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Racing and Living, How do you do it?

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  • Racing and Living, How do you do it?

    As of recently I am faced with a very hard question. How does one make a living and still have time to race on a regular basis?

    I have been racing since I was 15 and it is my biggest passion. Although, Once I started college I set it on the back burner so I could focus on my education and be able to afford it (as well as build me a car). My plan was, once I graduated from college I would take all my extra time and money and put it towards racing. But now that I am knee deep in my career I just dont know how it will be possible. Money is tight and the only time I get to do anything besides work is on the weekend. So... How can I do both? And how do all of you do it?

    Any advice would be appreciated. And if you wanna just tell your strory go ahead.

    Also, I would REALLY like some pros to chime in if you read this!!!


  • #2
    Hello there,sometimes things can be real difficult,the ideal situation is to be able to possibly transform your passion for racing into some type of profitable business.In the begining it will be all of your own $$$$$,until you get to the point that either you have aquired the skill(driving and/or business/networking) to then aquire real sponsorship(budget) and I aint talkin about parst or discounts but that does help,a real deal campeign needs $$$$ ,thats just the bottom line, however from just about wherever.It really takes alot of dedication to stick with it cause when things are bad there bad but when its good everybody is happy including "yourself',it also includes alot of sacrafice going without some of the extras in life in order to take what is extra and invest it in your motorsports activities,also if you are married or have a signifigant other it takes a special someone to put up with this car/motorsports life,and to support you in all your endevors and to offer encouragement.Ask me how I know,hope this helps,I dont want this to come off as the grim report but its the real deal ,you know,PEACE GO-RILLA STYLE C ya this coming TUES maybe?


    • #3
      Whats up MASTA! Yeah its a tuff life! Luckly I have a few companies willing to help me with my racing but i can only hope that will be enuff. Now the key is getting out there and getting as much track time as possible.

      Another thought that came to me which would help (not just me) is forming a team or "partnership" with other drifters.(its been done but not enuff in the states) I find that when ppl have your back you can get a whole lot more done whether it be preping the car for a race or telling you what your doing wrong. I know one of my biggest problems is not having enuff time to get my car ready for an event. But short of you and Brainfood I havent met too many other SERIOUS drifters.

      Right now I have too many non-drifter friends so I gotta get a new crowd going. *Censored**Censored**Censored**Censored*... Id much rather wrench on my car into the wee hours of the morning then drink beers and watch the tube like all my friends do.

      Well theres my rant for the day...

      Id like to here some other peoples input!


      • #4
        Hello ,my thoughts exactly as far as the group thing,thats exactly what I was talking about a few wks back remember.Im ready to get after it ,within my capacity,but just like you said cant really find too many others on the same page.I wish some things could go back to the good ol days,when people worked together with whatever each could bring to the game,kinda like the WU-TANG mentality,where, as a group its a powerhouse and on top of that each individual has and maintains a uniuqe identity,and represnts the group 24/7.Cause when you look back at the real history in pro racing as we know it(Penske,Ganasi,Williams,Hass)all the stalwarts in the business,they didnt do it and become legends by themselves,but remember they climbed the ladder in the 60s-70s when motorsports was veiwed in a completely different perspective.We are in a new day and age where its all about the dollar first unfortunatly even down at our levle.Just my .02,now what do we do about the situation beats the hell out of me so far,but we shall see?!!!

