If any of you guys are familiar with ryutsu center, and Daikokufuto in Yokohama I went there last Sunday (Saturday night for you anal folks). I don't have a car yet becuase I am saving up for something really cool. I started off taking a train to Yokohama and walking from the station to Daikokufuto. For those of you not familiar with Japan there are sidewalks along freeways. I arrived an hour later at Daikokufuto at that spot that is in all the option videos. By the time I got there hoping to meet some people that knew where everthing was, the police had started telling everyone to leave because the BosoZoku were making to much noise. I was sitting at the same spot where they filmed people drifting in Option Video number 34 *I think maybe 43* where they went around Japan and fimed all the popular drift spots and hang outs. But this time nobody was drifting. Any way, I got a call from my mother in Texas because she is coming nextweekend and it was long distance. In Japan your cell phone bill is only charged if you make calls, but if you recieve them it costs you nothing. After talking to her for 10 minutes I turned around and there was a cop there asking to see my Passport. I showed him my alien registration card and they were happy to see I was American for some reason. He told me "Bosozuku ga Urusai, Satoday nighto feva" I busted out laughing and told him that was funny and they let me out of the paking lot which has huge gates to get into it. It was one hour back to the closest station. The night was still young, somewhat (10 o'clock) and I was not going to accept defeat. So I changed plans and headed for a different spot miles away. After seeing people making out in their cars on the bridge that overlooks the Ferris wheel in Granturismo, and waving to them as I walked by to recieve friendly smiles, I got on the trainstaion by 11:15. Rode the trian to Heiwajima and walked another 30 mins. to the other drift spot. By then it was 1:30 am. The police had put barrcades in the main intersection where everyone turns around. A Candy Apple red kitted out Chaser and a white gutted Silvia s14 showed up and I Started talking to them in Japanese and asked where everyone was, they didn't know. Then a police van and a police car drove drove by. 20 minutes later a few SKylines, Silvias and a FD showed up and parked behind the Chaser and Silvia. 10 minutes later they drove off. Then it started to rain so I bummed a ride off them to the train station and waited for my train. I got bored and started playing with my camera and saw 2 r32 gts-t's talking to one another at a stop light about to turn in front of me. They noticed me and then when the light turned green they drifted thru the 10 lane intersection. So at least I got something on tape, which was better than nothing.