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GT4 and the logitec wheel

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  • GT4 and the logitec wheel

    does any body have any expierience with the new logitec wheel wile playing GT4??????

    and if so... how different/ hard is it with the 900 deg. steering?

    and how well does it work for drifting???

    8 DAYS YAY

  • #2
    8 days?

    i got a call saturday saying that gt4 was ready for me to pick-up
    (I put it on reserve)
    I just dont have the money til tommorrow to get it.


    • #3
      well i havent tried it and im waiting for it as well, but besides the 900 degree difference, there shouldnt be that much of a diference then driving a car. Ive seen videos of people playing and it looks like it will act like a normal steering wheel, different cars will have different forces, and different traks will give you different feed back.

      im looking forward to it and hope that he steering wheel imporves driving.


      • #4
        I've been tinkering with GT4 (japanese version) and the 900 degree wheel (logitech). It's very difficult! It's hard enough with the new physics engine since the result of counter steering is much more dramatic once the TCS and all that other crap is turned off. I think the best setup with the wheel is using N3 tires up front, and N2 tires in the rear, still it's hard to recover from a drift even if there's not dramatic angle involved; your car will dart out the opposite way 80% of the time during the exit, and it's nearly impossible to recover the steering (my table that I mount the wheel on is nearly broken because of this. I'm trying to figure out a way to set the wheel up for half steer like in GT3, but I can't find any translations for detailed wheel settings in the game, it doesn't help not knowing how to read japanese either. But yeah, drifting in GT4 is better with the analog controller, the wheel sucks unless you can figure out how to set it up for half steer (450 degrees). Otherwise, the result of trying to recover from countersteer is totally unrealistic. The behavior of the car, on the other hand, has improved with the new physics engine.

        I'll have to say, normal "grip" driving is awesome and much more realistic with the 900 degree wheel, as for drifting...bleh.
        Last edited by general ganja; 02-17-2005, 02:04 AM.

