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R.i.P. Dave aka Guitarjunkie to you rotary heads

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  • R.i.P. Dave aka Guitarjunkie to you rotary heads

    I don't know if any of you heard but a valued member of the rotary comminuty, Dave AKA Guitarjunkie28 has passed away.
    Tuesday morning in a car accident. Having a bit to much fun in his FD.
    This is truely sad news for many of us that knew Dave.

    We have fast cars that can be dangerous at all the wrong times. We need to think further ahead than just the next turn and looking cool in it. We might not make it out the other side.
    I personally don't do any hard mountain driving unless it's dark so I can see headlights coming up the road but I do to many stupid things on the street far to often. It's a wonder sometimes how I am still here.

    We just finished laying to rest a good friend of ours, Joshua Von Borstel, He passed away the night of January 14th at about midnight just 10 minutes from home. He was driving his AE86 South on the 605 and had an accident on the interchange to the 60 west. He was on the phone with his GF just minutes earlier. Nobody saw the accident and it was not discovered until daylight when someone was driving by and called it in.
    It's never easy. In less than 8 months 3 people I know have been laid to rest. Josh being one of my best buddies. I still expect to see him walk out of his house every time I am at a friends house across the street, staring at his white Turbo FC.

    We all like to have fun in our cars as we should but we never take the time to look further into the possible consequences.

    Everyone be carefull and drive safe. Especially you younger guys that think you know how to drive and are invincible. When you are doing 80mph and your car decides to take control of you, nobody knows how to drive. When you are doing 60 and some innocent person pulls out of a driveway to far without seeing you coming straight at them, it's murder. Be responsible, it's not always play time.

    Take it easy out there.
    RIP man. You will be missed.

    Donations and arrangements here:

    Details of the accident:

    Pictures of the accident:

    Fundraiser car wash for Dave

    Memorial drive

    This is some info taken from "vipers" on the site on the other victim in the other car. "
    Loma Linda Medical Center
    Care of Tamara McAdams unit #8200
    11234 Anderson St
    Loma Linda, Ca 92354
    It would be great if we could start a thread for donations towards some type of flower arrangement and card. I would be more then willing to take on the task of calling a flower shop and sending her something. I will donate the first 20 bucks from my paypal account and accept donations to
    He also posted "well, she is in ICU right now.... she is awake and coherent.... i talked to her personally.... she is doing good, going to make a full recovery..... i didnt make any advance call, i just showed up.... and everyone that was there was very thankful for the support...

    but i wont lie and not say i wasnt scared to death to walk into that room! i was expecting evil stares... but they were all very happy to see me, and happy to know that we are doing a donation thing"

    R.I.P. Dave.
    Last edited by rotaryhog; 02-01-2007, 02:30 AM.

  • #2
    wow, that is terrible news. I didn't know him, but I'm sure he was a good man.


