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Feinting makes me faint .

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  • Feinting makes me faint .

    Hi experts, I was wondering why I cun get my tail to slide by feinting. Just some queries;

    a) do you lower gearing just before you feint?
    b) do you have to brake a bit before you feint?
    c) At what miniimum speed we can initiate a feint? my country uses km/hr.

    thk you and appreciate the help

  • #2
    a) do you lower gearing just before you feint?
    -just make sure you're where your power is (usually in the higher RPMs)

    b) do you have to brake a bit before you feint?
    -you can, but you don't have to. it'll help transition some of the weight away from the rear wheels to the front of the car, making it easier to spin the rears

    c) At what minimum speed we can initiate a feint? my country uses km/hr.
    -it can be learned at any speed, but i'd practice it around 50km/h+

    it's good that you're asking a lot of questions and that you want to learn, but don't overload yourself with questions on the internet.. get your RWD car and go out there and learn---beyond what you already know that you've learned on here you won't learn too much else that will help you. A lot of drifting is FEELING, so where knowing the basics will help you, it won't compare in the slightest to getting in your car and doing it.


    • #3
      tks cfrost apprecaite it


      • #4
        make sure you have plenty of room to run off if you understeer, don't want to end up wraped around the light pole, and yes, braking helps lessen tire contact in the rear... go to the track or a laaaaaaaaarge abandoned parking lot.

        and make sure you have a car that has a low center of gravity, don't want to rock and roll if you know what i mean...


        • #5
          Ai ai, I think almost every Scandinavian I have ever done I braked on. Mind you, there is a certain point where you brake. The best way is to feel it out. I need more practice because I still mess it up. But flicking is my favorite technique, if not one of the most frightening.

          50 km/h is a good speed as well I would say.

          Take it easy and don't get too easily frightened. When you get panic you are more likely to make a big mistake. More likely to over correct. Once you start that, you won't be getting your car straight until you stop the car, and take a deep breath.


          • #6
            i think that he should learn to master trail brake initiate before practicing flicking...


            • #7
              Originally posted by atlantian View Post
              i think that he should learn to master trail brake initiate before practicing flicking...
              You are talking about brake drifting yes? If so I agree wholeheartedly. Brake drifting is one of the first techniques someone should learn, right after liftoff and handbrakeing. I assume (hopefully correct) that he already knows how to.


              • #8
                the reason is, if you don't know how to manipulate ur weight... then you will loose control during a feint; understeer, neutralsteer, or a flip...

