I was happy to see your wery nice web site!! I was thinking if you can advetice my free Race Audi video to some Japan or china discussion forum?. I can´t type Chaina or Japan so its very difficult for me...
made it (and many videos like that) few years a go and orginaly for Finnish cable TV. I made english texts in it for net use
So I put it in to net for you (this video is about 63Mb)
(Sliding with 18 inc race tires)
Just go www.korjaamolle.fi and video is bottom of that page
Video is named:
Audi_S2_4WD_over_700hp_KovaaComSponsored_year_2003 .wmv
I´d like if someone can advetice it to Japan or China car related discussion forum I would be happy
right mouse click you can save it to your HD
I was happy to see your wery nice web site!! I was thinking if you can advetice my free Race Audi video to some Japan or china discussion forum?. I can´t type Chaina or Japan so its very difficult for me...
So I put it in to net for you (this video is about 63Mb)
(Sliding with 18 inc race tires)
Just go www.korjaamolle.fi and video is bottom of that page
Video is named:
Audi_S2_4WD_over_700hp_KovaaComSponsored_year_2003 .wmv
I´d like if someone can advetice it to Japan or China car related discussion forum I would be happy
right mouse click you can save it to your HD