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Well I almost died today!

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  • Well I almost died today!

    Just wanted to post how crappy driving can be somedays. I was driving this morning (2/20) back to my own house traveling down a nice quiet country road and there was a little combination of ice and snow on the ground. I was in my brothers TSI since my 4runner was waiting on some new brake rotors (the old ones were warped). I took a curve to the left, felt my rear tires break loose, over corrected myself and found myself hurdling towards a ditch. I slammed hard in it followed by 8 fence posts. The last one broke through my window going through my jacket and nearly going through my neck but instead my shoulder. As for the car, it's finished and I owe a lot of money to my brother.

    Just wanted to say how dangerous a slide can be in any condtion, whether its intetional or not. Im still a little afraid to continue drifting my 240, but I think I did learn a lot today.
    Last edited by ZoltecRules; 02-26-2005, 08:48 PM. Reason: Brother wanted pics off

  • #2
    WOW!!!! you have alot o freckles!!!

    jk lol

    thats intense, at least it didnt fuilly stab through your sholder, that woulda sucked.

    atleast your ok.



    • #3
      holy $hits.......luckly you got out of it alive.....

      hope you got insurance.......


      • #4
        Nope my brother didn't have collison. Apparently my 3000 bucks i was saving up for a new SR20DET gets to buy him a new car. Thank god he doesnt even need it right now (he lives in chi-town and walks everywhere, the car was at my rents).

        The bigger thing im depressed about is that fact that I feel like a really bad driver now. I almost afraid to get behind the wheel (which i dont since I have a co-worker driving me for the next 2 weeks).


        • #5
          Part out that car. You can make alot of money back. Glad your not dead.


          • #6
            Good thing you didn't get hurt.

            Get rid of those God-awful wheels ASAP.

            You were driving too fast for the conditions and paid the price. Learning experience.


            • #7
              Man U lucky!!!


              • #8
                Originally posted by GRiDRaceTech
                Good thing you didn't get hurt.

                Get rid of those God-awful wheels ASAP.

                You were driving too fast for the conditions and paid the price. Learning experience.
                Driving too fast for snow? I guess you can call me "Miki" now.


                • #9
                  Things happen. Unexpected patches of snow and ice can be a make or break thing. Sometimes you get lucky, sometimes you don't.

                  I've been quite lucky myself, but I've had my share of almosts over the many winters:

                  -almost hit a telephone pole flying into the ditch after doing 70 down an iced over gravel road while my windows completely frosted over cause I didn't warm up the car. I braked to slow down after visibility went to nil, rotated and over corrected several times, flew into the ditch(someone's yard) and missed the pole by 10 feet, maybe doing about 40 and was airborn for a short distance as well, bent nose up half an inch upon landing, lol.
                  -almost hit a cop car at about 40 after turning off onto an overly icy turn off lane at 65mph(highway), saved by turning into snowbank piled up on the side to bleed speed, quick thinking and and idea that worked better than expected
                  -almost rear ended cars when braking for lights on icy roads, saved by open shoulders, open left lanes, and one time just lucky patches of asphalt

                  -did slide halfway down a ditch once when driving a little "emotionally," was pissed off for some reason, couldn't get out even after some digging, pulled out by neighbor's truck
                  -did take out a neighbor's mailbox once, you'd think you'd be able to do something with 500 feet at only 30mph, dad's crappy old car, very crappy tires, near ice roads...guess not, bleed off speed but couldn't turn or stop completely, with any other car, wouldn't have happened

                  I've been on the lucky side of things. However, luck and experience are two seperate things. Experience gets you a great advantage. One more winter event:
                  -almost spun out doing 65 down the highways in my bro's turned my old 2wd Ranger truck, a little more throttle to start passing a slower semi on some very icy roads and the back end just whipped out. I've been practicing drifting in the thing for maybe 2-3 months, late fall through the winter. This actually saved me. Instead of spinning out and going in the ditch or hitting another car. I reacted instinctively. I let off the throttle and countersteered accordingly without a second thought. In fact, it was over about as quick as the rear end got out on me, and I didn't think once about what was happening. I didn't even move outside of my lane or anything.

                  I brought the above event as a example to hopefully keep you from giving up on the drifting thing. It has benifits you don't know yet. That understanding is a powerful thing and could save you one day.

                  I'm sorry to hear he only had liability. That's probably the worst part about this whole thing(money wise)...well that and you almost getting impaled Death is bad.

                  You'll spend a little time questioning your driving ability. You'll get over it. Just learn from it and move on.

                  Also, unfamilar cars are a big no no in my book for practicing drifting or even just driving fast or wrecklessly. It was your brother's car. You are unfamilar with its behavior and have little clue what it's telling you(like when the rear tires start to come out on you). As well, it's not yours, so some respect for other people's property should have been taken. Getting it home safely is the number one priority. This is one of those things you should hopefully learn from this event.


                  • #10
                    Thanks for the help man. AWD is new to me, especially in a lighter car such as a TSI.


                    • #11
                      Glad to hear you survived. I'm kinda used to sliding around in ice and snow in my current ride (87 GMC Pickup) so I know it can be "fun". Then again I've never driven a 4WD either so I can't imagine what that'd be like. Though now when people tell you that 4WD is better in the snow you can tell em the truth. lol Much like your former sig (a few posts back) it's all about skill, but maybe a bit of luck too.


                      • #12
                        Glad to here okay bro.


                        • #13
                          Had a crash on sunday morning! E-braked at 4am... didnt change down to second(still dont know why) and went backwards into a kerb and a pole!
                          Car chassis bent, so gonna sell it soon.

                          My buddy calls the repair costs "School Fees"

                          About feeling like a bad driver....

                          can totally relate, after my last accident a few years ago.

                          Take a time out for a while, and realise what mistakes u made, and make sure u dont make em again. Think of all the times u did the right thing! Laws of averages just caught up to you! besides, even the best go kerb hopping and farming sometimes! crashings part of the game!


                          ps, I think this was written to make me feel abit better too!


                          • #14
                            Thanks for the advice man.


                            • #15
                              you shouldn't be afraid to drive, and if you are, just sell the parts of your brothers car and buy a roll cage/helmet/harness

