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I wonder how they keep Street Fury on TV

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  • I wonder how they keep Street Fury on TV

    Anyone else thinking the same thing? It's really quite horrible.

  • #2
    Agreed...horrific, to say the least.


    • #3
      I haven't seen this show yet. I guess that is a good thing? haha.


      • #4
        Street Fury is old. Been on video since the original F&F(guess thats where they got the idea for it).
        Here is one of many ways to tell its bad:
        Go to local Rice races...I mean "street races" and they are talking about, "OH SHNIT, did you see da episode lasss night? It was so tyte, dis frekin Geo Metro had Lambo doorz and 100HP!!!!!!! The doors muss supply some power to dat beast"
        Then you know the show is the worst.
        Which, IT IS.


        • #5
          sorry but ghettoness and a lack of understanding/grasping of english does not make you an import/tunner. That show is the sterotype of your :: insert your choice ::, it shows slutty women, bad music, and cars that are all show and no go. Why on earth did those geeks at G4 think this was a good idea.


          • #6
            Yeah I agree, thats what I was hoping I was depicting on the post I made above^. I agree 100%, it expresses the car culture badly, and shows rice, and chicks which has nothing to do with real cars.


            • #7
              TechTV sold its soul to G4 and now they only have shows that are "cool" and the old good shows were all canceled (except XPlay, but they ruined that anyway). Street Fury probably gets fairly good ratings and/or G4 probably has some sort of contract and they have to show it.

              The thing I hate about the Formula D and Street Fury shows is that whole "Whip Set" thing. I don't watch Street Fury so I don't have to deal with that crap, but I do watch Formula D and they have that stupid looking Accord and half naked sluts during the commercials. I wish they wouldn't stereotype car enthusiasts as sexist teenage boys that have no taste in women.

              More sliding less booty shaking! And bring back Laporte!


              • #8
                AuspeX, I agree 1005 with what you just said. Girls are not cars, so if your gonna have a "car performace" show on, don't show half naked chicks. But, I do believe it is popular on G4tv because, since the original F&F(not blamming F&F for this, just pointing out), more and more cars...crappy cars at that wanted to look good. And as those cars looked better people wanted to see more of that kind of thing. Then stuff like street fury is born, and we are then stereotyped as Sexist, gangster outlaws, which the majority of us are not. But oh well, we are gonna have to always deal with it. It is kinda like the exhausts laws... Cops wont pull over a Harley for bursting your eardrums, but an Import with a muffler that puts out a mild rumble gets a ticket like that.
                Thanks to shows like that we will always be stereotyped. Sucks.


                • #9
                  u guys have to remember , to business what they see in movies and what they see on the what thier over all impression of something is. Look at FnF, yes there was that sterotype of the thug life azn honda owners, because there where those that where that sterotype. Lets face it we have been sterotyped, its going to take alot of effort to prove alot of ppl wrong about us. Even than I doubt it will ever change, the best is to just roll with the punches. Sad to say but true.


                  • #10
                    Yeah, it is sad, very sad.

