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How to: Legal Drift Locations???

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  • How to: Legal Drift Locations???

    I wasn't sure if I should post this in the general drift forum or the event forum so I posted it here... anyway...

    How do people go about finding LEGAL places to drift? The closest legal place to drift for me is over an hour away (english town) and it's only open for drifting 1ce a week in the summer...i think...

    I see lots of videos of people drifting in huge parking lots with cones to outline the tracks. There are lots of big parking lots around here that would be great for drifting, but what would I do; find the owner and ask them if I can drive irratically around their parking lot late at night or on weekends when no one is there?

    Maybe I can work out some sort of business deal with the owner of a large lot... any ideas?

  • #2
    Apply for a non-profti organization licence with you and some of your buddies and local drifters, Also get ahold of churches in your area and tell them that you want to do a drifting demo for the kids at the church ( youth groups, sunday school etc) then when you approach a potential lot owner you can tell them what your intentions are and then go from there if you have the support of a church , school, etc you will be more LIKELY to find someone willing to support your need for a lot to use.

    i know about this because it is what my team and a few others we know have done in the central valley of california ( modesto, oakdale) we now have 3 places that we can drift regularly because we approached the lot owners respectfully and in a business minded manner.

    Just remember, regardless of whether they say yes or no ALWAYS be respectfull and conciderate of them and thier property.



    • #3
      Originally posted by teamINERTIA
      Apply for a non-profti organization licence
      a what? how?

