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Tired of being called a fan!

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  • Tired of being called a fan!

    hello other people that drive cars fast! my name is David McDowell from Newark, NJ. i am fairly angry because i graduated from an automotive school recently and recieved my automotive certification , but i am not yet certified to be an automotive technician . i got into the school through a free program at the Newark Unemployment office where all you have to do is try to get a job at 12 places, any 12 places(you don't even have to get to job to make it into the program!!!!!!). once you apply to 12 places, you take a basic skills test and they tell you that they will put up $4,000 for one semester at whatever school you want to go to. if you do good, and get a job for what the program sent you to school for, they might send you back(i had a 3.85 G.P.A. , so i hope they let me go back). i didn't have a dime to pay for a semester anywhere(still don't have a dime for a semester anywhere), so this program helped me alot. my account has been overdrawn since i lost my job at FexEx in October 07', which brings me to my next point. If you work at FedEx, you get 10% off rentals at Hertz, and that's what i did for 2 years, rent cars and drive like a madman up and down the Jersey Shore. Before i worked at FexEx, i used to work for Avis, and i proceeded to do the same thing there, go to street races and rip the streets all night( at Avis, i paid on average $35 a day for cars ). by me doing this, i tried my best to learn how to drift in automatic cars, and automatic cars with triptronics. when i got into the automotive school and told people that, they looked at me like i was 4. all these spoiled rich kids with drift cars (most of them had 2 or 3 cars), or, they were ex-car thieves, talking as if they were god's gift to automobiles. honestly, i can't drift. the closest i can get to doing is is doing doughnuts and fishtailling up a street. when i was renting cars like mad, the only cars i got pretty good at doing that in were the new 07' stock ford mustangs (FR), an 05' stock chrystler crossfire (FR), and a 05' stock pontiac grand am gtp (FF, yup, the one with the baby supercharger ) until i finally drove a mustang that i rented, i was big on civics. NO MORE! even the new stock charger is up there with me. basically, i want to know what is the cheapest car besides the 240sx to start off with (95-98 supras are too expensive and hard to find on the eastcoast). FF cars need too much parking brake to drift or do doughnuts, and i find it easier to break the back tires in mustangs than any stock car i've driven. and until i get the money for that evo, charger, or charger srt that i want, i want a cheap car to start in. most people around here use 240s to drift. i want to be different. i want to be able to whoop some snotty-nosed, rich-kid *Censored**Censored**Censored* in a car that no one would expect to win in. i really want a charger srt or 95-98 supra, if i can ever afford one, or find one. well, that's the end of this book-of-a-thread i just typed. if anyone can give me some useful pointers, they would be greatly appreciated.

  • #2
    Hope It helps

    I am facing a similar nature of problem here. I just bought a S13. Learning to drift and stuff. The most probable reason why you could only tailslide and not drift is because of your auto cars you have been trying with. Not enough torque and control to pull you thru a drift but tail sliding with and auto can be done thru feinting and handbrakes.

    SOmetimes our passion for the sport blocks our real view of the whole issue. Lets face it, you gotta have the $$$ to maintain this sport (eg, tyres and brake pads,LSds) let alone getting a budget car to drift. You should always place earning money and career as 1st priority and the rest (eg drifting) will fall into the right place. Skill and Tools plays hand in hand.

    Professional racers have sponsors to replace their parts thus they can channel 100% attention and energy into the sport itself without having to worry (eg, *Censored**Censored**Censored**Censored* my tires are worn out. Guess I beta reduce my donut rounds.)

    In actual fact, drifting methods actually determine which part wears off 1st. SO unless you know your strength and contacts in the industry you may wana get used to 2 good techniques. You need not doo all the methods everytime just to prove you are a all rounder in drifting techniques.


    • #3
      another thing is, i forgot how to drive clutch. my older cousin showed me how to drive clutch one day in his old 88' CRX before he got rid of it. i didn't know what i was doing and i almost burned out the clutch . he has a stock 02' mustang now. he told me that before he will ever let me drive it, i have to show him that i can drive clutch. i want to get just any kind of clutch to learn, but the money i will be spending just to keep the car on the road, i might as well just get a car that i want. unfortunately, if you can find a 95-98 supra on the eastcoast, it's one that someone has upgraded already, and you have to be willing to sacrifice a body part to spring for the cash to buy it, just to drive limbless. i want a car that you don't see everyday. i just got a job at a transmission shop, and just finished my mechanic certification, so all i'm gonna be doing for a long time is working on cars. i want to find one that i would want to keep. not a car that when something goes drastically wrong with it that i just get another one. i want to be able to actually fix my car.


      • #4
        i can see ur enthusiasm for drifting and cars is hyper now. just dun worry too much and the job u r having now suits ur passion anyway. nothing is beta than you yourself fixinf ur won car than others. Other mechanics may not treat your car with as much care u do.



        • #5
          Kool-Aid Smillin'

          I'm like a little kid hopped up on kool-aid ever since i graduated. I want to try and get every dream car i have ever wanted and go souuep it up and go drive it and do some crazy dukes of hazzard sh*t. i probably won't but i just want to have a fast car that i can do any kind of racing in.


          • #6
            i want a cheap car to start in. most people around here use 240s to drift. i want to be different.
            I hate to tell you this but being different isn't always the best idea. Most of the time being different requires custom parts, expensive fixes, and hard-to-find solutions. I know you're a certified auto technician but "different" usually requires as sorts of welding, forming, etc. I hate to say it but being different and cheap are not two things that go together.

            Personally I would stick with the 240's. They're easy to drift (With LSD and coilovers), easy to find parts for, and probably are the cheapest cars availible.


            • #7
              Zoltec is right on target.

              You are tired of being called a fan. Maybe you should be tired of "being a fan". Like he said, different isn't economical. That's the nature of the beast that is economics. Mainstream is cheap.

              Also a point that should be addressed. This is a drifting forum. You talk about "whooping a rich kid". I hope you mean at a drifting event. And you talk about being fast, just to let you know.....drifting isn't fast. Drifting is about control. If you hit the touge with a drift car and race a auto-x/road racing car, you will lose. So maybe you are just in the wrong forum.

              I appreciate your enthusiasm, but drifting isn't about proving anything. Anybody who's into any other motorsport will laugh at you......until you jump in their car and can control it better than they can. But drifting is about control and pushing the limits of yourself and your car, not showing anybody up.

              Also, FFs can't drift. I don't know, this is just an observation, but you don't really seem to be into drifting. If you are into drifting, use your search button. Because there are 1,000,001 threads about drift cars. In fact one of them is stickied. You're into cars. That's great. Work on your tact.


              • #8
                in response to Zoltec, i'm just a certified mechanic, not a tech. and i know that fabbing a car is expensive, i just want to make a car that i can drive everyday and cut fool in.

                in resopnse to hachiroku, yeah i mean in an event. i know you can't go fast drifting. i just want to prove to those kids that i can do what they brag about. i mean, these kids go drifting in the mountains around here trying to make people look bad. they have tried to talk me into going up there, but i can't drift. the best i can do at drifting is running around my city, flying around corners(we sometimes call it playing chase. if the cops hop on, it't every man for himself). i'm not tryin to sound cocky, because i know i know nothing about drifting yet. all i do is search about it. i'm just better at driving like a motocross driver i guess than anything else. people say i drive like a getaway driver because i don't care how i drive.

                in school , they told us that tires, suspension, and brakes are what determine how fast you will go and how much control you will have doing it. no matter what car i get, i know that i will put more effort into those things than anything else. some people say tramsmission, engine, and horsepower are the main things, and everything comes second. if you don't take care of the fist three things i just mentioned, how will you get there, how will you control yourself, and how will you stop? i'm the kind of person that walks while everyone else is running. i don't try to rush into anything. whatever kind of car i get, be it a car i can be different in, or a car that is well known, i know that i will treat it like it was a child. i try to be meticulous at things i do. i'm the kind of person that ticks you off because i always try to keep the slightest things in order. i don't try to get on peoples nerver, but someone always finds something about me that bothers them.


                • #9
                  Different is not always cheaper, but it can be very fun...


                  • #10
                    good response ghost. btw, it's autocross, motocross is dirt bikes. But maybe you should get involved in auto-x, it's more applicable in real world situations, legal, and can be done on any platform (read: FF).

                    I can't, don't, and won't condone any illegal activity, especially if the point is to attract attention from the cops. I hate cops, I let them have their space and I have mine. I don't beat on their door. They don't beat on mine. By that, I mean take it to the track. Seriously playing the game you mentioned is a good way to lose your car, money, and license. Don't do anything stupid.

                    Auto-x is pretty big. As far as active participants it far outnumbers drifters so odds are you'll find more events that are closer to you. Have you ever checked out "Grassroots Magazine"? Great read. But auto-x-ers are from all walks of life. Old, young, rich, poor. It's a lot of fun and a much better way to prove yourself when you walk all over a Corvette in your Civic. It's legal and you know the guys who are there are there to compete, so you won't look like the retarded teenager who revs his engine at the Ferrari at the streetlight. That *Censored**Censored**Censored**Censored* gets you laughed at.

                    You want to participate in something that takes real driver ability. Do some searching. Look around. Read a lot. Sounds like you already have a mechanical affluence, so that's good. You'll catch on quick. But pick a sport and try to keep it legal.


                    • #11
                      that trans am looks serious! that's the kind of car i want to build when i'm older. a car that i would only use for one style of racing. a car i could run at the track or something.

                      i don't cater to street racing anymore either. i got caught up in that a couple of years ago. i would go to street races around here in all the cars i would rent, until the cops ran down on everyone and impounded cars. after my town got a new mayor, street racing was finished. i used to go there with my friend before he died from diabeties. i went with him one night and were chased by the cops. we got away and went right back to where the races were. one night that i almost rented a car and went, the cops blocked off both sides of the street and impounded every car that didn't get away. it was all over the news on a saturday morning. i was up the whole night and saw it on t.v. and said "I ALMOST WENT THERE LAST NIGHT!", it was crazy! alot of kids i went to school with knows someone that lost their car there that night. a couple of weeks later, some kids didn't believe that you couldn't race there anymore, and they went anyway. they turned it into a game of Need fo Speed: Most Wanted, and rammed a police truck. they flipped the truck and killed the officer that was driving. those kids were caught the same night and are still in jail now. you can't drive in that area at night in a soprts car and not get followed by either the cops or the feds now. they pretty much camp out around there now.

                      i don't know if you have ever heard of the Englishtown Raceway Park in Englishtown, NJ, (, but it't the big raceway here in Jersey. when i was in school, i always said i'm not going street racing anymore, and anyone that wanted to challenge me can find me at the track. you can even make bets there. they have a box that you put your money into. a guard stands there and watches the box. there is a lock on the box. whoever wins gets the money that was put up. they even have drifting in the parking lot. a couple of kids i was in school with go there and drift, but they think they are big stuff because they go drifting in the mountains. they don't try to settle anything at the track. they try to intimidate you when you get onto their turf. i've heard stories about how they were made a fool of where they go and drift at, but if you ask them about it, they act dumb. most people in that school are scared to settle anuthing at the track anyway. they know that they check your car at the track, and they don't want anyone to know what they are driving. on the street, all you have to do is say " can't look under my hood." and you have to take whoever you are racing by their word. they could be running a car with no cat, or say they have to go get their car, and bring a car that no one ever heard the rev of the engine, or ever saw race before. that's how most people get dupped out of their money on the street, and alot of conflict ensues from it. most kids just go to street races and call the cops when they lose. i'm 26 years old, and i'm not trying to get caught up in a juvenile jealouse rage over a race, and i definately don't want to lose my car to the cops! (they have the new amped up dodge chargers and magnums around here as race unit cops, what are you crazy! )

                      the only downside of livind in Jersey is that there isn't anywhere that you can really practice how to drift. i don't even think that they let you drift every day at the track, and the track is only open from March to November. they just introduced drifting there this year. i hope they make it a big thing in the future. it would be kind of fun for me to try and get my skills up everyday by going there. i think you pay one fee, and you can stay there all day! i know that if you pay to race the 1/4 mile track, you can do that all day, but i don't know about the drifting in the parking lot. i would spend all my juice money just for that everyday! i'd open two seperate accounts just for it, one for the car, and another to get into the track! if more people would try to do things with cars that are organized, ther would be more things for car people around here.


                      • #12

                        you're in NJ, did you try this yet?


                        • #13
                          i heard some kids in my old school talking about it. i just never knew what it was. it don't look like the kind of crew i wanna drive wit though. i don't even have a car yet, let alone a crew. i kinda want to learn how to drift with some cats from my area. you cats look like ya'll got alot of money invested in that club. i kinda want to do my own thing and try to start my own crew. even if we aren't organized, or just a bunch of cats that just go to englishtown whenever we feel like goin. as long as we aren't tryin to do runs in the street. i know for a fact that in my hood, if you get chased by the cops, you are either tryin to make it to philly or delaware. if you just try to run from town to town around here, cops don't call in for car chases, they just follow you and worry about calling in the chase later. but i would drift wit ya'll in englishtown after i get a car setup(and i finally figure out what the hell i'm doing!).

                          i have never been on YouTube and i came across a crazy video on YouTube( i was bored on New Years Eve. there are some guys driving rental cars in the Erhabe desert. it's an automatic car, but one of the guys goes crazy doin stunts in the car. they are drifting by dropping the back tires off the road. it's really just a powerslide, but they pulled some crazy stunts off. it's pretty much dangerous because there were people standing around on the sides of the road. you can even tell that one of the drivers is holding back because of the people standing around. one guy started stunting on the highway and pulled a fakie on the highway, and didn't lose control! everytime i watch this video i say they are soooo lucky no one got hurt and they didn't flip the car. if you have ever seen a stolen car, you know how they are driving. i've even found a couple of videos on YouTube where some people got hurt for being in the wrong place at the wrong time and from not wearing a seatbelt. if you have ever seen the episode of COPS where they were chasing a stolen car through Weequahic Park in Newark, NJ (it was a 90's episode of COPS), a kid i was in elementary school was shot by a cop. he was trying to climb out of a stolen car and jump out. they were driving the same way, until the cops started following them. dog was no older than 16 years old. stuntin' ain't no joke.


                          • #14
                            they put on track events, they're not a "crew"

                            you'll get better at this faster if you're friendly with everyone


                            • #15
                              do they have anything to do with the Loose Riders bike club?

