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First time drifting in rain

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  • First time drifting in rain

    today i had my first time in drifting on a FR...although on deserted parking lot instead of a track and a rainy day

    I got a lot of questions.....probably it has been answered thousands of time but I just dont know what keyword to search for some particular questions...

    I was going at 30mph on 2nd gear then I steered...then I heard some rubbing sound (like the front tires rubbing the floor ) that what is called understeering? And does that hurt the drivetrain or anything besides the tires?

    and then I tried the clutchkicking .....I steered first and and kick the clutch .....the car still understeer (the unpleasant sound was heard in the front tires again).....but I was going like at 30mph below ...did I go too slow ?

    then I gas....the tail got away but it then immediately spinned there any way to recover from a spin actually? and what do u do when u spin actually ? (to avoid damage on the car etc)

    well I succeeded 1 out of 5 times to actually make the tail slide, barely control the direction to exit...and didn't spin .....but the rest of 4 I spinned so hard ........that made me really dizzy .....

    PS. im driving a miata without LSD ...all stock suspension crappy wheels

    PPS. If I drift on a stock suspension without any bars(roll bar sway bar, no) , would it be more harmful to the car overall comparing to drifting on sport and stiffer suspension ?

    Thanks a lot !

  • #2
    How are you throwing it?? Tried ebraking?? Or clutch kicking? If you just turning the wheel in a direction, isn't really do much but understeer.

    When you spin, put your foot on the clutch and brake. Stops spinning and you won't stall.

    You can always catch it before spinning out, but that takes tons of practice, so don't worry to much on that.

    I suggest for a practice. Just try throwing your car sideways and having it stop that way. You'll learn how to throw your cars weight, how much and when to catch.

    Hopes that helps, its a little hard to explain on here. But if you want PM or email, I'll give you some other pratice tips.


    • #3
      usually, you spin out when you are stomping on the pedal too hard and the front end can't keep up with the back, causing the rear end to slide with less resistance than the front, causing a spin. So maybe try easing off the gas a touch.


      • #4
        good luck, rain is a great way to learn. sorry can't comment much on the fr experience, i preffer ff (to each his own) but rain reduces traction and take some of the strain off the suspension and tires. as far as speed 30mph in the rain is good strating point to learn I wouldn't go faster until you can consistantly (say 4 out 5) slide with ease


        • #5
          drift bible it

          understeer = ebrake for a second or two. not quite sure tho


          • #6
            wet drifting is a complex thing!!! because when you slip in wet road is diffrent result most of the time... if you spin usually i counter steer and brake then gas while up shift and so the tire will stick to the road instead of making your tire spin like crazy it, basicly it make the tire go slower and gripping the road and not riding in the water... then in should go straight.


            • #7
              thanks for the input guys

              with ebrake I could initialize the tail slide and exit the way I want with no problem ....I had practiced that with a civic before

              but now since I got a FR so I dont want to count on the ebrake anymore

              I tried kicking the clutch (on 2nd gear without shifting)
              I dunno whether I was too slow (probably ...around 20mph ?) didn't slide a bit and as I turned harder I understeered harder.......

              as for the spin ....I was actually asking ...besides completely stopping the car there any way to recover from the spin ?

              upshifting !yea maybe this is one of the ways...would definitely try this out next time......(the rain just stopped grr)

              and yea I knew giving too much gas would spin the car ....and thats what I intended....intended to do a power slide....but out of control it turned out to be a spin or two.....

