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have you ever saved your butt with your drifting skills?

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  • #31
    Hell yeah teaching your son the art of donut is a very good thing... i wish my dad did it. and sometimes even when you got a ticket what you do is certainly worth it... And 75$ thats hella cheap for a focking ticket... Dont forget drifting is a important thing in life...


    • #32
      Good Lord. $4,000? We're there kids in that parking lot? Bad luck on that. I'm taking Uriah out for some more tonight, but in a differen't parking lot. Maybe we'll start on nissanguy24's e-brake 180!

      If you want some bad advice on what not to do, but what worked for me: run through a cornfield. I took a friends Boss Mustang through a cornfield so the cops wouldn't give me a speeding ticket for doing 100 in a 35. . Then I took it to a carwash and left about ten ears of corn on the ground.


      • #33
        how the hell you get a 4000 buck ticket??? my friend got some bad stuff(intake and such...) in the car and caught speeding and wreckless driving at 100mph still like 400$ ticket... probly a world record or something


        • #34
          Sorry to hear about that Young. This goes to show that everyone should try to keep drifting on the track, it's your choice. As for myself, drifting has given me more confidence if anything crazy happens while i'm driving. Recently, due to low tire tread, I my car began to hydroplane and the rear slided out abit, but i understood what was going on and instantly corrected my driving, pretty much instinctually without hestation. So, I would recommend drifting or sometype of equalivant be taught to all drivers, if anything, it would give people a better understanding of their vehicles dynamics.


          • #35
            yeah, started to slide out on some gravel, heading straight for a power pole, but the counter steer is a car saver


            • #36
              wow, its been a long time since ive been around. anyways, i think its most commonly known as defensive driving when youre trying to avoid an a right or wrong here? basically, i dont think people initiate drifts to avoid problems, unless maybe you see something going to happen seconds before. now, i understand that someone who has expierience with car control or "drifting" as most are calling it could use their skills to save their arse if something occured where they needed to be able to control the car in a sliding situation. im tired...goodnight


              • #37
                I almost totalled all of my cars drifting. Either I would have totalled them or *Censored**Censored**Censored**Censored*ed up the suspension arms and linkages.

                Anyways, I've gone up walls, up curbs, etc... So this message is to those who say it's all about driver skill... It's not. It's a combination of driver skill, decently setup car, and good track conditions. I had none of these...

                I do remember dodging traffic on occasions safely because of my drifting, but generally drifting puts me in worse senario than good ones... I got into those situations where I had to dodge traffic because I accidentally drifted into them...


                • #38
                  Since i own a honda for the moment i dont try to drift it but i DO wanna know if i could get a certain predicament by drifting it

                  It was me and a friend going down a hill at 100+kph
                  at the end of the hill was a 90 degree turn.
                  so before the turn i try to slow down and the brakes lock and we slide to our death
                  lucky for us the only casulty was the front left tyre of the integra
                  NOTE: I wasn't TRYING to drift the car and what i was thinking and doing WAS stupid
                  but i wanna know, if i hadn't frozen up, would i have been able to pull off a drift to keep the car from kissing the curb? our would i have just blown up not one but two tyres?
                  no flaming PLEASE i know what i did was stupid
                  Last edited by Oki Drifter; 11-16-2004, 04:00 PM.


                  • #39
                    dude one time.....
                    i was cruisng down the road home from school with these two chicks in my FC... sick road... cant tell you excatly. Anyway, i was cruisin along on a straight section when this little mexican guy in a Honda Accord comes up on my *Censored**Censored**Censored*. Im thinkin, dude im gonna smoke this guy.... so i stomp on it.

                    So im goin about 70 comin into this left hand corner... u can see most of the other side of the road, so it doesnt seem blind... but... the car was all the way to the left so i couldnt see it. Just as im goin over the double yellow, i see it comin right at me.

                    I swerved to the right towards the guardrail, then left back in my lane... my car starts to slide and im goin fast for this next corner so i know i cant take it. so i counter drift the other way into the other lane coming inches from this wall of dirt.... then i yanked the e-brake and slammed on the brakes and four-wheel drifted into a pull-out right before the next corner, facing the opposite way.

                    The guy stops in the middle of the road and stares at me for a second... then i spin the tires, do a 180 and keep goin. I swear dirfting saved my *Censored**Censored**Censored*... id love to draw it out for you guys... it was nuts


                    • #40
                      ive never initiated a drift in order to get out of a situation, however when i had to avoid a car a few days ago in front of the grocery store and ended up in a slide my experience helped me avoid the curb and end up where i needed to be.

                      basically same thing as what Cy said has happened to me...its helped specially when i run a light and get a bit hot and rear end comes out on the train tracks LOL


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by Buddyworm
                        Nope. But I do know a girl who messed up the rims on her Jeep because the tail came out on her during the rain. Could have countersteered easily but noooooo, she let go of the wheel instead. Hahaha


                        What the hell was she thinking you dont let go of the wheel,
                        Besides that i have come close to completely spinning out then i thru it into 2nd then just countersteered my way out & planted it i came within 2 or 3 inches from buckling my new 17 ROH rims on my commodore. And i look back and just say F'k that was close.

                        Apart from all the street preeching from the Police i'd have to disagree and say that drifting is THE wave of newly aquired
                        compulsary driving skills. I believe that drifting will save more lives on the roads if people just stopped and just thought about it instead of critisising us young drivers. Those who don't agree please say so NOW.

                        On 1 more note, drifting is NOT dangerous. It's safer than safe sex.
                        Last edited by ; 11-18-2004, 05:56 AM.


                        • #42

                          how many accidents do ya hear 'bout in drifting, NONE

                          How many many accidents do you hear 'bout on the roads, HEAPS

                          ru gettin my point right ?

                          Race drivers have a braking point on each race track at all corners
                          which is 50 metres before turning, Now if all the road users had
                          a braking point which is 60 metres before coming to a set of lights
                          just imagine how many people would save lives and there cars.

                          OH red light better lock up the front wheels, SKIIIIIIIIIIIID CRASH.
                          I have a braking a point thats 58 metres cos i race on tracks for a living, Yeah 200 km/h within that distance i slow the car
                          30 feet prior to a braking point by not locking the wheels. Than i can still corner at 60 km/h not even spinning out if so i turn into the skid and from there i can accelerate all the way to 200 + km/h.


                          • #43
                            Granted, I was in an FF Malibu when it happened, my drifting experience (gained through Gran Turismo at the time, BTW) saved me. I was driving to go to like, the grocery store or something, and when I made my left turn to get in I took it WAY too fast, and on top of that the road was under construction, so it was basically gravel, so I oversteer and I'm at about 45 degrees about to pummel into an SUV when I countersteered to go 45 degrees the other way, but now keeping it in a straight line in the direction I needed to be going. I looked in the rear view mirror and the person was pretty freaked. I had less than 50 miles under my belt at that time..since then I've put at least a good 10K, in less than 2 years, but I drive a cube truck daily, which I've managed to drift in that coming off of dirt roads onto the highway, nothing's scarier than seeing a 11.5' tall truck squealing tires onto the highway.


                            • #44
                              once on ice on the highway at 70. i was in control at full lock guy driving with me freaking out like a girl.


                              • #45
                                had times in high school when you first get your car and think you are cool in the rain. pull the e-brake and do a "flip a *Censored**Censored**Censored**Censored**Censored* " scared the *Censored**Censored**Censored**Censored* outta the girls in the backseat. those were the days. haha. haven't done that in a long time but just being an attentive driver and defensive driver help when roads get nasty.

