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Stickers: Rice or not rice?

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  • #16
    If you're not Sponsored by said company.....RICE


    • #17
      theres that point too, i never really considered. but i disagree, i dont think that you have to be sponsored. i mean if you spent the money on their parts and have applied them to your car, then i think you have the right to display what you have. after all, you payed for them. but you do raise an interesting point of view.


      • #18
        If you like the way it looks then DO IT!

        Don't worry about what other people are going to say, if you're always worried about what people will call "rice" then you're never going to own a car that YOU are going to like, just a car that elitest forum nerds are going to like.

        here's my old car:

        It had lots of crap on it people didn't like, but when it came down to it, this car was the one out there on the track, not the stock 240s with black steelies sitting in the guy's driveway who sat on the forums ridiculing it

        Just my two cents about enjoying your car....


        • #19
          Originally posted by DriftGirl
          If you're not Sponsored by said company.....RICE
          not a show if your car hits any mag with those stickers you may be compensated (sticker=opportunity).

          If your car is freaking bone stock and you have 100HP added via vinyl you are magnum rice....(theres a civic around here like that ROFL).

          I just have the stickers that matter to me......(and i didnt get a driftgirl sticker yet b/c SOMEONE....needs to get me one lol)


          • #20
            Originally posted by VuDuDoc
            not a show if your car hits any mag with those stickers you may be compensated (sticker=opportunity).

            If your car is freaking bone stock and you have 100HP added via vinyl you are magnum rice....(theres a civic around here like that ROFL).

            I just have the stickers that matter to me......(and i didnt get a driftgirl sticker yet b/c SOMEONE....needs to get me one lol)
            The only stickers/vinyl I like:
            Drift Team Names
            Things that have absolutely no meaning like Domo-Kun on your hood (note: Fast and Furious style side decals ARE rice to me)
            Anything else that is kind of clever (not something I can see in an ad in Super Street, perhaps something completely orginal)


            • #21
              i preffer not to have stickers, but if u can fart and have the sh!t to back it up....why not? its not "rice" if you have the parts under your hood. but no stickers = hella hard core + u wont look like everyone else.

              this guy doesnt have one sticker on his 240 with tons of parts and in my opinion is better off without stickers.

