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Casting Call for a female hostess.

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  • #16
    All the info is thier in the first post if anyone here is interested. Use Pm's please.


    • #17
      Non-union and no agent huh?


      Why are you asking for color headshots and bodyshots? Most actors/actresses gets B&W headshots/bodyshots. Only models are the ones who may possibly get color photos.

      I'll ask around...not sure if I have someone suitable based on your criteria. Good luck Craig.

      To all the people who are hating on Craig. At least he is busting his a$$ trying to put on an automotive based show on television. If you don't like what he is doing, you are perfectly welcome to produce your own show. Do I like the things that occured in the F&TF franchise? No,...I don't (I'll admit it). But least there was someone willing to do something about it.

      Either step up to the plate...or quit your whining. We've heard it all before and it is the same stuff over and over again.


      • #18
        Well said. Lets all try our best to stay on topic.


        • #19
          Originally posted by DomLee
          Non-union and no agent huh?


          Why are you asking for color headshots and bodyshots? Most actors/actresses gets B&W headshots/bodyshots. Only models are the ones who may possibly get color photos.

          I'll ask around...not sure if I have someone suitable based on your criteria. Good luck Craig.

          To all the people who are hating on Craig. At least he is busting his a$$ trying to put on an automotive based show on television. If you don't like what he is doing, you are perfectly welcome to produce your own show. Do I like the things that occured in the F&TF franchise? No,...I don't (I'll admit it). But least there was someone willing to do something about it.

          Either step up to the plate...or quit your whining. We've heard it all before and it is the same stuff over and over again.
          Yeah, what we really need is a show that showcases drifting, makes people involved in it look like Fast and Furious actors, have stupid dutch angle camera work, BASIC questions and try and bring drifitng more into the mainstream. So a cop can profile me when i have to drive past him even more than he does already. Yeah lets give him the idea that drifters are not responsible drivers and all we do is slide around with no regard for anything. WTF. What "car-based tv show" do you think Craig will produce. So you didn't like F&F... or 2F2F.... but you think that the same person trying to do a TV show won't oh you know... do the same formula and make it liek those dumb-as.s movies?!!?

          Mayeb people look at US drifting as pathetic not only because the level we are at compered to Japan, but the fact that in 2 years it has blown up and we now have TV shows about this crap. I dunno, maybe its just me, but i don't like anything that glorifies drifting and whores it out so that Craig Leiberman can make MORE money and murder MORE cars with his bad taste.

          Oh perhaps i'm so bitter because i actually *Censored**Censored**Censored**Censored*ing drift and i don't sit on the computer all day pretending I do. Is that why you want to see some stupid import culture tv show? To pretend liek you have a drift car and pretend that because you are watching that show the people making it actually care about your car?

          I dunno, F that it's not my cup o tea. If i did make a TV show it would be going around to stupid *Censored**Censored**Censored* car shows and asking people wht the F they spend so much money at posing. Then we could make fun of their cars to their faces.

          Or maybe we could just purchase the time slot and display a blue screen with white writing that lasted the length of our spot. It would say: "This time slot was purchased so that Craig Lieberman would have one less chance to rape our motorsports."

          Even if i had a Tv in my car, i don't think it would get reception up in the mountains. You know cause i uh actually drive, im not 14 and live with my parents so i need to be in bed by 10pm, and im not a bandwagon hopping poser like Craig Lieberman and i actually use my car. How's the paint on that R34, craig? Do you dust it off every so often and back it out of the garage? Then you hit the NAWWWS driving it back in, right?


          • #20


            • #21
              If I made a TV show it would be similar to the show "Trucks".

              Stacey is the man and does sweet *Censored**Censored**Censored**Censored*. It would be the same show but with lowered beat up cars instead of lifted beat up trucks. He has built som clean trucks with full suspension.

              And he isnt afraid to get out the welder or get his hands greasey. Its a show with a host named Stacey that is a guy. You dont need great looking females to make a great TV shows. Unless...


              • #22
                Dman right about Trucks! At least you see him runing a welder or grinder and he dosn't sound like he's reading directly from the cue cards. Plus, he had a mini-mullet for a few years. Yeeeh-haw!


                • #23
                  why aren't there ever casting calls for short black guys with
                  bad eyes and a big mouth?


                  • #24
                    Ay, I've got a vagina and I can use my mouth to say words.


                    • #25

                      I know what you mean. I agree w/ your points in that the drifting scene is to an made a mockery on TV. It is not displayed as a "professional" sport...rather just another "import" type car event.

                      With regards to the F&TF (the first one), Craig was a consultant. However, he was not a part of the production staff (at least to my knowledge). He was not an writer or even a producer...therefore he had no control of the script. Only the writers and producers can call for script changes. Therefore, Craig could not change the script. From my understanding, Universal Pictures approached him w/ the script and wanted him as a consultant. This is what happens in Hollywood quite a bit.

                      An initial script can go through many changes from the time it is pitched to an actor to the time it goes into production. There are script changes that occur overnight, and this forces the actor to read their new lines that night and know them for shooting the next day. Even the post production editing can greatly affect the way a storyline changes. It can make movies seem pieced together. (Coincidentally,...I hear Wesley Snipes is not doing any press for Blade 3. This could be a sign that he may be unhappy w/ the way the movie turned out.).

                      Back to the original topic, Craig just happend to be at the right place at the right time. Did he make money? From the looks of it,..definitely! But if you are unhappy w/ the way things turned out, something about it.

                      Just like how you can't please everyone w/ the way your car looks...Craig's actions obviously hasn't pleased you. We can all see that.

                      Again, I agree w/ your points...but there is only one real solution. Produce something that'll raise the bar of what is currently out there.


                      • #26
                        If I may...

                        Several people have hit the nail on the head....I am NOT doing this TV show, I am merely forwarding the casting call information in the hopes that someone from WITHIN the community scores a deal.

                        I have NO vested interest in this new TV show, no affiliation with it in anyway...again, just posting the info.

                        With respect to the gentleman who suggested that I don't work on my own cars, drift them, drive them or what have you, if you take a moment to review my bio on my site, you can learn a bit more about me...then you can still hate me

                        For those curious as to how I still consider myself an "active" member of the tuner scene, let me introduce you to my newest acquisition:

                        More pics are on my site.

                        What are my plans for this car? To go fast.


                        • #27
                          asdfrtyui90k,,-n kjledgf

                          Sorry about that had to wipe off my keyboard.


                          • #28
                            not to sound like a hater or anything rude of any sort.......but Craig did you did any work on that Supra, I mean actually unscrew bolts and put parts in yourself or did you just buy the stuff and paid someone shop to do the work and not get your hands dirty??


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by Ichi-Go
                              asdfrtyui90k,,-n kjledgf

                              Sorry about that had to wipe off my keyboard.

                              lol!!! that was the funiest post ever


                              • #30
                                Nice MKIV, Lots of bolt on parts. Back on topic! I'm itchin' to close this thread.

