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$130G Strip Club Bill!?!?! True story...

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  • $130G Strip Club Bill!?!?! True story...

    This might sound completely unbelievable.....but back in June, a man in
    NYC visited the strip club Scores and ended the night with a $129,626
    tab on his credit card.

    Jesus, I can only wishhhh my credit card had that kind of limit! LOL

    The article is here:

    That site has tons of other crazy but true stories, kind of fun to read
    thru when I have some down time at work. The same site also announced a
    year-end special which should be pretty hilarious. It's suppose to air
    next Thursday at 10pm on Court TV which seems odd????

    Anyone else have some crazy-but-true stories to add here? My job is
    boring today...

  • #2
    ok since no one replied to this, I gotta add something really stupid that i did over this summer. Now I dont condone any of this, so dont none of yall kiddies try it at home.

    My buddie and I just got new airsoft guns. He got a fully auto AEG that shot really hard and I got a semi automatic pistol that shot a lil less hard. Anyways his house is right next to this road with some woods in between his yard and the said road. It gets relatively buisy for 11 o clock at night, and we had just watched a Seals sniper documentary or something. We got on full camo, painted our faces with mud, and moved into the woods by the road.

    We started firin off 1-2 rounds each at cars that went by. but the mosquitos were hella bad, so we wanted to go in soon. We decided we'd unload on the next car then head in. So I see some kinda Lexus/Toyota sedan approach and we each fire at least 7 shots and most of them hit the car. It slams on the breaks, turns into a side road and back tracks to where we were. We both dove down on the ground and flattened out, and as soon as the car went passed, we got up and sprinted to the house. Then we watched the car double back again and disappear into the darkness.

    Pretty stupid, but then aggain who runs up a 100k bill at a strip club for gods sake?


    • #3
      quite a story about the scores club.... anybody ever play BMX XXX? i understand why the tab could run high

