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Somebody is wrong...

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  • Somebody is wrong...

    Alright there is this girl in my American Government class at school, and she is from Japan(she isn't hot, so doubt ask). I was asking her some questions about the JDM life and then I asked her about the touge. She had NO clue what I was talking about, I even wrote it down. What is up with that, anyone have a clue as to why she wouldn't know such a simple word... it isnt a slang word is it?

  • #2
    there are several dialects of japanese, so depending upon where in japan she is from, she may not recognize it. even when i was taking jap language class i had to explain to my teacher what i meant by it, and then she understood and called it something else, but i dont remember what hope that helps


    • #3
      maybe she couldn't understand you or read your writing or maybe u just freaked her out..come-on now u just can't ask some girl that just came to study in the state "how the touge back home?" she'll be like "wtf whats he's this problem and why is he consistly ask bout 'toe-*Censored**Censored**Censored*' what is he writing now" for real tho she might not even care bout that stuff next time ask her where in Japan is she from and what kinda cars or famous roads are around there...two years back in high school some j-girl came class and i ask where in japan she lives...she said yokohama and turns out her pops owns a small tune shop fixing hachiroku's and silvia's....(she was hot tho... )


      • #4
        Dude, I didn't interrogate her. I just asked her some differences between the US and Japan. I clearly spelled it out, and she even said the word(touge?, no ive never heard it) and I told her what it meant, and she didnt know the word. Im sure silverghost is right and where she is from they call it something else, but she just didnt say what.

