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I'm a new guy

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  • I'm a new guy

    I'm new on this message board. My name is 1bolt from Team Quickstyle on Hadashi Tengoku Mountain. I drive sill-beer s13. I hope make new friends to drift with.
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  • #2

    nice car


    • #3
      OMG...You got a fcukin nice car...I would be your drifting partner but I live in Canada!! Happy drifting

      Keep it sideways


      • #4
        hey...i see you live on post...ill be coming to iwakuni for football next year...i heard it was a horrible place to hang out cuz there's nothing to do xept to hang out at pizza hut...oh and iwakuni's football team sucks lol

        edit: oh yeah, sweet car!


        • #5
          Beautiful Silvia man!

          i have a 92 white 240sx.. onevia body style. With the KA24 motor.


          • #6
            your such a dork kenny just stick to drinking beer. i herd the new black top is quick. you going to make it to the next event at hadashi. when are you going to be in VA im going to try to trailer my car up ther for an event.


            • #7
              does every one notic all the tires we got to burn up in the back. the only reason the highschoolers think iwakuni is *Censored**Censored**Censored* is because thay couldnt hang out with quickstyle.


              • #8
                sweet S13 man!! i want one soooo bad.....

                just a question, what exactly is sil-beer?


                • #9

                  OMG ill give yo my life for your car? maybe? lol welcome to DRIFTING.COM


                  • #10
                    "[hey...i see you live on post...ill be coming to iwakuni for football next year...i heard it was a horrible place to hang out cuz there's nothing to do xept to hang out at pizza hut...oh and iwakuni's football team sucks lol]"

                    .......Yea, Iwakuni is a horrible place to hang out.....IF YOUR IN HIGHSCHOOL!.....they have curfew at 10 o'clock....and yes, their football team does suck.....good for me, that i'm not in, if your in highschool and your coming to iwakuni, i feel really bad for you....good luck with not having any fun........but if your not in highschool, then this could be the best place to live....all night of drivng, cheap parts, 100s' of used tires at your disposal (and that's only driving part)....don't even let me get started about the local women here........phew........krazy.....

                    ...oh, thanks for the compliments on my car.....greatly appreciated.......


                    • #11
                      i would be your partner lol

                      but i live in canada

                      and iam only 16 and dont have a car so i cant

                      getting a car soon tho... im looking A bimmer ??????


                      • #12
                        welcom nice car


                        • #13
                          ahh good old iwakuni. i sure do miss the *Censored**Censored**Censored**Censored* hole.


                          • #14
                            Sill Beer

                            Originally posted by SilverGhost
                            sweet S13 man!! i want one soooo bad.....

                            just a question, what exactly is sil-beer?

                            ....If you use , it translate japanese into english for you...but when they translate the word silvia from japanese characters to english characters, it comes out as sil beer instead of silvia......


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by QuickStyle
                              you are stupid
                              your car is stupid
                              i dont like your car
                              you smell funny
                              i hate you guys
                              Just feel the love here....

                              Did Kenny really get banned?? What did he do?

                              He does smell funny though.

