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Bicycle drifting

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  • Bicycle drifting

    lol, pretty funny! DGTRIALS is giving $100 dollars to 1st place winners. Next thing you know you'll see drifting motorcycles. Nice.

  • #2 motorcross but dont drift...but seeing those dirt bikes sliding around is awesome


    • #3
      I guess safety is of no concern with these guys.. helmets maybe??
      Oh, I get it.. they must be rebels or something..
      They're above the law.
      The laws of physics don't apply to them, man.


      • #4
        Flat dirt track racing on motorcycles is about as close as you can get to drifting on a motor bike


        • #5
          Originally posted by bdjoe
          I guess safety is of no concern with these guys.. helmets maybe??
          Oh, I get it.. they must be rebels or something..
          They're above the law.
          The laws of physics don't apply to them, man.
          nah man, dgtrials says helmets required along with knee pads and stuff in order to compete.


          • #6
            LOL!!! BRINGS BACK MEMORIES!!! About a year and a half ago me n my neighbor had these awesome bikes that you pedaled backwards to depress the brake. Back then I lived in Texas and it would rain alot. After it rained (or during) me n my neighbor would start at one end of the street and race all the way to the end. When we got to he end we were flyin so we would put in our brakes and SLAM our rear ends would pop out. Prolly one of the frickin scariest things Ive ever done. Bike drifting rules. But from what it look likes our little stunts werent as crazy as thos japanese dudes.


            • #7
              assout is right. Dirt track racing is pretty cool too. You should see what happens when the rear suddenly gets traction mid drift. It isnt pretty.


              • #8
                gotta love the coaster brake!


                • #9
                  Motorcycle drifting been round forever. Flat tracking, Ice racing and one other I can't think of now. I think the bike thing rules.
                  To see those Japs and their crazy sliding machines gives me a


                  • #10
                    thay show those bikes every month in drift tangoku


                    • #11
                      are they special kinds of bikes, or would any kind of bike work?


                      • #12
                        HAHAHA YES I DRIFTED MY BIKE ALSO!!

                        No special Bike Is needed..It's Just like a car..Cause the Rear To loose Traction while turning and you will need to countersteer to correct ur angle for the turn..I have done this alot on downhills when i was younger (BEFORE I HAD MY LICENCE)lol.
                        Just lock up the back while turning and you will see...
                        "driftingBikes""Also Motorcycles do Drift or (motar)
                        I seen them with spiked tires going around a hockey ring on ESPN.Crazy..Anways I only had rear brakes on my Specialized Phat boy Cruiser BMX bike , so when i would ride down the hills in sf and came to a conner I would Drift it =)
                        Talk about showing off at a young age!! lol

                        Oh yea I never wore a helmet..=)You wouldn't imagine it's easier to drift a bicycle then a car IMO.. ^_^


                        • #13
                          I do that all the time on my BMX bike. It really helps to get a good tire in the front but also a good one in the rear. Those crappy Walmart tires chunk if you try to drift them. And if you do it on wet algea or fine sand you can actually lock the tire then give it a hard kick on the pedals and it will spin the tire (caution: this can cause the bike to spin out very fast so be careful). Another thing is if you get a good drift going at around 18mph the bike will slide out then the bike will almost fall flat to the ground like you are falling but it only falls to a certain point then stops. It feels really cool and you can hold a drift for 50ft or so.


                          • #14
                            hahaha i think they are doing the weight transfer methed of bike drifting.... thats when you put almost all of your weight towards the front tire and slide the rear.... lets see some bicycle dori

                            man i remeber those back pedal locking bikes... those were the good old days


                            • #15
                              I wouldn't even attempt that. I know I'd probably end up with broken bones somewhere.

