologies, then the thread closes...
          I'm very happy you're making an effort to reach out to us. You're right about people calming down about the whole advertising whatnot, as I have too, but I've come to realize that there's things going on that I can't begin to comprehend, therefore should not critisize. I'd like to thank you for promoting the drifting series and giving American pro drifters a forum to showcase their skills in front of a great audience. This whole thing is very new, to everybody, so there's concessions all the sides (promoters, sponsors, drivers, all levels of the audience, etc) are going to have to make, like murdoch said.


          • Originally posted by AlexPfeiffer
            You know what you *Censored**Censored**Censored*s, you that call your selves fans and bash on the best american series suck!! You bastards talking crap and bashing everything that goes on is getting iritating. Have a bit more respect for us who have pushed so hard to get the sport where it is now. Shut the hell up and do your own crap if you think your better, dont come to the events cause we can do without your input. Save your $35 cause if you cant accept what goes on, we dont want you to be a fan. Non of you on here said anything about the driving, all you do is complain about what the sponcers do to give you that show. Go back to your mountain road and drift your thumb up your a$$.

            Screw you all!!!!

            You are totally taking what a lot people are saying the wrong way!

            Try and fine one post where some said that the drivers at the show sucked. I do not think there are any. I hadn't seen any of the Form. D videos yet so I didnt know how "good" they were going to be. But I knew you guys would kick a$$ drift wise which you did. Hell, I haven't drifted a real before so I am definitelty not going to tell anyone that can drift a car that they suck.

            What people are saying is that they dont want all the HIN style stuff at the show, or atleast not a crap load of it. All I want to see is cars hanging their a$$ end out around a course 2 at a time and I would be perfectly happy!

            If I lived in Cali I guarentee you I would have been at the show if I could get a ride there and back home. $35 oh well, as long as I get to see drifting it's all good.

            People are trying to say they aren't there to look at the honda show cars, mc battles, neon lights, etc. They want to see drifting. Drifting with a side of HIN would be fine but not the other way around. If I ever get a chance to go to Formula D I will, it's just that living in Arizona kind of sucks. I vote that you should have an event out here at good ol' P.I.R.!! However you'd want to wait a while, 110* weather sucks it big


            • I just wanted to put my two cents in. I live on the wrong coast so I do not get to see as much drifting but I was at the Formula D event in Atlanta. I did like the style of that event over the what has been said about the event in Irwindale. The event was filled with SCCA races and Speed World Challenge races. To me this introduced everyone to different forms of racing. The SCCA guys got to see drifting and the drifters got to see road racing. I do think that drifting in America is going down a different road than Japan. I am against cars like the Viper. However, that is just my opinion. At the same time if you do not put rules against it why not. I love the cheap japanese cars that I can tinker with and make quick but if I was going to race and someone said that I could start with a Viper or a 240SX. I would be dumb not to pick the purpose built race car (Viper). Now I will step off my soapbox. And end by saying that every new series is going to go through changes but in the end it will go with what ever the majority wants. The best drifters in the U.S. are in the Formula D series. So I will continue to watch it. If the judging, announcing or some other part does not get better a new series will pop up and the best drivers will go to it. Kinda like IRL and CART or NASCAR and USAC. Even the NFL and XFL. Well that is what I think. By the way, at Atlanta I thought it was cool as he!! that a Corolla kept up and almost passed a Viper.


              • Your right formula D, we do not go to the source, why? because we are abunch of friends who post on a message board. one friend goes "dude that sucked, what do you guys think" and people chime in. This is how it works. When you and your buddies sit around and someone goes "i tried that new cola the other day and it wasnt very good" and people throw various opinions of the cola out do you rush out and call the cola executive?

                Besides we have been told multiple times we cant change anything, so whats the point?

                Not only that but we already know what the answer is, we are wrong and we simply dont know how it works. We dont understand that drifting NEEDs nondrifting to grow.

                Inconclusion, i will not be waisting my money at a formula D event in the future, so do as you like, its no longer my concern. But do not try to down talk me or my friends for discussion it on an open forum that we frequent.

                And if you dont like it, well your always welcome to change, or more likely start your own forum, im sure you made enough cash to do it, 35 bucks ahead right? And it was a great success right?

                Speaking of which i have something to ask everyone who bothered to stay for the main event. How were the stands? At the D1 there was standing room only by the time the main event started. After 6 almost 7 months of drifting i wonder if the fan base got bigger.


                • I just want to post my two cents... Sorry, but I was also quite disappointed at the Formula D series. I think most guys here who posted before me pretty much summed up how I felt about the American drifting series. I will not attend another Formula D event again.



                  • I wanted to go but i couldn't, regardless of all the other distractions if your a fan you don't give a crap about anything else but the drifting. Btw alex my motor didn't take a crap I had like 5 busted hoses under my intake manifold, haha! So i'm getting that fixed and getting my clutch, can't wait to go to DD20 see you there man



                    • Regarding the cars in Formula D, I do think some of the cars are a bit unfair. Like the Viper. I saw Hubinette drive the silver Jasper Performance Supra at a drift even last year and I have to admit, the car does make the driver and Hubie is one hell of a driver. As for the viper itself, maybe that's why weight and power are taken into account. As for the GTO, I think it got a cold reception because of what it stood for, rather than for any other reason.

                      Personally I wouldn't mind seeing some El Caminos, F-bodys and Fox bodies competing next to the 240SX and AE86s. Some people won't admit, those domestics have a lot in common with the AE86. Old, solid axle, cheap(er), etc. Lots of torque, easy to get power out of, lots of aftermarket (of a different sort, though)

                      As for formula d, it puts the best american drivers up against each other. Of course that doesn't mean D1 doesn't offer a good place for American drivers to showcase themselves, but just think of one as a reigonal event and one as a multinational one.


                      • I can't wait to see a Mustang on the track...

                        I also want to see a Vette personally driven by Ryan Hampton on the track...




                        • Originally posted by aristo
                          Personally I wouldn't mind seeing some El Caminos, F-bodys and Fox bodies competing next to the 240SX and AE86s.
                          How about Formula D come to Hawaii for one of their events O_o haha... oh well I'll just keep dreaming...


                          • Just wanted to point out the fact that without HIN, the cars that were sponsored by HIN in the competitions (Benson Hsu, Bondurant, etc) woud not have made it to Houston or Atlanta. The mere fact that Benson got to Atlanta was a feat in itself; we scrambled for money and logistics stuff prior to leaving, and still ended up spending way more than we should have.

                            There are some compromises that have to be accepted... especially since the amount of money is not enough to go around to fill a whole competitive field.


