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Court for Ref Ticket Tomorrow!!!

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  • Court for Ref Ticket Tomorrow!!!

    So I have my court date tomorrow to take care of my ref and "unsafe turn" tickets. Ive gotten all the extensions I can and now its time to face the music. I pleaded not guilty on the unsafe turn portion, now both will be tried at the same time.

    I highly doubt after 7 months the officer will come in to testify about the unsafe turn so that should get thrown out. But what do I do about the ref ticket? I havent gotten it reffed, Cuz i know it wont pass, and the car hasnt sold yet (actually waiting on a deposit form a potential buyer).

    Anybody have any ideas so I dont get screwed big time?

  • #2
    Well... face the music I did! (as if anybody cares, seeing as how nobody bothered giving any advice) But after all was said and done I came out with a rather good story and a little lighter in the wallet.

    So I go into court at 1:30. Low and behold the two officers who wrote me the citations almost 7 months ago were there and waiting. My name is called and I approach the bench passing the officers as they approach too. I gave them a nod saying "Good day Officer" to show I hold no animosity. I take my seat and the judge askes them to draw a diagram of the incident on the white board.

    Sitting there quietly I peer over to see the diagram pretty much expecting to SEE THE INCIDENT. Not the case! (as a preface; I took the corner going about 20mph, from turn lane into the rightlane, then excelerated to about 45 out) What I see is a diagram of a car drifting from entry to exit accross three lanes of traffic in a minuver that would require atleast a 40mph entry speed and full lock countersteer. The officers go onto explain that I recklessly flew through the corner, tires squeeling, with pedestrians in the crosswalk, COMING WITHIN SIX INCHES OF ON COMING TRAFFIC!!! At this point im thinking "Thank you for not screwing me bigtime officers!".

    Next the move on to the Referee aspect of the citation. This is what I was REALLY afraid of! They pull out the pictures they took of my engine and my exhaust/rear bumper. They explain they have training to identifiy illegal modifications. They point out my bumper sticker "I <3 Drifting" to which the judge asks "What is Drifting?". "It is an activity where people intentionally fishtail out of control, much like illegal street racing" And then they present the pictures to the Judge. Not knowing what he is looking at he hands them back to the officers asking them to cicle the iteams they beleive to be illegal. I sit there in panic as they get scribble happy all over the pictures. The judge askes them to hand the pictures to me to verify what they circled. I look through the series of 20 or so pictures and see that they had circled the K&N cone filter in EVERY picture. I let out a fat f'in sigh and hand them back to the judge. They explain there is no C.A.R.B. certification plaque on the filter. So I fess to the judge, "Yes the intake has been modified... Blah blah blah."

    After they are done I have my chance to speak. I ask the officers some questions to test the validity of their story to which they seemed to be in 50/50 agreeance. Then I tell the judge my side of the story. I tell the judge "Yes I do race, on track, I have since I was 15." I go on to emphasise my personal stance against street racing and how my girlfriend of the time would never have even allowed me to drive in such a way with her in the car. Next I explain that the sound of the blowoff valve, to the untrained ear could very possibly sound like a car screeching or chirping its tires.

    The judge asks me if im through. "Yes" I said. And so he starts with his ruling. "It seems to me that there is not enough evidence to prove you intentionally slid through the corner. Yet I do beleive you entered the corner too fast and due possibly to road conditions you momentarily lost control of your car. I find you guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. $370 fine... See the bailif." not sure what just happened I stand up and ask "And this takes care of the referee ticket as well?". "$370, see the bailif" he repeats.

    This goes to show you, Always fight your tickets, Something unexpected and good may come of it. And to those of you with Illegal mods, Well first of all NEVER POPYOUR HOOD! and second dont go to the ref cause when court time comes, unless the judge is a mechanic, he wont know what the hell he's looking at!



    • #3
      nice littel story it could have been worse. But I think it just goes to show you, you shouldnt live in Cali if you want a nice car.


      • #4
        Or bust a mad drift on the street So you selling the Porsche then and keeping the s14?


        • #5
          I dunno, Right now its either... Sell the S14 and pay off my debt, and keep the Porsche. or Keep the S14, stay pretty deep in debt and sell the Porsche.

          But I got car related A.D.D.

          My buddy selling the Hachi is going to China and I wouldnt be able to get the 86 from him till he gets back end of aug. By then the P-car will be totally up to par.

          BTW I got the Porsche running pretty well. Im thinking I might just keep it, It gets sideways easy and (even on slush-bucket bushings) is pretty easy to handle in mid-slide. Besides, how many Porsches do you see drifting. I gotta support the pride of the Motherland!!!

          Oh and THANKS for letting the cat outta the bag!


          • #6
            what kind of porsche? I was looking at a 944 turbo myself.


            • #7
              Thats exactly it! Its got great power (mine has been dynod at 265rwhp and 305 rwtq) and its got perfect 50/50 weight dist. The only forseeable downside is the short wheel base and cost of parts.

              Ill be posting a whole thread about the project with pics and plans soon.


              • #8
                parts and the regularity of maintenance equals $$$$ Ive driven them before, a good friend had one modded and I was thinkg of it for a drifter but the cost makes me scared lol. GL.

