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Min Drift Speed

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  • Min Drift Speed

    Hi experts,

    pls help me. What is a recommend minimum speed to start learning safely handbrake drifts?
    My country uses km/hr. I see videos where u guys do it like 80 tp 100km/hr. goodness so fast

  • #2
    Stay in first gear when you start learning and begin with donuts

    check this video out for some help:

    <object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object>


    • #3
      There's a school here in the states called Drift 101. When I went, I spent the entire day inside a 50 foot x 50 foot square sliding around cones in first gear. I don't think I went over 10 or 15 mph all day and I learned a LOT.

      It's better to start too slow you're first time and speed up a little bit the next than to start out too fast and hit something.


      • #4
        nice how to vid without information over load


        • #5
          well, to start off from absolute scratch would be:
          find a flat open area and just speed to 15mph about 20kmphr and pull the ebrake. repeat until you are completely comfortable with the sliding. you should not input throttle before you get used to the sliding sensation. it will scare the s out of you

          Now you can practice dough nuts!


          • #6
            ^cept remember that the ebrake isn't going to do anything unless you put in the clutch

            (if you're in a rear-drive car)


            • #7
              yes, you have to clutch in too...


              • #8
                Originally posted by cfrost View Post
                ^cept remember that the ebrake isn't going to do anything unless you put in the clutch

                (if you're in a rear-drive car)
                Sure it will.

                *crunch, crunch, grind, snap*

